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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. Yeah. Like a mix of a labcoat, hazard vest and armour in terms of exosuit slots.
  2. Give it pockets, and the ability to hold any engineering, security, medical or research item of appropriate size in the exosuit slot. At the moment it's a glorified waistcoat. It doesn't have to be more protective, it just has to be more useful. (at the moment it doesn't even hold the egun)
  3. you know what else is easy to miss? People dying. The GUI doesn't have icons for lightly hurt, badly hurt and critical. Only alive and dead (until you mouse over them). Details view, you can more accurately and more quickly pick out people who are actively dying.
  4. The Droid hovers even lower and using its hand, draws a crowbar from its toolbelt and angles it between the large power cell and its housing. There's a lot of wiggling of the crowbar, and some scarily force-ful looking jerks around such delicate equipment. Then there's a loud click and the cell detaches and slides out. It rotates its head towards Kenrin. "So! This your first time in a black hole?" In its head, it begins counting. 1 tesla-capacitor, 2 tesla-capacitor, 3 tesla-capacitor...
  5. The Droid returns from his Captain hunting expedition, declaring "I can't find him/her/it/alternative gender here!". It hovered up to the table's column in the center of the room/ "Yesss. This is what I LIVE for!" it beeped. One of its upper arms sprouted a screwdriver, and it began to unscrew the panels. Its hands gripped the panels to ease them down once they were fully unscrewed, and dropping each screw into a waiting hand. Once the panels were off, it peered at the holographic display. It opened a port at the side of its head which shone white light. It began to interface wirelessly with the AI. "Running diagnostics now!"
  6. The Robot swivelled its head to the empty Captain's chair at the bridge. "I will find the Captain!" it declared, and headed to the door.
  7. The Drone scoots up to the alerts console and pushes aside the chair, lowering itself to the ground instead as it plugged itself into the console directly. "Such lazy work!" It muttered to itself. "It's like noone's been taken care of it!". Its little cap, the only clothes it wore besides its belts on its hazard-yellow chassis tilted precariously on its strange little head.
  8. YES BUT THE DETAILS VIEW IS JUST BETTER! Compromise then. The Console remembers the setting it was last on.
  9. The Mark VII droid lagged behind a little, running cloths and dusters over surfaces and floors. It hovered a good 3 feet off the ground, although its actual physical height had to be around 5 feet. "It rusts! It RUSTS!" could be heard from the Bridge, signalling the Droid's approach.
  10. Industrial Droid #1 detaches from its charging bay with a whir. Its dimmed panels and lights come to life and its simulated vertebrae straighten from its previously saggy, limp pose and it moves forward from the bay. Its abdomen spins in one direction whilst its head in the other, its many arms articulating around and it gives a displeased buzz at the surroundings. "Agh!" it said and one of his arms began to spray a fine mist from a nozzle. It squirts Raven's suit and with its left hand begins to rub the Augmented Human down with a cloth. Raven's rub down was a brief but obtrusive one. Its head turned and it began to scrub, rub, spray and vacuum up the dust and detritus that had gathered during its inactivity. "This won't do at all!"
  11. The GUI view is inherently less useful than the details view. I don't want to deal with busywork every time I open it up. Three clicks to turn it to details view and resize it is three clicks too many.
  12. the GUI view is really nice. I like it, I really do. Can It just not be the 'default' view? I hardly ever use the GUI view because A) It's massive and B) I only need it if someone's coordinates alone aren't enough.
  13. Age: 2 Race: Mk. 7 Industrial Droid Racial Attributes: A walking toolkit, doesn't breathe, capable of wading through industrial runoff and being knocked about without too much damage but is not particularly heavy and hovers, so it's easier to push around than it should be. Appearance: Has a hoverpad instead of legs, abnormally slender torso and has a mush-room shaped head devoid of any human features, just lights and panels with which it can display data. It has a toolbelt around its waist, around its chest, another in an X pattern across its shoulders. ALL THE BELTS. It also wears a small blue baseball cap with 'BILLINGS ENGINEERING' emblazoned on it. Has about six arms. Skills: Everything maintenance related. It welds, it screws, it defragments broken code. Treats potential hull breaches with bomb-proof enthusiasm. Job: Engineering Officer Font Color: Beep beep
  14. Maybe if at green alert certain jobs such as janitor would have more access?
  15. I just want to see a trail of people running behind the adminbus carrying plastic bags and backpacks whilst the bus driver goes just above running speed and stares at his would-be passengers in the mirror, no remorse in his eyes.
  16. I'm mostly talking about the fact that the 1 tile thick south wall (the one prisoners are likely to dig) is all that separates the oxygenated Labor camp area from the airless asteroid
  17. It'd also be nice if prisoners wouldn't make the entire place uninhabitable by digging, which is their entire function.
  18. let me know if a spot becomes available
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