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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. It has no effect anymore, no. I used to think it prevented virus transmission but Bone's new system uses something else.
  2. I want to use the NEwscaster to post in the Public Station Announcements, Tau Ceti Daily and Gibson Gazette channels. Nobody will look at them because of news spam. Half of them have 'bug a coder' responses, the rest are the same stuff we've always seen.
  3. Nations is gone, but the flags should still be kicking around, right? It'd be nice to be able to decorate our departments with our pride in our work, not just our race.
  4. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE, FOR ALTERATIONS TO SPACE LAW CHECK HERE I was going to do SOP after Space Law, but the two are so intertwined that it's hard to make changes to one without having an impact on the other. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Standard_Operating_Procedure http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Legal_Standard_Operating_Procedure These aren't Space Law, but you can still get demoted/fired for not following these. Some of these have been ported, unedited from Bay and are rules which the unimplanted can get brigged for, and the implanted can get jobbanned for. They are rules for how you should do your job, and how you should do them properly. SOP should be broad enough to allow antags to operate but still prevent blatant shittery. This is also the place to discuss the role of paperwork in certain jobs.
  5. If you find them, post them here. SOP and Space Law shouldn't be scattered across the wiki. They must all be consolidated into one place.
  6. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Gui ... cs#Cyborgs Apparantly you can be arrested for murder if you borg someone with paperwork, a fact I was not aware of. This is not a part of Space Law, but people are being put in Perma for it. I'm not condemning or condoning it; but I am mentioning it here so people can discuss its addition to Space Law/S.O.P proper, or its removal from Robotics Guide.
  7. the Bartender already provides coffee, why would you take business away from him ;_;
  8. The Ambulance is shit. It moves at run speed, runs out of charge, doesn't prevent against slipping and you can't use it in low grav. It hurts mobility (you can't move backwards) and it's very easy to get trapped. Trolleys are very easily dislodged by passers-by and are very fiddly to reattach (one of the most common questions I get are 'how to reattach tray???' and in fact the only upside it seems to provide is shielding from bullets, which I have to say is completely useless for a Paramedic unless you're going into combat situations but Paramedics never go into combat situations unless they want to grab someone who just collapsed, in which case speed and maneuverability are the watchwords which the ambulance straight-up doesn't have. Fox suggested in my last thread that the Ambulance be replaced with a kind of jani/engicart-like tray that can hold medical items as well as bodies (living and dead) which would be awesome. Either that, or make the Ambulance sanic-fast speeds again, like it used to be before it was nerfed.
  9. Voodoo's recent 4e thread made me think about ROLEPLAY. More specifically, the cool stories and anecdotes that come from roleplay. No restriction on system or setting (a statement I will probably regret) because I want to hear all the stories. All of them. Particularly Voodoo's 4e stories when he starts roleplaying. They don't have to be amazing grand adventures, I just really like hearing and talking about this kinda stuff.
  10. I'm pretty sure the advanced cleaner has double the uses of a regular mop.
  12. When you lose a leg, you also lose your shoes. This makes you walk reasonably slowly. Walking with a cane should restore normal running speed to people who had shoes and two legs. I don't know if you can do this for just one-legged people without making two-legged people with shoes fast as hell, though.
  13. worth noting that the mop can fit into the janicart. This is common knowledge, but your guide doesn't mention it.
  14. this all sounds like a lot of effort for something everybody hates and is purely a killing role that is done better by roles that have entire game modes centered around them
  15. I wasn't aware ANY job roles were weighted more toward being assassination objectives.
  16. fffffffffffffffffuck player carp. Player spiders i'm kind of okay with.
  17. It never was, no. IPCs get colours at the moment by clicking 'random body' which changes the 'hair' colour which affects the colour of the IPC head. You can't choose the exact shade or hue, you just keep clicking 'randomise body' until you get a colour you can kinda live with.
  18. it's missing one thing lord-king bup the great
  19. no, i'm working on the code we have now, i'm going to try and make it as useful as possible without requiring any additional code addons or anything like that. The idea of having Prison in the center is out, since noone likes it but I am determined to make the Prison more integrated... somehow. I am toying with the idea of doing away with the Prison entirely, and having some sort of vague undefined system which requires Prisoners be visited and moved around more regularly. Having spoken on IRC as well, input from more experienced mappers suggest stripping the brig down to its core essentials. Getting rid of the evidence room, prisoner transfer, etc entirely since they're not used. Perhaps the Detective will be in charge of managing all the evidence.
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