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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. To punish the organics for their reverence of the flesh.
  2. I would play Poly if I could perch on the CE's shoulder.
  3. Hm. Well, I always try to respond to faxes and here are my many quibbles with the system: Faxes do not stand out fantastically from common radio, as it is written in green text, its stand-out features are the (PM SM JMP RPLY) links next to it. If you miss a fax (which is entirely possible given an admin, observing or playing, will have speech, text, attack logs, msay, asay, dsay and ooc enabled to keep an eye on things) then the only thing you can do is scroll up. Faxes aren't archived anywhere. I thought that there was a fax machine at central that all the faxes were sent to, but I was wrong. You miss a fax, its gone for good. Some people, myself included, freeze if we click on the SS13 chatbox. When it comes to adminhelps I use the player-panel-new, jump-to-mob/key verbs and admin-pm-key/mob verbs. There is no fax verb I can use to avoid clicking on the chat history (meaning I HAVE to click the RPLY link) and 80% of the time when I do that, my client freezes and stops responding and I have to relog. Once I relog, the fax is, once again, gone forever. I made a suggestion for a Fax logging panel which should log every fax made from which office and by what ID and enable us to respond to them without having to click on the chat box. MarkVA said he'd look into it. Hopefully it's possible. If a lack of CC response is the problem, then dealing with those issues would go a long way to addressing it.
  4. Yes, I'm aware. Does IA have a shorter limit than Officer?
  5. I KNOW i've read this SOMEWHERE but I can't find it anywhere in space law.
  6. I think it depends on whether you think the implant is a physical inhibitor which allows you to think anti-nt thoughts and prevent you from acting on them, or if you think it's a mental inhibitor that makes you think NT is the greatest thing ever and space law is the rule of the universe.
  7. I love these. Makes me wanna do more doodles myself.
  8. I think the light system is adequate enough for determining that sort of thing, beoni. Thanks, though!
  9. It's no good if it only travels left and right. WE need up and down sprites too.
  10. I'd love to, but my schedule is all filled up ;-;
  11. yes because you need to be very skillful to push crates around and hit people with electric sticks.
  12. Inflatable barriers can be used to form some impromptu airlocks to keep the fire from spilling out when you open up the hazard doors to get to those bodies.
  13. That could work, but it would need to be more obvious than that, to take into account the average attention span and IQ of your Cyberiad Doctor.
  14. What I laid out wasn't a design. I'm not expecting those exact colors and that exact pattern. All I want are very easily identifiable tags to indicate the status of the body within, as well as the lights made more visible. I agree that lots of primary colors would look awful,a la your painting of the morgue, but I would still like to communicate to people via the morgue.
  15. True, I'm just trying to illustrate a concept, since I don't think I was communicating my idea very well with words.
  16. I'm led to believe that flooding CO2 doesn't do anything to the fire. In fact, the only thing cooled N2 is used for is to massively reduce the temperatures of boiling air AFTER the fire's extinguished. Having spoken to FreestylaLT i'm left with the impression that the majority of serious firefighting is done from central atmos. There's a console in the Atmos Monitoring Room that controls every single Local Air Monitor on the station. Remote Control Access is set to 'auto' by default and that remote control access is deactivated until the air reaches red alert levels. From there you can begin replacing air without even asking the AI or going to the LAM in person, and once you've done that you head to Central Atmos and try to keep the massively expanded hot air from clogging Atmos. If you have a spare Atmos Tech, you can use the cameras (you are granted access to a camera if a LAM is at amber or red alert) and they can use that, the axe and their 100% heat resistance firesuit to get to and rescue any bodies that are burning in there. You'd then use the fire extinguisher to put out the flames on the bodies (to reduce to risk of igniting a fire elsewhere) and having an expanded back-slotted fire extinguisher would be pointless and cumbersome.
  17. This is an ugly, quick concept sketch to illustrate what i am trying to say. Given from Bone, Plotron and Flagbearer's reactions: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE MORGUE TRAY LIGHTS. Whilst I do like them being more visible as shown by Flagbearer's new sprites, this is what I'm requesting. New Morgue Tray skins. Medical and Security Jobs will be able to modify these trays to reflect the legal or medical status of the corpse it holds. DO NOT CLONE (Red) will typically be reserved for shitbags and antags. Security will likely request this status so the body can be held. The lights will still function exactly the same on all of these skins. All the trays will have lights. Whereas the lights will tell you whether you CAN clone somebody or not, the tray's "skin" will tell you whether you SHOULD or not. Pending Autopsy (Yellow) would indicate to Medical and the Chaplain/Chef that a corpse should NOT be taken or disposed of because it has yet to be autopsied. Store (Green) means that the body either remains of value or interest after autopsy. Typically for people who have died and may want or be able to be cloned or revived later on. Dispose (Regular Morgue Tray sprite) indicates to the Chaplain that Medical wants the body(s) within gone. Obviously it's up to the spriter to make this shitty little concept i've drawn look aesthetically pleasing and include the appropriate semiotics to get information across quickly with just a glance.
  18. eye-burningly garish jackets. ...Yeah, I can see a noble wearing that. I like it. Not sure who on the station would wear it beyond some doomed admin event PC.
  19. I would like to add an addendum to BUP's records. After a mandatory visit to Summer Camp, BUP is now the prettiest girl around and loves to wear a mankini to show this off. He also is trained in 50+ kinds of kung fu, able to do every job perfectly, and likes to 'snuggle' with crewmembers all teh time.
  20. You can't do it to IPCs, we have no hair.
  21. With the exception of chemist-started fires, fighting gas fires with extinguishers is dangerous and inefficient. In fact, your firesuit is only useful for rescuing corpses from blazes and using a flamethrower.
  22. Barber should be able to change hair colours.
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