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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. Change everything paperwork related to 1024 characters then! As much as I think it's hilarious to see: Medibot (THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST) injects Dr. Strange with the syringe! it'd get tiresome after a while.
  2. Add them in as random events. I've not seen a trader round in ages so perhaps it's already been removed but I always liked the concept; yet it was always far too slow paced and focused in one area to make a whole game-mode out of. Make it happen with decent frequency, and give the buggers things worth trading for. I feel they should be allowed to play raiders if they wanna, but they must stick to the inviolate. Perfect for spicing up a slow round or two. I'll be honest, I don't like Xenos that much, but I accept that many enjoy them so it should stay. Ghosts who cannot come into the round should have the chance to spawn in as their favourite antag occasionally. Xenos as a random event used to be a thing, but seems mostly to have been replaced by spiders (unidentified lifesigns used to be spiders OR xenos) and spiders are much less fun (given that they're NPCs with minds of their own, various bugs and the chance to spawn as a spider in a huge clusterfuck of spiders in, say, toxins storage wth no way out). Aliens should occur about as often as the Ninja random event, though. IT shouldnt occur often, but it should act as a wildcard event during other game modes.
  3. The Droid hovers soundlessly behind Raven. It tilts its head down, and beeps, "Someday I'm going to know what all your codes mean!" and it glides towards the door, ignoring the hardsuits and chirping.
  4. It'd be nice if you could pick race for ERTs but I guess that would complicate things. One thing you have to consider is, without bodies where are you getting ERTs, Ninjas (random event), Aliens (also random event sometimes i think but also the gamemode) and etc from? I think that the unclonable races (Slimes, Vox and IPCs) fill a valuable niche.
  5. As a faithful beaureacrat I would like to petition nanotrasen to increase the photo/paper renaming limit. Morgue Trays and Bodybags seem to have a decent character limit (i.e I can name a morgue tray "Attention: Big Fat Nerd is sleeping inside, do not disturb" or a body bag: "tons of bodies, clone at centcomm, DO NOT OPEN YOU CUNTS") Yet it's painful to have to name papers things like: "Excutn Wrrt: H. Dnkler" or "Atpsy Rpt: H Btrsn" or "BUPs shpn lst" Why would I need to rename Autopsy Reports you ask? Well, sometimes Autopsy reports come out as: "Autopsy Report: Unknown" or "Autopsy Report: Unknown (as Makkota Atani)"
  6. but without dead people where are we getting ERT volunteers from
  7. Maybe if you put a clown mask in there somewhere. Or gib the clown.
  8. I'm pretty sure they do have shortcuts. Implemented recently mind you, but they have them. I think.
  9. Head to a request console. Sending a message to the Kitchen will broadcast over service radio: [134.5] Warden's Office > Kitchen Mimé la Murdeaux needs her daily rations in the brig Id: Gordon Geddoutaheer (Warden) Stamped with: Head of Security's stamp. Everybody in the service radio will hear it, but it shouldn't matter much. It allows people to request the Janitor over service radio to their mess of a room, stealthily request security to a room, call for engineering to a place and such!
  10. how about a chameleon gun that can change it any normal-sized item by engaging camo mode. You can then blat people with a wrench. Pewpew.
  11. oh, spaceman, spaceman, spaceman. Mortician is a recently added Doctor Alt title. Their job is the handling of autopsies (since the detective never bothers) and the handling of corpses (because they'll just pile up and up and up). Now that autopsies are being regularly performed, and there's someone who can be reliably depended upon to regularly check the morgue, vampires and changelings are having a harder time; and if your morgue light goes green, you're more likely to be noticed.
  12. Being in the Morgue, or at least inside the Morgue Trays should stop body decomposition into a skeleton.
  13. My main concerns were that Engineering becomes hazardous frequently due to fuckups and I liked the idea of the Supply officer protecting miners. I added in combat gloves for the Engineering officer so the guard wouldn't pinch insulated gloves. edit: I also added in the karma requirement because it was suppose to be a spiritual successor to the Customs officer. They'd be able to screen people exiting and leaving departments (through the front door anyway).
  14. something like 10 brute isnt it?
  15. I dunno guys, Qinetix doesn't seem too impressed. Maybe we shouldn't add these.
  16. I was enthusiastic about this idea last night, but not so much now, guess I was sleep deprived.
  17. which equipment in particular? I feel pretty adamant about supply and engineering having hardsuits. Especially engineering.
  18. The Droid joins the three, beeping chirpily its hat askew.
  19. Customs Officer is shit, we can all agree. An alternative, then. Departmental Security Officer I'm not sure how you'd pick what department you'll be. Maybe it'll be done like ambassador where you pay 10kp to be a medical officer and 30kp to be a science officer, or perhaps it'll be an alt title. Maybe you'll get a list just like the Chaplain where you will choose. Either way. Engineering Officer Spawns with combat gloves (purely for shock resistance), a Security Jumpsuit, magboots, a flash and two cuffs. They will spawn with either a combat webbing + armband combo or an armoured vest with an orange stripe across it or an engineering beret as well as a Security Engineering Headset. Their locker will hold standard security gear, as well as a Security Hardsuit. My reasoning for the combat gloves, hardsuit and magboots is to prevent the officer stealing from the very department he is meant to protect. His primary role is to protect and monitor the supermatter, singularity and atmospherics; as well as assisting the CE with demotions and accompanying Engineers to dangerous repair jobs. He is not himself an Engineer. He will be assigned to the Chief Engineer and the Head of Security. Due to the dullness of protecting a department with few people in it, as well as the toys he gets I think the Karma Limit should be high. 30-45kp to make it less likely that dumbhand mcgoober will get his hands on the role, as well as making people more cautious about losing their investment (via job-banning). Medical Officer Spawns with a security jumpsuit (although if you mod the orderly jumpsuit to have similar protection, that would be a fucking perfect fit. Orderlies tend to be the ones wrestling mental patients, moving roller beds around etc), jackboots, latex gloves and a sterile mask as well as a security jumpsuit. They will spawn with a webbing item that is essentially a combat webbing with a medical armband sprite attached, or they will have a pale blue stripe across their armour or a medical beret The Latex Gloves and Sterile mask are to reduce the chances of infection from arrivals to his checkpoint as well as a Security Medical checkpoint. His checkpoint will have a standard sec locker and a security biosuit. He will be assigned to the Chief Medical Officer and the Head of Security. Medical Officer should be a job with low karma points (10kp) since the job can already be easily picked up by any sec officer right now, and it's proved itself to be of little trouble and often times appreciated. The Medical Officer won't get much in the way of exciting toys, but the constant flow of bloodied bodies and druggies through medbay makes for an entertaining shift, which means the Officer will be less likely to fuck around out of boredom. Research Officer Spawns with a Security Jumpsuit, jackboots, a flash and two cuffs like regular officers as well as a security/research headset and a webbing armband combo/purple striped armour/research beret His checkpoint will contain regular security gear as well as a firesuit locker and a security biosuit locker. There will be an extinguisher in his office to deal with slimes. His locker will also contain a laser gun to deal with the monsters telescience produces. He will be assigned to the Research Director and Head of Security. Research Officer is a tricky one since the only toy he gets is a laser gun, but if he's useful to his department they may shower him with other goodies. I'm not decided on the karma points for this one. 30-40? He will have access to telescience, xenobio, research and the research station. I don't see why he'd need robotics or toxins access, since toxins is supposed to be unobserved mostly anyway (at least i think so) and robotics is easy to look at, and roboticists will let you in if they need you in there. Supply Officer Spawns with a Security Jumpsuit, Jackboots, a flash and two cuffs like regular officers and a webbing&armband/brown striped armour/cargo beret or cap as well as a security/supply headset. His checkpoint will contain a security hardsuit, magboots and regular security gear. He will keep an eye on cargo, as well as patrol mining to make sure nobody's preying on the miners. There's always the risk that he will go native to cargonia, but that's sometimes a risk we have to take. The Supply Officer will be assigned to the department least likely to welcome him, but also has great capacity for recieving goodies and toys himself. 30kp? He will be assigned to the Quartermaster (maybe HoP but eh) and Head of Security. Security Checkpoints The Security Officers will man checkpoints at the front of each department. They will have an x-ray machine and weapons scanners like the ones outside the brig. However, the weapons scanners are not positioned infront of the door, but instead to the side. So the searchee will have to be directed towards the scanner, and is unlikely to be caught out. They will have buttons that open and close the main doors to let in those without access. There will also be the standard security trappings. Security Console and Camera, filing cabinet, paper bin, requests console, newscaster. I don't expect this to be accepted as is, but it's a nice talking point.
  20. The Droid appeared, it had not been seen since it had rebooted the AI, having re-inserted the cell. It had been scouring the ship for the Captain, since it could not verify whether or not they were in cryostorage. In he meantime, it had been fixing up the ship where it could (rolling for it if necessary) whilst everybody went gallivanting off. "Artifacts!" It said.
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