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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. not to mention, almost every gamemode is operating on the assumption that a head exists. Xeno, Blob, Rev, Mutiny, Wizard... then after we implement this 'whitelist' power creep will set in because 'why not give the HoS [X] he's supposed to be responsible due to whitelist' or psuedo-heads will emerge like the Warden who will become defacto HoS anyway because 'there's never a HoS on' and job changes will seldom occur because there's no HoP.
  2. Absolutely not. No head is worse than a sub-par or middling head. The atrocious heads can be dealt with.
  3. In a rare fit of productivity, I filled in more of the Magistrate wiki page. A lot of it is up for discussion, so please read through it. I also edited the Blob page to stop blobs meta-beeing for the grav gen. I've also pruned the removed jobs from the job page (Ambassadors, Nt Recruiter and Customs Officer) but their actual articles still exist.
  4. what about people who use custom colours for UIs?
  5. 18-7 majority for delist at weekends compared to list all the time. Nobody apparantly wants to delist permanantly or list at weekends.
  6. The blob's resources are instead of a cooldown. If you want it to stop spawning blobs, target its resource nodes.
  7. haven't worked on magistrate or any of the CoC stuff i've mentioned earlier due to laziness. I have changed the Blob article now, to prevent blob meta.
  8. Give bodies a cooldown, or give blobs a decent time to latch onto a body. It's miserable to kill the same zombie again and again and again in a doorway to see a pile of blobs just queuing up behind waiting to latch on again as soon as you kill it.
  9. I can't even see the gun anymore, it only looks like a xeno. I have no idea how I made such a massive mistake.
  10. this should probably be in general or wiki discussion, I feel.
  11. fluff-wise the gaps would be at the sides, where the adjustable straps typically are.
  12. This might be a bit too much snowflake code and spriting for one feature but whatever When Body-armour is worn and someone becomes fat, the wearer adjusts the straps on the body armour to fit. However, because the armour's straps have been loosened considerably, there are great big gaps in the armour's protection resulting in 50% less protection against brute damage. This means fat people still have a place to keep their taser, but still get less protection from their armour as a result of their gluttony.
  14. yes dinosaurs are warm blooded proto-birds now instead of cold blooded giant reptiles. I'm not being sarcastic this is the widely accepted theory amongst scientists. That said though, i'm still partial to the reptilian image.
  15. Eh. I think Flagbearer's is better. It's iconography is larger and advertises the brig doc more as a doctor than an officer. That sprite can be easily mistaken for the red laser tag vest unless you squint real hard.
  16. Greys are no longer weak to water, but no long immune to sulphuric acid. No idea what state their telepathy is in. Their punches do normal damage (which was never much of a nerf anyway) however they take 30% extra brute damage. Pretty sure it's 30%
  17. The Engineering Outpost has its own issues, but it's open and spacious compared to the research outpost, and it's often used by non-antags which isn't the same for the Research Outpost.
  18. is this a subtle ploy for your e-cig, johann?
  19. Place Civilian rechargers around the station. Can't load guns, but can charge laptops. Can be hacked by engineers or whomever to take guns, but will have a shock wire, and it's obvious to see when it's been modified.
  20. I'd say about 60% of server pop is regulars. We open the server during weekends to the public to get people interested in our community. Close it over the weekends to increase the quality of our community's population by culling the shit and educating the redeemable. We totally have the community for this.
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