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About Fruerlund

  • Birthday 03/01/1996

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  1. The only good vulp is a dead vulp.
  2. Yeh. Auto rifle does not seem powerfull enough to deserve the title rifle in my opinion..
  3. (Please ignore the code issues on the pictures they will/are already solved) The Idea. My end goal is to add a new method of punishment which securiy officers can use when dealing with criminals who may have comitted a minor crime and thus not really worth dragging them to the brig for 5 minutes. As well as adding a new tool that can be used for roleplay purposes between perpetrator and offficer. Often as a security officer when the tide is high or there's just so much going on that it is not effecient for you or the perpetrator that you drag their ass to the gulag. This project is a tool which will allow users to punish these criminals without brigging them? How By giving them a fine. How does it work? The tool itself is a handheld ticketing platform which can be carried in your pocket or in your backpack. Opon activation security officers can either choose to issue a new ticket or view existing ones. In order to prevent the good old fashioned stun, cuff and drag security officers will need to interact with the suspect as they have to swipe the suspects ID in order to load their details into the device. Security Officers can then select the violation from a pre-existing list which will display the reason, description of the article violated and the ticket amount. Officers will after selecting the reason be prompted to input an amount between a maximum amount and a minimum amount allowing for some variation in the ticket itself. After everything is filled out, they can then hit "Issue Ticket" which will print a ticket at the mobile ticketing platform. Deduct money from the registered account and transfer it to the station account(will be changed to securiy department account) and also add the ticket to the list of issued tickets. This list can be viewed on the terminal itself or by hitting the "Browse" Issued Tickets on the security record computer. So let me hear your toughts and ideas. Is this something that should be aborted? Or should I continue working on it? Do you have any ideas features to add to it etc. Questions I need answered. First of all there are still a few things I would like to discuss. Should there be a refund option on the security record computer? Is this worth it? What should the fine amounts be?(currently you can only ticket for minor crimes) Should it be able to deduct money from people who doesn't have any? New sprite?
  4. Yes without a doubt this is going to be a nerf to traitors however remember that security will also recieve a nerf at the same time. I think if this is to be added there are a few things I'd like to propose that would solve some of the problems already mentioned. That is: Have rollerbeds move faster. Allow empty crates to be moved faster, and full crates slower. Same for lockers. Add a type of crate mover. (e.g. engi cart) Most importantly, I would like to see that people who are standing up(not resting) will be dragged faster than people who are resting/incapitated. This will be very interesting to see how it will affect antags and security especially.
  5. This is actually a very interesting idea. I would love to see this implemented with a weight system. Perhaps if we took the existing size/weight category that determines if stuff fits in bags.
  6. Introduction: In an effort to allow for more management of the station resources amd for opening up for the possibility of increasing power usage / generation aswell as introducing new strategic methods for traitors to use in completing their goals, I would like to gain some oponions and suggestion before beginning on this project. The project is an inspiration and idea from Twinmold that he is using on his new station which I feel we should expand onto our station design. And would not be too difficult. The suggestion: The project is to add small power control rooms about 6 tiles in total in each of the major departments. Science, Security, Medbay, Enngineering and bridge. (for now) Power from the engine and solars will feed into the main loop around the station. This loop would also run into the more public areas such as dorms, tool storage, arrivals and all public areas in general. The current wiring in the departments mentioned above will be isolated and directed into the power control room. Control rooms will contain an SMES/APC which will have 1 wire (or 2) connecting from the main power wire. This will make it possible to shut off power to that department or control the flow of power. Access to these rooms will be restricted and they will be placed along maintanence allowing for sneaky sneaky traitor buisness. Building the project: At the moment there are two ways to achieve this project. First of all the map edits have to be done no matter what, making space and adding these control rooms. Secondly, restricting power access to departments based on the current wire layout is the matter of editing a few tiles here and there and then rewiring it to the control rooms. This method would be quite undifficult. However it can also be done by completely remowing all wires, running a new wire loop around the station. This will allow us to either choose to have it run along hallways or perhaps maintanence. In the end rewiring everything, which will take longer. Suggestions and toughts please. Should we merge some more public areas to run on the same power lines. Eg. Botany, kitchen and bar. Or what will work and what will not?
  7. With the recent atmospherics improvement and if they are added this could be nice. Either a new sprite as a whole or just a resprite of the janitorial cart.
  8. Looking very good, can we pin this thread so it doesnt get drowned?
  9. The sprites are very awesome but I still feel that they are too bright and should be colored darker to fit our other energy guns. They would make an awesome addition to Sol Gov troops.
  10. The point of this suggestion is to implement more job titles. This will be a tool for players to come up with new characters and to allow for more diversity in our typical shifts. This could be anything from Civilians being able to designate themselves as actors, musicians or clerks. Or an Engineer whose job title is Exterior Engineer (or something) like that, whose job will be to conduct space repairs etc. But while still being a standard Engineer, which is the point. This is only going to serve as a tool for people to decide on how they wanna use this, do they wanna pretend they don’t know anything about wiring or do they not. Up to them. Now the major focus of this suggestion are the civilians and assistants because they are the ones who would benefit the most from being able to modify their job title. As we will not run into them refusing to chase the criminal, because they set their title to Corrections officer. And while this is very easy tool is just a small attempt to aid our situation. CIVS: Clerk Artist Musician Actor Dorms Remap(Closed PR reopen it) Courier/Delivery boy Teacher Activities Director Stripper Wrestler/Boxer Comedian/Entertainer Head of service Entertainer Builder Contractor Designer Fashion Designer MISC: Barista Bouncer Journalist/freelancer Regional Director Priest/nun There are still room for more suggestions and any comments to narrow down the field, aswell as what their default loadout should consist off
  11. I know that many of these has been suggested numerous times in the survey and I myself have been been thinking of ways to introduce them to our code. I can see two ways. We either introduce them as whole new jobs and make them an option in the main job panel. Here we only list the ones that are most important, such as some form of aid to the Warden. This could be a dispatcher as suggested who I think should function as a radio man, and have access to all radio channels par, command. OR introduce a new radio channel / modify an existing one to be called Emergency channel with its own color and prefix such as :9. Now this would add a problem such as wouldnt it just be used as a normal radio channel. Well add a space law article(same as if you dial 911 IRL) or think of the man yelling wolf. Now we could also add a third ranking officer who ranks below Warden and HoS and functions as a warden/corrections officer but without access to the armory. The 2nd way would be to add the option to change your job title (in which civilians should have the option too, to aid in RPing different roles) to other than security officer, this is easy but doesn't stop overpopulating the same role. Both ways make it possible to alter the starting gear/loudout as far as I know(eg. Coroner) so that wont be an issue. In the future we can look at spriting a few different uniforms/barets.
  12. While I do not believe we should opt out lf the delisting mechanism as of right now, I agree that it is not a sustainable solution for the long term. Our playerbase is growing and growing which and as we are one lf the largest server our base is not going to shrink anytime soon. (and summer has not started yet) In my opinion there are two major focus areas where we should start dedicating our resources so we can get back to working on nice new features ASAP. 1. Map rotation. I am not sure what the state of this mechanism is at currently, however it is ignorant of us to ignore the fact that our map is not suitable for so many players. We should focus on finishing meta station, add a rotation system based on cur. players and then we can add more maps to the rotation later(either some that is created by us or future ports of other station codebases. That should be our major goal, even if it should be the result of a minor feature freeze(yes I said that) 2. while number one is a bigger goal for now(and our most important one) lets get the job PRs merged and come up with even more alternative job titles for RP purposes. This goal is simple and doesnt require a lot of explanation.
  13. Perhaps if you sprite these down they could be added to the map?
  14. If you're looking for ideas. Centcomm / Solgov could use more sprites. perhaps Solgov Pilot Solgov Engineer Centcomm security etc. etc. oh and a nice ert military uniform
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