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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. and that's it Can't hold tasers, doesn't have pockets, doesn't have armour. Not a suitable substitute for a security hardsuit or secuity armour
  2. I like it. For those dirty metagamers (such as myself) we'll know one is good and one is bad but part of the fun is identifying who is what and which is which.
  3. You know the byond server listings? We can change it so we appear on there, or don't. Meaning that only people who have paradise bookmarked/linked to them/have it in 'last played' can join.
  4. List during the week, delist at the weekends.
  5. Name: Alice Peirson II, Collin Bastille Commendation: Medal of Loyalty (Alice), Medal of Bravery (Collin), Upgrade to Superior Synthetic Life (Both) Reason: Their deeds have often gone unrecorded, and though I have no specific account or tale to pinpoint I have seen these two risk their lives for the corporation over and over in exceptional circumstances. Alice's dedication to Nanotrasen in combat and logistics is rivalled only by her irrational, excessive hatred of the Medical Profession. She can be found shielding Command as a Blueshield without picking favourites, commanding the station as Captain or liasing with Nanotrasen as a Representative during both calm and dire times. I have never known her to be subverted by the Syndicate, Wizard's Federation or Cult of Nar'Sie Collin is a personal friend of mine, and unlike the rest of these gun toting buttglobs and half-brained gumshoes; has a sense of tactical knowledge and the kind of gumption and wits to make both a successful Officer, Leader and Investigator. A long-standing Detective in Nanotrasen's security department, and occasional Head of Security, it has been my pleasure to fight alongside him as an Officer, serve under him as... as an Officer and aid him in investigations as a Coroner... and an Officer. His heroism has gone unrecorded, but it shouldn't go unrewarded. I feel that both would benefit from an eternity to sharpen and hone their skills. I would urge The Company to make a concerted effort to upgrade Collin and Alice to the superior existence of being that being an Independant Positronic Chassis would convey. Actions leading to Commendation: Long-standing and exemptional service. Recommending Person: BUP, Best Captain, Best Doctor, Best Engineer, Best Scientist, Best Botanist, Best Janitor, Best Cook, Hero of the Cyberiad, beloved by all. I, King BUP of the Cyberiad, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply.
  6. That'd be a reasonable temporary fix.
  7. More alt titles for Civilians. May come with an outfit but isn't enforced or owned by anybody. I'm aware not everybody will do these jobs, and there will be trust issues for those who would, but it's just some flavour and gives newbies some direction. Clerk - Spawns with all pens, folders. Can go up to any department/person and offer to do their paperwork for them. Postman/Delivery Boy - Picks things up and Ferries them from place to place. Transient - Comes in Cloaks and Mantles and generally shabby looking gear. Space Hobo, basically. Artist - Spawns with multicoloured cables, crayons, camera. Maybe an instrument. Engineering/Medical/Science Student - Comes wearing filthy hipster scarves on their uniforms. Generally to signal to a particular department that you want to learn before taking on actual responsibility.
  8. The Best part is, if I'd made you a real boy, you'd have died instantly from having veins with no blood.
  10. honestly I feel mechanic should be removed until someone's willing to work on it more.
  11. Actually,the Mechanic's job is to create, modify and repair space pods.
  12. This is a janitor alt-title Map changes: None Starts with Nitrile Gloves instead of Black gloves. Has a fancy baggy blue jumpsuit, sterile mask, evidence bags, camera and police tape. Still would belong to the HoP, still be a Janitor but would be a nice emphasis for 'I am not going to make you cry, Detective'. Maybe a neat little evidence/trash cart for the Janitor to use. ID locked by himself and security. The regular Janitor could have this cart, too. Camera would be to preserve the scene before you start mopping it up.
  13. I kinda want it too, but ss13 is kind abased around having blocky, 1980s style computers. Like Aliens. I think if you want an idea for the aesthetic style of spacemen, take a look at movies and games from the 80s.
  14. I like it because it simulates the hum of the ship's engine. Honestly, I think we need far, faaaar more ambient sounds in general. Some can be swapped out for new ones if necessary, some have grown tiresome. I wouldn't say i'm too attached to the actual sound, necessarily. If an adequate non-headache inducing sound can be found to replace it, i'd support it.
  15. yes, but what other madhouse promotes it's staff from the patients?
  16. I'd like to revive this suggestion, please. I imagine it's supposed to be like an all-carry thing for the team, as opposed to one guy's thing. If someone carries it around everywhere people are free to pinch things from it as they please. I think that's enough of a balance (as well as it possibly blowing into you and hurting you in space wind) to justify being able to hang all sorts of tools from it, more than just the toolboxes. As it is it just looks... extremely bare. Also, spawn an emergency toolbox next to the engicart please.
  17. I definitely feel that the pAI needs more utility and accessibility. They should definitely remain secondary roles. I feel the need to pre-emptively state this. I simply would like the pAI to become a much more mechanically useful and attractive assistant to people beyond the wisdom and companionship of a little thing in your pocket. However, we need a coder genuinely interested in such a project to voice their interest. I often see the same ideas suggested over and over again over a variety of communities (at least, the ones that have pAIs) but it won't matter unless someone's interested in actually delving into the code buggy, weird little item/mob things.
  18. The ability to speak, pick up and drop items at will and move over tables would be nice. It would also be nice if you didn't automatically snatch things and roost in consoles but I'm aware that's a result of simple-mob coding. I suspect that making Poly more useful would require converting her into a more complex mob. That said, ear-perching can't be too hard. Also, Parrot should be a viable pAI sprite.
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