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About oofmaster212

  • Birthday 08/30/2003

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  1. Hi, I thought this would be a great event to teach new players hands-on to play SS13; you can have different modules throughout the station to teach science, engineering and especially surgery. Also, to introduce new players to the server and give them the confidence to do tasks in a friendly environment. I know when I was starting ss13, I was treated as an annoyance or even yelled at when I was trying to learn new jobs and activities, especially surgery. I think a lot of entry-level docs had the same experience, and I believe this is significantly even more useful for people with learning disabilities, who may need very hands-on learning and the repeating of instructions that may not be available on a regular round. I know myself who has a learning disability, also stress; just instructions from a mentor help do not help, especially when setting up the engine or chemistry, coupled with the things happening around me, caused me to not play roles such as head of departments, running/ setting up the engine and being a member of sec and trying to learn how to use key bindings. If this is too hard to implement i understand, but i thought it would be a good idea to work on so this community can evolve and suit everyone's needs because i believe this community is awesome and everyone deserves to experience it.
  2. That's awesome dude, I just didn't want Xenos to disappear entirely, what's happening with changelings if you don't mind me asking
  3. ( I put this in here because this topic seems very debatable) I miss Xenos, I know they are overpowered or unbalanced, but with some balancing ......... they could work. You guys did your rework of vamps, cults and other stuff but left out XENOS. The one event I think a lot of people liked not because you wanted to win but because it was actually scary when facing, some of my best and most favourite moments when playing SS13 is not cult nor vamps but, facing a horde of Xenos while knowing you are going to die. Finally, SPIDERS ARE NOT LIKE XENOS, I heard a lot of people saying this and no, I see the similarities, but no, Xenos is way more ( in my opinion) more immersive in the sci-fi environment in which ss13 is situated. I am not asking that you reintroduce it as a round starting event ( which I think a lot of people had a problem with) but add it as an event or make facehuggers randomly spawn in space or on lavaland. If this is already an event that happens, then it does not happen often because I have never seen it. I would love to hear your guys' opinions on this :)
  4. I love sci-fi games and I'm looking to expand my collection
  5. *Sad Demoman Noises*
  6. Idea: add bombing objectives to traitors, such as bomb the HOPs office or the brig. It could even be retaliatory if a traitor gets caught, such as bombing Perma because a traitor failed their objective. Why: I found that there are barely any bombing objectives for being a traitor besides dying a glorious death; I thought this could make becoming a traitor a little more fun for people who aren't robust yet and want a little traitor fun. Thanks for reading my idea :)
  7. Hi, QuirkySquid, and welcome to Paradise; I hope you have fun on this server; the staff is lovely and always willing to help. Sorry for not welcoming you sooner; I hope to see you in space, my character is named Hudson Elrod, you might've seen me die a bunch of times or fail at simple engie tasks, but again I'm still learning. Have an awesome day and have fun on this server!
  8. Hi Quinn, it's nice to meet you; I'm happing things are turning around for you; Paradise has changed a lot since you last played, and the same for me. After I got banned from the server for doing something stupid for a little bit, that's a long time ago, back in 2019, and I'm a little more mature now. I'm going to college next year, and I'm already feeling a little overwhelmed with the stuff and have barely enough time to play ss13. I hope to see you in space, my character's name is Hudson Elrod, and I have no idea how to do robotics; maybe you can teach me :) Best Regards; oofmaster212
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