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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. Anybody else have any thoughts on this? Coders perhapsssssssss?
  2. I'm also certain it was a higher range one, having played on goon and /tg/ years ago.
  3. yes, devour live animals like the primitive race you are.
  4. But vox primalis are genderless. D: how is this stopping me from aggressively hitting on men
  5. This is a suggestion I've been meaning to make for ages before being reminded by the quote. I personally would LOVE to see 10 clowns in a shift but whether or not you object to such wonderful fun ideas, it'd be nice to be able to replace a job slot from someone who wasted it but didn't go SSD, or a traitor who you're keeping alive, or from someone who suffered a gibbing at the hands of a traitor/admin/misadventure. The HoP, Captain and NT Recruiter should definitely have this ability. Assign a Doctor to Engineer? Open a Doctor slot, close an Engineer slot. Virus sweeping the station, but all the Doctors are incompetant? Open up the slot for more docs. This way players will be able to use their discretion as to what would help solve a solution. Of course, there's always the risk a prankster could raise the amount of Captains in a station up to 100 but if there's not a hard-coded limit to that, then it could be punishable if not by admin intervention, then certainly space law.
  6. The droid makes a very sad sounding pinging noise when the exciting little artefact is shunted into space.
  7. although that said playing as a random named vox allowes me to aggressively flirt with men
  8. The Droid hovers forward, a somewhat quiet and unobtrusive presence until such a moment like this, where it beeped and booped with an off-putting degree of enthusiasm. It opened up the panel, and interfaced directly with the network.
  10. I like it. If the bandanas could have sprites depending on where they're placed that'd be great. Over the nose and mouth if worn in the mask slot, worn around the neck if attached to a uniform. Wrapped around the head if worn into the helmet slot. Military/Camo stuff is okay. It neither excites me nor puts me off.
  11. This can indeed be achieved with plasma and a taser.
  12. I'm not massively happy about admins banning people for making their IDs all-access because it's taking away from the things IA/Security can prosecute for. I still maintain you should give blueshields (good ones, anyway) all access all the time. The access limitations for blueshield is very tedious given the wide range of people you're supposed to protect and check in on.
  13. Maybe he's not supposed to be able to access engineering, but is supposed to have APC access? I know APC access uses Engineering.
  14. I had no medal to give the CMO for reviving me after a mutiny ;_;
  15. I was definitely kidding when I said ADD IT FOR EVERYTHING, but I really want much more leeway when it comes to paper, folders, photos, etc. It's deeply frustrating.
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