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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. but nobody will abandon their character's canon theism unless it benefits them mechanically.
  2. No because, although the Magistrate is a VIP, the Blueshield is completely separate from them.
  3. Creation of a Law Department The Law Department technically already exists. Though it's not an official department,the Magistrate and IA Agent/Lawyer/Public Defender are already completely outside of the Chain of Command and are their own self-contained capsule of unbiased judgement. I just want to make it an official department just for clarity's sake. I also want to change IA's relationship with Command, and for that, I need to discuss changing the NT Rep's relationship, too. Magistrate's Role The Magistrate I feel would remain largely unchanged. They deal with sentencing, although I think that the Magistrate's stated role to only judge only Major Crimes is impractical and seldom followed. Magistrates shouldn't interfere with minor crimes since it's not worth doing, but sentences that would otherwise exceed 20 minutes should warrant a Magistrate's attention, because 20 minutes is a sizable chunk of play-time and you'd better have got it right. The Magistrate will also remain in charge of Internal Affairs, assuring their quality and effectiveness. The Magistrate must also review all completed cases but is not to interfere with Internal Affair's work. The Magistrate is also the authority figure IA bitch to if they're ignored. Central Command should be faxed before a Magistrate is recruited from the Cyberiad populace Internal Affairs' Role Internal Affairs' role will change slightly. They will still represent crew-members in cases where Imprisonment or Execution is a likely outcome, they'll still investigate cases of incompetance/shittery and resolve disputes between crew-members peacefully. They'll still be able to request job bans to admins, and recommend terminations to command. However, I want to restore the IA's purview to Command. Before the NT Rep was implemented, they had free range over everybody with the caveat that they couldn't act/investigate unless A) they were asked to or B) the shittery was so massive and colossal that it couldn't be ignored. This will give IA the power to investigate Heads once more, although it will take this ability away from the NT Representative. In addition, Internal Affairs Agents will no longer be civilians. They will not be Officers or Command, either. They will however become Central Command Officials, lending weight to their 'Agent' title. In an attempt at Quality Control (I am determined for IA Agents not to require karma at all) Security must fax Central Command whenever a Central Command Official is arrested. Failure to take reasonable measures to inform Central will result in the termination of the HoS or Officer involved. Reason being that if an IA Agent got arrested either he or the HoS must be colossal shitbags, and somebody needs to be removed from their position. Particularly shitty displays will result in job-bans, but hey. Admins didn't need an IC reason to jobban shitty IA's or Sec beforehand. NT Rep The NT Rep's position will probably be changed the most. Instead of being a Regulatory role, they will be changed to a mostly advisory role. If you think of Internal Affairs as IC Moderators, the NT Rep will be the IC Mentors. They will accompany the Captain and the Heads around the station and give advice and recommend the best courses of action for a particular scenario. Regular Crewmembers will be able to see them to ask for advice, or to help work out disputes (where IA will sort out disputes with authority and injunctions, the NT Rep will do it quietly and with tea). The NT Rep will present crew concerns to them as Nanotrasen's Ambassador (which will be ignored) and present NT's concerns to the crew (which will not.) Heads of Staff have the authority to install the NT Rep as the Acting Head of their department until they are available to lead it again. Though the NT Rep will not be able to discipline and investigate, they do have one power available to them. The Departmental Review. The NT Rep will have the right to go into a department, talk to the staff and have full length and breadth of any department. The purpose of the review is to identify understaffing problems, friction between staff, Head competancy, resource issues and any damage to the Department. The NT Rep will then send copies of this report to the relevant parties. (Security/IA if there's danger or a threat in the department, Engineering if there's damage, Psychiatrist if someone's mental etc). If a Head is acting severely out of turn, the NT Rep must inform the Captain and Internal Affairs. If both are unable to investigate due to overwhelming workload, inability or death, the NT Rep is able to conduct their own disciplinary review. Faxing Central will be a LAST RESORT if they can't get the head demoted/removed through any other method.
  4. Support could work. The Blueshield isn't a strictly combat-orientated profession. Honestly, some days i've been tempted to don the beret and head out into the fray in a labcoat. I've also toyed with the idea of expanding the Blueshield's purview to 'Advisor' as well. Because let's be honest, the uppity lieutenant buttlord is going to give his opinions anyway, might as well make it part of his job description. "OH CAPTAIN THAT'S A BAD IDEA CAPTAIN YOU'LL IRRADIATE THE STATION CAPTAIN" pffft what do you know you jackbooted goon.
  5. Blueshield > Command *Captain - Head of Heads *Head of Personnel - De Facto Second in Command *Head of Security *Research Director *Chief Engineer *Chief Medical Officer I propose a change, that the Blueshield should be removed from the 'Security' Department (he reports to all heads, not the HoS) and add him to the 'Command' Department. Though he will not command anybody, this will make it clear to the Blueshield who his allegiances are to, any reports or commands that are addressed to Command will also apply to the Blueshield. I feel that listing Blueshield under 'Security' may give some the wrong impression. Of course, this won't stop total shitbirds who have Blueshield from acting as Sec, but it'll act as a subtle discouragement for the more aware or new Blueshields. A thought I am toying with is to give the Blueshield authority over heads under a code red situation. If this is an idea that appeals to anybody, i'll refine it with enough caveats to not be completely obnoxious to the Heads in question.
  6. Apparantly changelings can be job-banned for requesting implants. so that renders this thread moot i guess.
  7. Because having a changeling rat out all the other lings because of implants and then have their targets given to them takes all the goddamn fun out of the game.
  8. It's also worth mentioning that Greys don't treat water as acid anymore, and instead take 20% extra damage from brute.
  9. Move the bodybag box onto the table that holds the camera. Then replace the table that used to hold the bodybag box with a body scanner.
  10. no, you're an experienced player making an introduction thread so I thought it would be AMUSING.
  11. hello welcome read the rules if you haven't already, we're a very friendly community please don't grief!!!
  12. Put Body Scanners in the Examination Room (so you can examine people thoroughly) and the morgue (so I can thoroughly assess more hard to define deaths without holding up treatment and diagnosis). Allow Body Scanners to print off a patient's stats (damage specifics, organ/bone damage, blood levels etc) so I can just clip this onto Autopsy Scans instead of spending 5 minutes copying it out.
  13. Chaplains are more useful outside of cultist and vampire rounds, too. Chaplains can bless water containers (even water tanks) with their bible. Filling a fire extinguisher with holy water (I think it does, anyway) and spraying it on the floor coats it in a gold-glowing holy-water decal (well, it did this on /tg/ I don't know if it does it here). This glowing decal completely negates jaunts. This includes the wraith's jaunt but also the Wizard's Jaunt.
  14. Gamma Alert is really only unlocked during Blob or pretty drawn-out Xeno rounds. Some game-modes, cult in particular are tricky enough to balance without giving the Chaplain weapons. His null rod and bible are weapons enough against cultists. I would definitely support anything that would increase player interaction with the Chaplain though, and things that would generally increase his usefulness to encourage roleplay. Giving him an altar is a step in the right direction. One problem to overcome though, is that Chaplains often have a gimmick religion and they try to convert people whose characters already have a decided religion (Nomzy's Junko is a very good example) or staunchly atheistic (everybody else).
  15. I love the idea of the Altar being a secure locker and table and being a useful centerpoint for communication with the space gods. I hate the idea of the Chaplain being turned into a holy murderwarrior during cult and vampire rounds.
  16. why would you ever want to go into the N2O air tank anyway
  17. I'm slightly unhappy about IPCs being buffed with their health. Part of my smugness when it came to my huge resistances to rads, poisons, changeling stings etc was counterbalanced by knowing that I had to suffer shitty health. In addition, part of the humour of my constant IPC Supremacy bullshit was that though I was advanced in more ways, I still fell apart when someone brushed against me too hard. Now I can wander around in depressurised areas without even realising it's depressurised until I see humans dying around me.
  18. it's almost like you're TRYING to summon ADR with your lust, heretic
  19. That's kinda why I wanted loyalty implants to suppress their telepathy.
  20. I kinda dislike humanising all the races and making them all average in the name of balance.
  21. If the problem was science having guns, then require an ID swipe on the gun.
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