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Streaky Haddock

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Streaky Haddock last won the day on February 4 2018

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About Streaky Haddock

  • Birthday 05/19/1993

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Streaky Haddock's Achievements

Head of Security

Head of Security (24/37)



  1. I would really like it if there were different flavours of alerts that could give different departments increased/decreased power as a result. Like black alert giving executive power over to engineering in the same way red alert does to security. Or something.
  2. make the clown shoes slip HARDER because THAT shit is funny
  3. Admins can't even free up civilian slots manually. It's such a headache to have someone ahelp "why are there no jobs available" since they're a low hour account and the remaining jobs are all time locked or whitelisted.
  4. i guess, at 21, his fate was sealed
  5. wholesome lads
  6. I should mention that the mechanic is meant to be making pods for the crew. The fact there is mining equipment for pods doesn't mean that the mechanic is meant to do mining. That said though, allowing the mechanic to create mining equipment from metal and glass seems fair, as i can't imagine it'd outperform a ripley or a KA too much.
  7. I'd rather that the chef and bartender shared the same fridge
  8. oh look, it's clint eastwood and fallout boy
  9. I just. Want. The station. To be CLEAN.
  10. It's almost like space pods were never finished or something.
  11. True, sorry. Wording of these things is important.
  12. Corporate declares what is most expensive in order from 1 to 3, because the server rules follow the law priority interpretation. You are to minimise expenses. Damage to you is most expensive, damage to the station is second most expensive with crew being least expensive. You are expected to follow the laws in good faith and not be a dick. If you have to make a choice between saving the Captain or yourself, save yourself. Unless there are other factors to consider. For example, if there are thousands of smaller expenses, such as a dozen crewmen dying compared to one bigger expense, such as smashing a window or breaking a department; it may be worth considering saving the crew.
  13. Tea is just. The sweetest fucking thing.
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