Daniel Me
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Everything posted by Daniel Me
My vote is yes. Reason: I am pro almost anything that focus on role-playing, especially when finding interesting and creative ways. Even though I agree with Mkenner that it's good for the players having shorter and more action filled rounds, I believe this could be solved in numerous other ways. Blob-lines: I really like the idea about a form of game-mechanik that forces the blob to be carefull making singe (meta) lines. That sounds really cool. :!: NB: Currently don't mind blob rounds, as it makes me feel both usefull helping out, and angry when others do stupid thing with the welding tank. :lol:
Thanks. That's probably a usefull tip. I never focused too much on robust thoughness, and traitoring... Well, I am more a friendly kinda guy - for now. Mabye in the future. Me will probably never be (volentarily) traitor though. Yeah, that really IS strange. Seems yer not much of a criminal then - a good sign. Or, yer just smart about it. Still feel Me and Buck has connected on some level as friends, though.
Here is some feedback on yer "Know yer enemy, 2" thread. :arrow: As a security officer, I like to have some clear pointers and guidelines about how to handle and relate to syndicate agents, revolutionaries, cultists, wizards, a malfunctioning AI, changelings, vampires, borers and other antags/critters. This list yer made here Neca, helps a lot. Good to know that there is a "list" of cults that are deemed dangerous, I'll look for those in the future. I like the "propaganda" view from the Company on Syndicate/revs/'lings. Its good to know that some contraband are "typical" terrorist equipment. Perhaps yer could add "All changelings have already killed someone on station to assume their identity", so everyone know they are murderers by defaul? (Unless they are brought to the station as research subjects - see 'Event' thread) I do like that yer encouraging to actually "chop their heads off and brun their bodies", but can they be given to RnD alive, or just dead? The whole body, or just the head? Its also good to know that wizards are hostile unless a diplomatic relation are to be made. I've always asked em for autographs on a normal round, as I saw the wizards guild to be quite popular - now I know better. The information about the vampires was what I enjoyed the most. The guidelines are nice, as it sort of allows vampires to work for the Company if processed correctly. And I also like their syndicate affiliation. Mabye yer could add "blob" and "xenos" on the list? Are their presence known in the galaxy, or are they something completely new? What is NTs recommend actions, on station, if they are spotted?
Pepperspray = Countered by Masks and Helmets Only
Daniel Me replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
They are basicly starting to gradually remove instant stun effect, if I understand correctly. Facts - It's getting harder for security: Stun baton now does damage as a taser. So repeated use must be applied to "down" criminal scum. They heal back quick though. :oops: To cuff, yer need to grab the criminal scum, upgrade the grab, change hands, and use a pair of cuffs on them. Now... "drop" yer grip on them and pull them to the brig. Fj45: Just step "into" the doorway, arm and throw the flashbang, step out, close door if the criminal scum tries to flee out your doorway. Note: I want a "Fire in the Hole!" hail-message on the mask! :idea: -
Pepperspray = Countered by Masks and Helmets Only
Daniel Me replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
Security HUDsunglasses protect against flashes. The bang though, you'd need them earmuffs. -
Pepperspray = Countered by Masks and Helmets Only
Daniel Me replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
I like the idea of making pepperspray usefull. :!: Yes, I agree. Yes, if peppersprays become usefull, security WILL fill em with pepperspray. A reskinned extinguisher with perrerspray would be preferable. 8-) I don't know about the batons though, I don't like the idea of hurting folks unessecary... :cry: -
Thanks all of ye. Seems like being a successfull officer just became a "tad" harder with the new mechaniks for cuffing and stun, so I'll try to adapt and keep it up. If possible, I'll start a newsfeed, "Law & Justice", where I put out people I've arrested, write their crimes and add pictures. :idea:
Head was not a vital hit-location! :lol:
His behavior, accent, hair, cyberlegs, skill-set: It's all very thought through and has its reason for being that way. Try talking to him without any headgear, and you'll also figure out one of his biggest weaknesses (you probably need to give him an order to do that, though). NB: You should have met Me when he got braindamage that somehow would not be cured (bug I believe). :lol:
Yes! That! :!: Sounds great! Out with shitcurity, inn with goodcurity! 8-) I'd also like a section with weapon license and such that can be revoked. :idea:
It would be great if the timers used at brig showed who the name of last user who activated it. I hate asking again and again on the security channel who gave Mr. X an exuberant amount of time, bucklecuffed em to the bed and did not bother with doing a proper search. Mabye even add a comment field. :evil: Having a name would kinda make whoever sets the timer, so more easy detect who is breaking procedures, or just have not read space law. :!:
Well, while I had incarcerated the changeling that was under "investigation", at least two other changelings were destroyed. Yes, a pretty bussy shift that one. When I see anything that even remotely looks like virus, I pick my extended oxygen flask from my webbings and use internal without fail. Why do you think Me is balding? Viiirruuuuzzzz!
Oh yeah, yer that fantastic german security character - I love it! Was great working one shift with ya, with the changeling and all. To bad it escaped. So sorry yer to find yer dead at the chapel, but at least I brought yer corpse aboard the shuttle. Hope yer got yerself cloned at SentCom, sir! Looking forward working future shift with yer! Stay safe!
And make it possible for those with balding hair do do a combover!!
I second that! :!:
I recommend 3.5 for yer guys. :!: Pathfinder might seem better (as it is newer and actually has a slightly better system), it is actually a lot easier to spiral off into a power-gaming dungeon-hack than 3.5 - unless that's exactly what yer looking for! :lol: NB: Also, Regens, if yer wanna roleplay with folks locally, I recommend looking up game communities like Ares (Blindern), SKSF (Skedsmokorsets Spillforening), Hyperion or PM me for a group.
[Transmission Start: Security Officer Daniel Me] Hello thar, Cadet G'nugg, welcome to the "force". I hope yer open for improving yer security procedures and conflict handling. Security departement is a bussy and tough job at the station, but we are a necessity for keeping the crew and civilians aboard safe. It's also a high-risk job that can lead to a LOT of paperwork if yer not doing things proper. But stay vigilant, use yer brain and lip before the baton, and yer should be fine. Yer also welcome to join me on my beat patroll, and I'll teach yer what I know. [Transmission End]
Hey B.U.P., I've seen yer around, a lot lately, checkin up the crimes of incarceration. :? When performing an incarceration, I update their Status (None, Arrest, Incarcerated, Realeased etc.) and usually add their infraction(s) in the comment field. I always inform the Warden and HoS over the security channel what I am bringing them in for, and hand them over to the Warden if possible. More often than not, I've noticed that the Warden don't update their criminal records, and you walking around with yer laptop yerself. Du you have any tip to a Security Officer like myself, what I can do better, and how to make sure procedures are performed satisfactory? Am I doing something wrong? I wanna do the best job possible as an officer. :?: NB: Thanks for clearing up the difference between Grand Theft and Contraband yesterday.
Welcome to the spacestation. I love that you are trying to dispel shitcurity, its my own goal as well, hard as it may be. 8-) I wish yer good luck, and hope to see ya soon! Tip: User yer lip before the baton. :idea:
[sECURITY CLEARANCE] [|||||| Station Time, Tuesday, |||||||||||||||||| 2558] [NCS Cyberiad Security Archives] [Report from Security Officer, Daniel Me] Today we got a call over the radio of blood near the mining shuttle. I decided to check it out. With the approval from the current HoS and HoP, I got my access extended with shaft mining access. After checking both the outpost and the docking port for the miners, I conclude that the miners just had not followed proper procedures, causing depressurization, damaging themselves. I talked to the Quartermaster about the matter. Next, I found a dead civilian at the disposals office, top of his head cut off. I called the detective, who scanned the body. A mining-bot claimed that the civilian had been made into a bot... Robotics should know that dumping bodies into disposals is not proper way to handle corpses. This is clearly breach of §116. Hopefully the detective will determine which roboticist is guilty through interview. As the detective and me were scanning and interviewing the mining-bot called [REDACTED], I noticed a tresspasser in the cargo main office. I quickly told him to leave the immediately, and not interfering with the investigation. He was dressed up in an owl-costume, and answered me with silence. On further inspection, the unknown person was wielding an Uthani-spear, and seemed to be one of those vigilate types I've heard rumors about. "The Owl" did not cooperate, but as he was holding a dangerous weapon, I took no chances. I quickly lobbed a flashbang into the room (note that The Owl was alone in the Cargo Office at this point), and closed the door from the Cargo Disposal Office as he charged me. Finding the lawbreaker prone on the ground afterwards, The Owl was quickly apprehended. After a full body and bag search, I confiscated an Uthani Spear (handed to HoP for immediate return), a flasher and a PDA (w/messages of possible collaberation with the Clown). "The Owl" was unmasked, and was actually a civilian named [REDACTED]. He was charged with §215, 106, 102 and 101 for a total of 17 minutes brig time. Note that I had to remove a broken light bulb from him during a power surge, and offered him illumination my leaving my flashlight outside his cell - he seemed fearless and just shrugged. I recommend that these vigilante types be unmasked and their identity broadcasted over radio or newscaster if caught breaking Space Law, if populaity keep increasing at this pace. We really don't need more crasy maniacs running around on the station. [Report End] Persona Data, Vigilante No.2558-01-66: Alias: "The Owl" Name: [REDACTED] Description: Owl costume, monocle, satchel (fanny-pack). Criminal Record: §215, 106, 102, 101. Incarcerated By: Security Officer, Daniel Me. Items Confiscated: PDA w/suspicious messages with Clown, flasher, uthani spear. Threat Level: Low.
Totally agree with Nano. I like that yer updating the original post as you goe. Also, note that a usable stun-prod can not be used with a regular capacitor. Also, ya could add that ya need to use a screwdriver on it to remove the capacitor for re-charge or replace with a backup or more powerfull capacitor. No idea if the potato- or slimecapacitor works though. And is that yellow capacitor a... fired capacitor?! If security notice yer vigilante actions, we will most likely NOT have intent on harm. Ya may be pacified on-sight do... expect a "shocking" fast arrest if we suspect yer using illegal weaponry... :!:
[Transmission Start from Security Officer, Daniel Me] Was great doing rounds with yer around cargo/engineering the other day. I'll be looking forward doing more patrolling with ya, bot-man! [Transmission End]
[Announcement from Security Officer Daniel Me]First of all, security are at the station for a reason. The station don't need unlawful vigilantes (who don't know proper procedures for arrest or space law) who wield (improvised) weapons and armor without a permit. So any form of vigilantism are to be discuraged. Remember, if a "citizen arrest" is generally not accepted or legal, and could lead to being charged for a §102, 106, 205, 215. Also, yer not supposed to risk yer own health by interfering with a violent criminal, that can be dangerous to ye as well! If the criminal successfully owerpower ye, they can steal yer gear, using them with bad intent. Be smart and safe, stay away and call proper security! [Announcement end] When being discreet, I've learned to actually just get a pair of black shoes from the dorms. But I've figured that its discuraging to criminals to hear the patrolling set of jackboots running around, and might also let staff and civilian know that there might be an officer nearby. 8-) Cool post. I'd actually love it if we could get small profile clips of successfull infamous vigilantes in the future. Mabye the librarian or reporter will running around trying to get some pictures or film-clips. :idea:
Was good working some shifts with ya. Looking forward to be working more with ya.
So, I was working as a security officer (cadet acutally, as Me is learning Goodcurity at the moment), and suddenly all limbs explodes off because of a virus. All the brig is in chaos, the new Head of Security dies - virus is one of the most deadly I'we seen. Earlier the clown were given a lethal injection because some shitcurity though he was a wizard. Anyway, here's the story: Me wakes up in a large room of some sort. There is one other person with him. They are both almost naked. Me does not remember what happened, but remeber getting training in security. First Me is relieved to be alive, but soon starts getting agitating, hammering on the glass and demanding whoever is experimenting on him to show themself. :?: The next thing Me remembers is being in a room with blastdoors all around. The same naked man as before is inn here with him. A camera is observing them. Me starts shaking his fists agains the camera, informing the observer that he is not for their amusemet... but little does Me know what is in store for him and the naked man. :oops: Blastdoors on one side opens, racks of armor, helmet, stun baton and lightsabers lie prepared. They both equip themselves, and Me asks the cameras what the hell is happening... Then, suddenly the blastdoors on the other side opens, and a wide arena forms. There is two other people in same equipment as on the racks, and behind a glass wall stands a man i beret and longcoat, telling them to kill each other. Me is not robus... Me is a doctor, actually a surgeon... why is he even here!? A bloody fight ends, Me stands with tears in his eyes over the two dead "enemies". With a bloody harmbaton (first time for Me) and a bloody lightsaber in his other. He hurt bad. He had tried to not kill the others, and rather attack the man in beret, but to no avail. There were blood everywhere. Bones moving inside his chest... he had killed both men, with the help of his fallen teammate... But it was not over yet. :? Me gets teleported back to the locker room, with the armor and weapon racks. Some sort of nanobots sure are fixing Me up fast, because his body does not hurt anymore. His naked firend gets teleported back, alive - oh thank god! Then another wall of blastdoors opens, and racks of new armor, helmet, laser-rifles and power-axes lie ready. Me angrily yells at the camera, grabs the new gear, and soon the blastwalls to the arena opens - again! A bloody fight, his buddy did not make it this time either. The two "enemies" is killed by Me's harmbaton, lightsaber and laser-rifle... he have killed... so many... he swore an oath never to do such. Me is destroyed... feels like a nightmare... then he stares with angry eyes at the man behind the protective glass. The man in longcoat ready his pistol, opens the door and start shooting Me. It's time this ends... :cry: Swiftly (pure luck actually), Me dodges the headshot by a hair, swings his baton and lets it go toward the gunslinger. Nat 20 (crit hit) in the chest, leaves the man shaking in shockin-disbelief (pun intenden). Full of rage and hate, Me drags his injured body over to the man and starts cutting the man with his lightsaber! YER MADE ME DO THIS! YER BASTERD! *angyrface* :evil: The man smiles from the ground. In this place, he is like god. With a quick notion and a wave with his hand, Me explodes in a big pile of goo, leaving his gear and the green lightsaber on the grounds. The man rise up from the ground, brushes dust and blood from his coat and laughs. His name is Selen Quinn (might be female, but seemed very masculine), and he laughs, and this is just a regular day at NSS Cyberaid... :shock: