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Kugamo last won the day on May 14 2023

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  1. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/21083 Shepard was approved for TM by the design team!
  2. Heres the latest version of the map.
  3. It is similar to Farragus in its layout (no association) but Shepard's main loop is roughly 348 tiles (97x77), and Farragus's is quite a bit larger: 484 tiles (133x109); meaning one loop on Shepard is about 140 tiles less (70% of Farragus's in length). In regards to the segmented maints, on Shepard there are some similar to Farragus, but the majority have multiple entrances and exits. Also unlike Farragus there are "deep maints" that run between modules (notably on the right, and upper sides of the station). In general Travel Times will still be longer than the box-like maps, but should be shorter than on Farragus, and the maints are a split between those found on the box-like and the ones on Farragus. I've added more direction signs than we had on the testmerge last summer, they'll be at every bridge and in the center of most departments. Still working on EVA in the blank area in the center of the station WIP :0)
  4. This is my proposal for the revival of the Shepard Station project. @Design Team (I am not sure who to ping, I'd appreciate some help in making them aware of this). I am interested in developing Shepard Station again and getting it added to the game, but I have read mixed opinions on the matter of adding another map to the game from some people and wish for a clear answer on whether or not the design team thinks itd be good for the game. We had a few days of tests on this map a while back now, and it had its challenges but I think the majority of the playerbase thought it was fun and an interesting map to play on. The map has been updated to the latest version of our codebase, and has already been through a meticulous review process, and as a result is basically in a merge ready state. Of the 4 maps currently in rotation 3 are of extremely similar layout, a central box hallway with spurs off it that house all the different departments. The design of Shepard Station was done in careful consideration of the current game's needs, but also with a unique take on game balance which informed its design. My case study was the Cyberiad, which is about 1/3 maints. Originally, 7 years ago or so, the Cyberiad was less than 1/4 maints and with them all being more isolated. Over the years on the Cyberiad the maints have gotten more bloated and more connected, which I feel like is a worse outcome for the game. So antags need maints, as a place to loose people following you, as well as a place far from too many eyes to get up to mischief. Larger and more interconnected maints only serve to increase foot traffic in these areas due to them being more of a destination and a shortcut. This has eroded the efficacy of the maints as a gameplay element, as well as segregated the antags from the rest of the players due to the uncanny effectiveness of the maints. On Shepard I returned to a 1/4 maints ratio, and along with the rest of the station made them a whole lot more separated. This is probably the most contentious design element of shepard, so I took the time to explain my reasoning above. My intent with the design was to balance the smaller and less connected maints with longer travel times (as well as retractable space bridges, which I never got to implementing but would act as a further aide to antags [Can implement if needed]). I understand its a radical step, but I felt good taking it as I believe there isn't alot of difference in playstyles between the maps. And I think maps supporting a different playstyle would enliven the game greatly. The maints are still connected, and you can make a grand circuit from engineering's lobby through science, and service to cargo. Theres a larger maint surrounding medbay and SouthWest Dorms too on the opposite side of the station as the aforementioned grand circuit. And lastly a diagonal cut from service to engineering's lobby through the center. Also there being many more seperate smaller areas of a similar volume to that of the cyberiad means each has a less chance of being searched or traveled through making each do their job better. Anyone worrying about the travel times; I'd argue they are only an ever-present issue for sec, and I've taken the liberty of increasing the segway count to 4 as well as adding a shortcut for them through the command module. For the long travel times of late arrival scientists I've since added another hallway going directly east from engineering for this explicit purpose (but it lead to EVA, and dead ends in science for all other roles) It's a larger map by a bout another 1/6 of the cyberiad's in turf count alone, but I think with paradise's pop its warranted (we might have to consider limiting it from being played on low pops). It also demands a different playstyle out of antags and sec, assigned patrols of areas probably being encouraged, as well as a more high stake field for antags, and the time to perform them in. Last but I think not a small point is that Shepard has more windows, its too easy to forget you're in space on other maps I feel, and with them you'll encounter it more often :P. 4 tile wide main hallway!! Thanks for reading through all of this for those that did. I am excited about the new maptick-threading that we've gotten from the byond devs, and wouldn't be proposing readding shepard otherwise. I think with the new addition of the maints above the station, and the hallway to science from engi the map might play alot better. LMK what you all think, design team especially. EDIT: I also removed all the lattices and nearby-station-areas from around the station, hopefully to drastically cut down on lighting costs.
  5. I much prefer the old new sprites rather than the latest version. Especially the reinforced walls, the extra stripes on top read really badly imho. Also the square pattern of dots on the latest version of the floors make it look like fabric, and is more distracting visually than the more oblique initial version. If it were up to me I'd stick with the unaltered initial versions.
  6. I like the idea of the planted shroom being the central node and only lesser shrooms spread from it and are dependant on it to exist. Then I think if they are in too high concentration having "spores" be something emitted from them as a nerf also, they could force walk and coughing from anyone who is not using internals. Beyond that their light output could be nerfed to be similar to a PDA light if slowdown isnt good enough alone.
  7. I like this idea, the constable role’s hud could maybe set monitor and otherwise be read only. I think having a continuous presence of sec in each department would be neat too. If plaid well they could help sec with info, and act as a mediating force for lesser incidents. I dont think they should have their own comms channel though imho, but it might better facilitate not bumrushing vamp callouts in maint. I would love to see this put in game.
  8. I made more arts. How Plasmamen be, Kewe, and how a vox can use consoles being so SHORT.
  9. This is a very useful guide, beating all the lavaland monsters is a challenge I hope to conquer one day. Thanks for writing this.
  10. The real plasmaman meta
  11. Well you dont have to be a sec officer to buckle someone to a seat or bed, but I agree it would be more deadly in emergency situations. But when aren't emergency situations deadly? It would cause medical to work differently of course, maybe they would need more cots etc. All in all though I would like to think it would add more to the game than it would take away.
  12. One thing that could be done that could increase immersion and cooperation with medical staff is this: make it so that when treating standing patients theres a big wait time for any medical action preformed, thus for timely heals you have to lie down or be laid down. The idea is that this will give more value to medical players, and add some immersion to the medbay gameplay. The only real thing that differentiates medbay players and non medbay players in terms of healing is access to the meds. (not mentioning surgery and sleeper running) Maybe we can get some use out of those cot things that are always thrown to the wayside. It could force patients to be accepted into medbay in a more organized manner, so that they arent shunned for being doctor ignoring heal-stealers. TLDR: Add time to all medical actions for standing patients, no time to all medical actions for lying down patients. Let me know what you all think.
  13. This is what I have made so far, but I want to do more character portraits. We will see. Kewe is an IG character of mine, and the green shirt was a baldie who was very wholesome man who just wanted to get his poor mousie help, ignore the other one.
  14. You won't catch me arguing with the server owner over whats what, but I just thought it should be known what was found. All the same, I made the changes to the map and removed the HOP for the Vault and Upload. Let me know if there are any other discrepancies. IAA *cough* *cough* that one I feel is also contentious, but who knows.
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