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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by Trololiver112

  1. I'll blame the timing on this one... 12...
  2. *cough *cough I think what Dovidas tried to say was 8. And i will have to come with another early 9
  3. No! I made the thread therfore i make the rules. Admins are not mentors, they are admins, I counting six!
  4. Yeah, no this is not gonna happen... They are to many of them, and something tells me they have been wanting to say nope to one of these for quite some time now.
  5. For the first time i pray for the admins to start posting as well! We must band together against these yellow named criminals
  6. I don’t know, i just kinda found it funny. This is kinda just a joke so I don’t expect people posting on this thread
  7. Poly is basically cargos pet at this point. Just stuff em into disposals at roundstart loving the art as well by the way. Would love to see more.
  8. Depends if he set us on that number or if he took 8 minus that number. still, one again i guess
  9. +9293858281939948481848858582848482848828583858385838583848385838582949294594929439394958588292948482848284828843885848483885838584828488593949398294.2858291949583819495738292058647577738294959294838883474728284882883999399949848848884884888588828891994948199392848828482849294929949294727472747277482949295 That makes one by the way
  10. All this four what? admins crushing our dreams of reaching 20 every time. Oh yeah, TheSardele has been banned
  11. Snek gang snek gang
  12. I remember seeing the CC officers at bridge and later left for the pods. The next thing i noticed was the ais announcement and i guess we all kinda saw that one comming aye? very good editing also!
  13. well, im done with this thread four today... The Sardele is getting banned tomorow
  14. If an admin answers after me i will personally ban you with the ban hammer i stole. anyways 15? I can smell 20. Chop chop lets get this done in quick succession!
  15. 10 10 away from 20 two digits nice
  16. Problem i am having here is that none of them are using a beret.. they’re all fake probably
  17. 11 *cough lets so the rest silent people, dont want to wake up the sleeping admins
  18. Amazing!
  19. Quick! We reached double digits! G E T T H A T T W E N T Y Imagine forgetting to write ten..
  20. FIVE more, then ten more! that is the road to twenty people, our goal i supose.
  21. Just imagine how easy i gave everyone swirlies this shift. 10/10 live the design.
  22. You probably shouldn’t say that. Before you know it the admins come and give you a high five. anyhow, six! also Xpro, we could reach 20 if you admins would just not stop us for once
  23. That’s a good ONE. now please leave us alone admins. What did we ever do to you?
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