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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. because if you played IPC you would understand why my fingers are pressing into your throat from your complete lack of comprehension as to how awful your suggestions toward IPC death is.
  2. I don't know if Vampyr is still working on this, but today I suffered an EMP explosion and every single body part came off. This is a bug that Vampyr fixed a while ago, and I haven't checked to see if this happens with regular death still, but it certainly happened after my EMP death. Chest and Groin flew off, which meant my head and limbs couldnt be reattached.
  3. the engi cart should also hold body parts. Especially IPC bodyparts 8D
  4. Never played DnD. Played a bit of pathfinder which was nice, but that only lasted two weeks.
  5. maaan, this is really well thought out.
  6. Looking through Nienhaus' sprite thread for clues as to what fits inside the engi cart, I can identify the fire extinguisher, extended emergency oxygen tank, multitool, crowbar, welding tool and wrench. The Engineering cart can hold one of each toolbox, metal, glass, platsteel, flashlight and engineering tape. This is barely useful, and not to mention the engicart looks seriously bare. Is it possible to add in further functionality? The ability to store a welding mask/goggles, gas mask, oxygen tanks, rods, station bounced radio, fire extinguisher, t-ray scanner, airlock/power/electronics boards, console screens, machine parts, mesons, folders/paper, etc would be very useful and ensure that it gets used far more often. edit: also whiskey. It should be able to hold whiskey. edit x2: but seriously, it should really hold AT LEAST the extinguisher edit x3: also what are those little green things on the sprite sheets? Circuit boards? Is that grey tube thing a bunch of rods? Pipes?
  7. Weird. Well, it was a bit much to hope for I guess! Thanks for all the other fixes and add-ins!
  8. Do you mean the code still considers them as living mobs?
  9. then what would be the point, Flipping?
  10. Yesss. Also, any chance you can make the matter decompiler eat up deceased facehugger corpses (both variants), xenos larvae corpses, used up xeno eggs, limbs (not heads or robotic limbs) and broken bottles? edit: also is soap able to clean microwaves?
  11. I'm going to raise this again, now that you have to clean each decal individually, and scrubbing takes time.
  12. and you would never do that would you, David?
  13. I feel that the magistrate's office should have privacy shutters on the windows but not the airlocks.
  14. Been gone for a while, will resume work on the Magistrate's Page.
  15. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  16. the furry menace has been ended. Our genomes and our immune systems are safe, once again.
  17. which is why it isn't such a big deal to implement this
  18. well they get a clown mask, a banana and a bike horn those are your perks
  19. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1626&p=7796&hilit=clown+disability&sid=510a213ca5ecc94514755cd35655bae6#p7770
  20. I do feel that the NT Rep's accessories should look very smart, but shouldn't be militarised. How the NT Rep is dressed is going to affect how he's viewed, and subsequently how he's played.
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