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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. now you know what it's like to be an admin
  2. I feel that code of conduct stuff should be enforced in SOP rather than Space Law.
  3. I'm reluctant to use that one since it is actually useful. Perhaps change it to emphasise it's the misuse of common radio? I dont particularly want anything to rely on Security's corrupt nature in reference to the tripping down the stairs and breaking their radio thing.
  4. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT ALTERATIONS TO SPACE LAW. FOR STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE CHECK HERE Changes so far - 109 Insulting an Officer has been removed. Main Space Law wiki page: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Space_Law Suggestions from the "New SOP?" thread in General Discussion: TG Space Law with modifications to Sentencing (Several Suggestions) Revision of Demotions as a standard punishment. Because to demote someone is unwieldy and difficult and sometimes the poor bugger doesn't deserve it (Hairy Voodoo Shaman) This is the Up to Date Wiki Page: This is the duplicate wiki page that the ingame Space Law books link to that I would like to delete, however it has clauses and commentaries on the use of Loyalty implants etc that is worth looking into for addition or rejection from the main wiki page. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Space_law
  5. I completely agree with making them identifiable as rogue (they can HIDE if they want to be stealthy) and they should absolutely be resyncable.
  6. tbh our corgi system has been due for an overhaul for a while now.
  7. last I checked his notes, Felix was facing a permaban if he continued being utter shit.
  8. Adrkiller59 must add 10 insanity points to his character sheet. He must now roll willpower to avoid gaining a mental disability.
  9. he should just nip at their ankles to be a nuisance, no actual damage. Or maybe the tip of their tail.
  10. well part of my motivation for changing the brig is to make the Prison less of a 'toss and forget' kinda place. How would you suggest it?
  11. oh god it occurs to me this shouldnt be in the suggestion forum i shouldn't have started mapping at 11pm
  12. So I've tried my hand at mapping. It's not a full map, it's more of a sketch I did in dream maker. This is supposed to be more of an overhaul of security because A) I dislike how you put people in Prison and forget about them forever and B) I wanted to move the evidence room closer and C) I want to add a demotion room. I've moved the Prison into the center of the brig so anybody passing by will interact with Prisoners more. The Prison will be pretty much just heavily reinforced and electrified glass walls almost all around. The Prison is already extremely hard to escape from because it's behind several layers of doors and all windows lead to space. This swaps the threat of space for constant observation. Grey Tide events will also make it easier for Prisoners to escape since they'll be closer to the door. The Warden will have overwatch of the entire lobby area and be able to let people in or out. We already have this room in our map, but instead of a glass booth the Warden gets to look over it. I've added a visitation room to allow Prisoners to speak with their defence without causing a security risk but also simultaneously providing collaborators with a way to break their comrade out of jail. Prison Blocks A, B and C will remain chiefly unchanged with the exception that Prison Block C won't be the 'shit block' where inmates are essentially isolated. All three blocks will be along the Fore Corridor area (with the possibility of C bordering maint). There are also two interrogation rooms (interrogation observation to follow). I've toyed with the idea of making a 'hard' interrogation room for prisoners and a 'soft' interrogation room for witnesses and victims. HoS office will remain mostly unchanged however it will directly overlook the entirety of the locker room to allow him to watch officers at spawn get dressed (the fucking creep) as well as see when people enter and leave the brig. There's stuff I haven't added in. Evidence Room, Detective's Office, Shuttle Hangar etc but this is only supposed to be a sketch. Scale and walls will be changed, and the entire place won't be added to space. Any items you see were added in by me to help me keep track of what areas are supposed to be. Important to note, I have no mapping experience whatsoever so I'm going to do shitty, strange and weird things and then maybe get bored and move on. At any rate, I'd like to see what people think about the layout before i start adding on any flesh to the bones of my blueprint.
  13. it's not, i now have a reputation for being a filthy dirty erper which is COMPLETELY UNDESERVED I HAVE SPENT MONTHS CULTIVATING MY CHASTE ASEXUAL REPUTATION AND NOW IT'S ALL RUINED
  14. OUR GUYS yes all five of them. One of which is on holiday in the dark ages, another of which is working on the fax machine panel, another is working on porting more major and the other two are dabblers who are primarily admins. I'd love to see laptops being worked upon, but they're low on the priority list at the moment. If you want to see work done on them, come up with some ideas instead of saying "hey guys we should work on this more". It's a sentiment I can appreciate, but it's not a useful one.
  15. I think you should be able to understand racial languages, but not be able to speak them.
  16. Because it was coded by someone from another community, whose code we stole.
  17. tbh the coffee system has been in dire need of an overhaul for some time now
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