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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Right on the core of the issue there, indeed the problem lies simply on amount of experience and telling other to play on other server might be detrimental in the regeneration of active playerbase for any server, though frankly it was just a method i used in order to not screw up when i get a job on paradise station. As you pointed out already, the guidelines and taking other jobs as to promote sense of being responsible is already seem enough and my suggestion is a very unpopular one as there's already solution far more reasonable than mine like playing cargo for few rounds rather than going few rounds in other servers.
  2. This is a very unpopular solution/suggestion from me, but personally whenever i wanted to try out new jobs I'm not familiar with i go to a small pop server that have similiar jobs to the one in the main server i played at just to learn from it, the benefit from small pop server since they have low amount of players they all kinda agreed anonymously to not acting harshly to other without reason, removing one of stress factor coming from in this case security job, furthermore there's less cases of problem to dealt with and generally everyone are kinda on the same side to not mess up the station too quickly, lastly on the antagonist since small pops mean small security number sometime even just 1, new player who are starting out security roles might be able to learn the pressure a lot of the jobs with simple objective in mind, to catch that antagonist without worrying about lack of coordination cause again, Low pops. So what I'm saying is, ask them if they ever had experience as security on other server, if yes taught the basic of space law in here, if not well good luck and suggest them to either read or try it out on other server first <- (very dumb idea) That's all what my retarded mind wanted to say
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