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About Emiglia

  • Birthday 02/18/1999

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Not sure if you guys know any of my character since I change all the time, but I list my favorites here: Doctor(Blue slime/Grey called Doctor) N.E.K.O (Ipc with anthenas that look like cat ears, not too active.) Yur Uruk. ( A white haired human and one of my oldest characters, kind of abandoned right now.) Emiglia Albioli. (Black haired human most of time and one of my favorite names to use.) (You probably saw him as a Grey too.) Esmak Enemkettek. (Silver tajaran, you probably saw him as a chaplain.) *Insert captain/Head name here*.Jr (My clown with daddy/mommy issues, you probably meet him once. I always change his first name but the .Jr never changes.) Sam Linchoviak (A weird Vulp that likes to hide in maints and scare people, his fur is purple or black.)
  2. Not sure about you guys, but I think that the server's gateway needs more a maps. Maybe a jurassic world? Frozen map? Changeling map? Clown planet map? Nar'sie cult map?
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