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Everything posted by Jguytriple5

  1. i'll be mostly playing as Jim Van Dijck, in medical, science, cargo and security.
  2. oh! welcome, i didn't see you there. Sit down, i'm gonna tell you the story of what happends when 3/5 nukeops are first time nukeops. Let's get this story going. We all spawned and instantly our director began screaming for glasses because he was kind of blind without them. I (operative #3) took a PAI and got TESHI as personality. After fiddling with the telecrystal machines for about seven minutes we decided to go to the station. TESHI suggested going to arrivals solars, because noone is ever there. So upon arrival there i went to arrivals solars to find an engineer wiring them, TESHI immediatly screamd "Shoot him!" so i shot him dead. turned out, he had warned the station and he was teleported and cloned. within that time i planted an energy sink, when i looked around i saw none of my operative friends. Turned out, they went to armory to make sure the security force didn't have any weapons or something. their objective wasn't really clear to me and TESHI. At this moment the shuttle was called because of nuke ops sightings (Read: other nuke ops failing at breaching the brig). At this moment i tried to reload seeing i didn't bring any ammo. So i ran to the point the pinpointer told me to, pulled out my shotgun and saw that the door to the teleporter was just opened by the Blueshield officer. I shotgunned him and ran inside. In there i saw the captain and the HoP, i shot the captain first knowing he would have the disk. After that i shot the HoP. TENSHI Screamed "pick up his gun!" but it was too late, the captain got up and picked up the HoP's gun. He and the blueshield officer started shooting at me, after that i didn't live very long. They gibbed me within seconds. Now Ghosting i went to see what my other operatives were up to. I saw them shooting people inside the armory, then planting a C4. The C4 exploded, and it exploded big. bigger than they ever expected, so big it blew up 3 of the other operatives. leaving only one, who got swarmed by officers. So in the end we never managed to blow up the station, and we all died. So kids, the moral of this story you ask me? ALWAYS LISTENT TO YOUR PAI. The word intelligence is litteraly in the name. if our operatives would have followed TENSHI's lead we would have succeeded. Now, go to sleep the bedtime story is over. No happy endings, no princesses. just blood, gore and the feeling of failure. sleep tight! ~ Jim Van Dijck (Nuke Operative #3) (EDIT) ~nuke operative #1 (i think)
  3. yeah svej, when i found out you could make coins i just HAD to make this guide
  4. warning, this is kind of a joke but still a good way to do it. for real guides visit other guides step 1: Get your spacesuit and mine gold step 2: go to the way too complicated smelter and just click gold to smelting. and the smelter on processing. step 3: put your newly aquired gold bar on the right side of the coin press. step 4: make a sh*t-ton of gold coins step 5: walk around with your moneybag like a boss around the station and flip dem coins. step 6: hide your moneybag step 7: get demoted for not doing your job correctly step 8: go back to the moneybag to get some coins step 9: buy sigarettes at the bar with your coins and give everyone sigarettes step 10: go back to the moneybag to see it is stolen step 11: tell the detective your moneybag is stolen step 12: hear the detective rant about the fact that he has better things to do than finding moneybags step 13: hire your local syndicate operative to find the moneybag step 14: get killed by the syndicate because you know he is a traitor step 15: cry in deathchat and or OOC
  5. Hey walter, remember that round that you were a fugitive and i was the QM and hid you. That was fun. --Jim van Dijck
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