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zoom526 last won the day on May 28 2024

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About zoom526

  • Birthday 05/07/1998

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Basically all I'm asking for is some way for maybe helmets (perhaps?) to be able to have a menson or HUD modification. The tankiness benefit was great nerfed long ago.
  2. It's rather annoying seeing as how one of my favorite jobs is Xenoarche (Even though it was recently removed for some time.) but, I cannot play it as my favorite species, Kidan. Well, I guess I could, but I'd be at a major disadvantage. I know there are supposed to be draw backs to each race, but its a bit disappointing to be able to see Hardsuit modifications for other species, (not that kidan need them) but, perhaps some sort of way for Kidan to be able to have such tech? Playing as a Security officer when brig sets up those motion flashes is a nightmare, flashed constantly because of their inability to wear any sort of eye protection. I just personally see the not being able to wear glasses at all as a MAJOR drawback. But hey, I guess that's what they get for being born with such huge eye balls.
  3. Wow, I can't believe I saw this until now. Simply amazing Civilization lore you wrote there! I support this!
  4. Best Kida of 2009
  5. Name: Rakk Murak Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Kidan Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Janitor Surgeon Geneticist Scientist Bartender Biography: A 42 year old Kida is a sight to behold. They normally do not live so long, but Rakk is still kicking! Rakk has a speech impediment, like majority of Kida. He refers to himself in the third person while speaking common, as well as his miss pronouncement of "S" to "ZZ". He often speaks Chitin only when angry. Qualifications: A good cleaner! A good Doctor! And, an all round good crew member! (Unless pissed.) Employment Records: Hired recently. Security Records: N/A Medical Records: N/A Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Brown. Yellow Eyes. The perfect, Token Kida. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Rakk has a insatiable hunger for Nymphs. Rakk has single-handedly killed 2 botanists over just one Nymphy snack!
  6. An excellent question! If there isn't we ought to make one, because it makes total sense. Also it would be cool to see the RP effects get transferred mechanically. As well as the caffeine poisoning. Which reminds me, are they aware of the caffeine danger? When I play as Rakk, I make sure not to drink any thing with Caffeine in it. I always try to get a flask from the Bar and drink Gin all shift, since they can't get drunk.
  7. I thought of something too. You know how Kida can get a high from Inaprovaline? At least, RP wise? How about there is a street term that the drug goes by, that is used by the Kida?
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