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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. I asked very nicely and Flagbearer and Johannhawk both made some very nice sprites. The sprite for the closed HoS coat by Flagbearer: The Brig Physician's Labcoat by johannhawk: and the Brig Physician's Armoured Jacket by Flagbearer: Implement these sprites, please. They're very nice, the HoS coat is ugly, the Brig Physician shouldn't have an emergency responder's jacket and should be more clearly distinct from regular doctors and shouldn't have security armour, because if they aren't physically distinct from other officers in a combat scenario we can't prosecute greyshirts for violating the Geneva Convention of 2478.
  2. The HoS Coat was merged from two seperate items, the Jensen Open Coat and the Gestapo closed coat and it really shows. Upper row is the Jensen Coat. It has golden epaulettes depicting his rank, is a decent size and fits the sprite nicely and is a nice colour. Lower row is the buttoned up gestapo coat. Besides being ugly as fuck, it has no epaulettes depicting rank, looks incredibly thick and bulky and towards the hem of the coat near the bottom you can see detail that doesn't exist on the open coat sprite. If you can't tell from my bias, I think that the closed coat sprite is fucking ugly. Although I'd accept it if someone made an open coat sprite that matched the closed coat sprite... I'd really rather someone make a new closed coat sprite that matched the much more elegant open coat sprite.
  3. Make these openable. I'm aware the Warden's armoured jacket has an armoured vest over it, but make the jacket... beneath it openable. However noticable that'd be.
  4. Being able to speak in a hivemind sounds great. However, Greys should be able to disable it just like a radio. Instead of sensing when dead, they should sense when a Grey stops recieving. Which can occur when loyalty implanted, travelling through different z-levels, death and unconsciousness.
  5. The Shuttle's airless, there's fire consuming the shuttle and the blob is outside. We told the blob not to go there, but they spawned a core outside so now some poor innocent sap has no choice but to make arrivals a living hell. So, give the admins an ability to stop people joining and go straight to observe.
  6. Having spoken with Dave, Scrat and Malkaz? (It was in Skype, so) Paradise is trying to move away from splitting jobs into micro-jobs even further (i.e IA into NT Rep) which is something I agree with, as well as that basing decisions on 90 pop rounds is a bad idea. Another thing that I can't really fault. SO. MORE HOLISTIC MEASURES TO ENCOURAGE RECORD UPDATING THEN.
  7. Give the Janitor two job slots. Two lockers. Closet need not change too much. Two Janicarts.
  8. I'd like the Paramedic to be able to make it into the engineering lobby and I'd like the Blueshield to be able to get into RnD and Robotics. Since whenever people get hurt in Engineering, people always drag them to the medkits in engineering and the RD spends all of his time in RnD or Robotics more often than not.
  9. I think the speed debuff should be removed now that hardsuits are much less common.
  10. can we have 0 ability to get infected with aliens please
  11. It's a nice idea, but I think it would be more complicated than you might imagine considering all of the swear words you'd have to code in.
  12. I agree with this. Civilians that are normally a hazard flock to this sort of thing. I would agree with an Expeditionary Team Leader, or something.
  13. honestly when I'm Paramedic and Blueshield I just ask for all access. Since I have a reputation for not being an assbleeding cuntthrasher i usually get it unless the HoP/Captain doesn't know me, or some head of department explicitly denies me their department on my ID card
  14. Give HoP a reskinned version of the Magistrate's Golden pen. And by reskinned I mean less awesome. Don't want some second-rate bureaucrat to outshine HIS HONOUR
  15. Their lack of eyewear is their downside for having huge damage resistance. This doesn't need to change, nor do they need hardsuit nerfs.
  16. Why are all your characters (bloodthirsty catbeast,trained electrician, medical doctor/mecha engineer and SERGEANT FIRST CLASS) all seventeen
  17. Shirts and Underwear don't show for IPCs, Slime People, Kidan and Vox. I don't know about the other races but I think it's a fair guess they don't. I want BUP to wear an NT shirt like a true fashion sl- patriot.
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