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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. That makes sense. It's taken me a couple of days to respond to this since I was trying to find a way to counter both points, but eh. I think you're both right. I've always felt as though the IA's were forbidden from touching heads because the NT Rep was around, but I realise that I actually have no evidence or whatever to support this. I, however, would still like to push a faxing for IA Agents arrest. Since i don't want to block them off to the public, but I definitely want to discourage IA shittery and I want to suggest putting them on tier with Officers and Heads to their standards. I want to make them more respectable as well, so people actually listen and trust them instead of viewing them as some whiny buttlord who hasn't got a grasp of space law and just wants to make their lives difficult so they can feel important.
  2. Hm. My idea was that the morgue tray itself would be recolourable with the lights an independant colour to show that someone had set it manually. Like if you saw someone in a Red Morgue Tray with a Green light, you'd know that you CAN clone the guy inside but you shouldn't. That said, if those sprites could be implemented to replace the current ones, it'd make the green lights a hell of a lot more noticable. Even without my suggestion. In addition, it'd be nice if there were other qualifiers for a green light. For example, not a slimeperson or Vox (who can't be cloned), not a suicide, etc.
  3. I remember it once being a rule that if you can photograph a xenomorph or a nuke operative in full armour + weapon, then admins could call for Gamma Alert. That isn't a rule anymore.
  4. I'm about to make a suggestion to allow people to sort of change the sprite of morgue trays at will. Sort of like air canisters. Idea being: Pending Autopsy: Morgue Tray is Orange or Yellow or some other kind of 'pending' colour. Do Not Clone: Morgue Tray is a dark red. Usually to mark executed traitors or the like. Clone When Green: Morgue Tray is Green. This is usually for Coroners who suspect that a certain body might resume brain activity later on, and don't want to get rid of the body JUST yet. Dispose of Body: Regular Morgue Tray Sprite. I would also like the red/orange/green lights on the Morgue Trays to be more prominent, and easily noticed. I would also like it to be clear when a Morgue Tray has been labelled, like with body bags. Since Morgue Trays have no label sprite at the moment. When this is done, I'll post it in the suggestions thread. Which means it may or may not get through, so if you want to sprite these things, do it cause you want to, not because I'm telling you to. I don't actually have authority over the coders
  5. That first line was a dick move. Second line was useful critique.
  6. shadey what the fuck don't space the cart
  7. This would also have to be a thing for Diona.
  8. all I want is to save dreadweaver and badapple's changeling rounds. That's all I want.
  9. Fuck no, not when all pAI's are slaved to their masters, it would be so easy to just get your pAI to set every officer to arrest, or remove your arrest status, or even purging your security records completely Obviously there would be access limits. But it's a feature everybody wants because updating records is a bugger and a pAi is the perfect assistant to do so. It's suggested time and time and time again and it's never considered and often knee-jerk responses like that are the most consideration it ever gets.
  10. pAIs should be able to edit security and medical records to have more use for doctors and officers as well as an ability to view the newscaster. You should be able to insert pAIs into laptops. They can interface with the laptop when the lids shut and use all it's features. Preferably without ending up deaf and mute in the process.
  11. Some of these sound nice, but they'll take knowledge and time to code, definitely. Regular Diona definitely shouldn't have the ability you described there, but it could make an interesting AI alt title?
  12. N-no wait. I meant i'm REALLY for it. I'm not going to actually fuck anyone!
  13. Someone trying to speak in ooc with a sentence starting with :g is automatically filtered. This is for your own good, changelings.
  14. Haven't you suggested this once before? Like months ago?
  15. It's not that I was dissatisfied with, CInited. It was deliberately walking up to sec, requesting a brainwashing implant and then helping sec kill all the lings at no risk to themselves. You all keep saying DONT TALK OVER LINGCHAT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET CAUGHT, but the fact is, I never play changeling. I'm just sick of killing all the antagonists 5 minutes into the round and then having 1 hour 55 minutes of extended. I like the idea of changelings backstabbing eachother. If they do it through genuine guile and cunning, I am totally fuckng for that shit. As you can see, I am pretty upset that there was no cunning, no guile. Just who got to security first. ALL A MOOT POINT, SINCE I TURNS OUT I CAN JOBBAN THE BUTTS WHO DO THIS.
  16. Yeah I'm not taking that from them, they need something to live for.
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