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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. I want in on the lawmaking.
  3. I am a Magistrate, Johann. A Man of power. With a penstroke I can condemn the greatest and lowest of lawbreakers to solitary, I can marry two souls to permanent matrimony and kill men with a word. I walk amongst brutes and psychopaths in a flowing silk dress and a curly white wig and they still fear me or respect me. I can find the truth, or rewrite it to suit my own needs. I do not wear a scarf.
  4. IPCs die the second they transform into a human, because they transform into a human with no blood.
  5. I think Plasma Men could be neat. The Mysterious Gas animating the bodies of who died and rotted in its clutches. Make them a low KP race. Make them Human except for breathing plasma and not needing to eat. They wouldn't have a unique language, but would be able to select racial languages except for Trinary and Treespeak since they're supposed to be the corpses of dead crew. Shouldn't have too much impact on gameplay, and it shouldn't be too hard to code, except maybe the languages thing. I just want to play a skeleton. CLACK CLACK CLACK.
  6. Ties are barely visible on uniforms. Doubly so if you're wearing jacket or armour around it. Does any bored spriter feel like indulging in my pet frustration of my dapperness going unrecognised? I'm not sure how to improve it, all I know is that a 1 pixel wide strip of colour isn't adequate enough.
  7. are we allowed to recommend reprimands as well as commendations? I know a couple of people who've beaten prisoners who I want STAINED FOR LIFE
  8. Runtime automatically kills mice and rats.
  9. We need to have a talk. I have your talking stick ready, Master Spark.
  10. cultists of any sort tend to end up that way sooner or later. Particularly death seeking cults. Especially those, come to think of it.
  11. the pen and paper games are great. I tried a bit of the tabletop wargame but it's far too expensive for me. The only tabletop games I can ever seen to get are from old friends on /tg/ and sigurd who invite me to their rogue trader and dark heresy games.
  12. I don't like stealing from security, I've known the bitter sting of turning up late into a round to find that ancillary brig staff have pilfered all the sec huds. call me sissy again and i'll have you done for slander, fuzzbutt.
  13. They can make the regular fit-over-your-eye sec HUDs but not the sec glasses. I should have clarified. I spend a lot of time around the cells checking to see if the Officers did their jobs, and rowdy prisoners and shitty officers both cause a lot of cell flashing, and I tend to get knocked down just by standing outside.
  14. Because being flashed by the Warden's and cell flashers sucks, I'm too proud to steal from the Sec Closets, and it's nice to be able to see if officers have been bothering to update records instantly.
  15. I lost Magistrate when I bought Pod Pilot, but Mel re-added it to me recently.
  16. by space marines are boring, do you mean ultramarines? Ultramarines are boring. Space Wolves, Salamanders, carcharodons, blood angels and iron hands are all pretty fucking interesting. Space Vikings, Cool Black guys, SPACE SHARKS, Utter Nutjobs and space marine tech priests in that order.
  17. except that wasn't what he was brigged for, Plotron
  18. Hi there and welcome back, I look forward to griefing you ingame.
  19. Because If I'm only interested in playing as a drone today, I don't want to wait 10 minutes to join as one!
  20. I support this. Kitchen department go. What ends up happening is either the Chef goes SSD or Hydro is understaffed and one ends up taking over the other anyway.
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