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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. I like this idea. I remember there being a board-game based around MPD where each personality would be assigned an 'obsession'. Like Fire, or Clothing, or being a woman. And each player had to try and convince the guy who played the actual guy into doing something related to their obsession.
  2. I've been wrong about this kind of stuff before, so who knows.
  3. Because it is an event solely based around virology and killing things.
  4. I've noticed people get karma when one of four things happen: 1) Someone is really good at their job 2) Someone does/says something or is generally funny 3) Someone performs an amazing feat that stuns everybody watching 4) You roleplay and take an interest in another person's character. Even if you just drag them into the shuttle when it docks, and out of the shuttle when it lands. My view on the karma thing is sorta: If you get lots of karma fast you're a good player and won't screw up with the jobs presented to you. If you get karma slowly, then by the time you get say 30 karma for kidan/blueshield/NT Rep you'll be familiar enough with the race lore or job role not to screw it up. Like you really don't want a clueless idiot for an NT Rep. I know not getting karma is frustrating, and trust me, I really get excited about karma roles as well, but I think karma is more or less fine as it is.
  5. I honestly do not want an entire gamemode based around zombies. This would be better as a random event at best.
  6. Name: B.U.P (Broad Utility Personality) Age: 8 Gender: Sexless (Male Identifying) Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Roles: Generalist. Hates mess, likes to put things into order. Whether as an officer, a doctor or a janitor. Biography: Manufactured at an NT plant five years ago, B.U.P is more inclined toward direct action as it's job requires and demonstrates little fear, except regarding Xenomorphs. It has no concept of honour, and favours pragmatic thinking over arbitrary rules and codes of conduct, and is frequently reported to cheat during boxing matches and card games. Though over multiple shifts B.U.P always favours trinary chat when speaking to a fellow IPC and is fluent in clownish and appears to be sympathetic to the Clown Monarchy. Qualifications: Nanotrasen Intelligence Package, fluent in Clownish Employment Records: Nanotrasen Mark II Station Android. Five years. It has no detailed knowledge in any specific department, but is capable of functioning at a moderate level in any. Part of this package requires it, if it is not in the appropriate role for a task, it searches for the most capable, relevant crewmember in a department before performing a task himself in order to prevent jurisdiction overlap or crewmember disputes. However, in the weeks since it returned it claims to be 'trying to turn over a new leaf' and 'grow as a person' and 'put down some roots'. It is unclear whether this means he intends to socialise more, or has been radicalised by a diona terrorism group. Assigned to: NTV Duke (2 years) as a Mining Drill Operator NRV Savior (6 months) as a Surgeon NRV Savior (6 months) as an Orderly NDV Brutus (11 months) as Assistant Warden NSS Cyberiad (1 year) as a free agent. [spoiler2]MIA 1 year, unknown location.[/spoiler2] 2 year hiatus NSS Cyberiad - Present Day Security Records: Remarkably few, despite it's self-professed 'moral flexibility'. Medical Records: B.U.P has been disassembled and reassembled multiple times due to heavy damage or complete destruction. It has recently invested in a new chassis. It has a personality backup at Central Command, but it does NOT have the CC Wireless package, and does not stream its memories and thought processes to central unlike some more expensively built Mark II models. If it dies and its body is not on the shuttle, any data it gained during that shift is lost. B.U.P has also begun manifesting delusions that he is a deity, and demonstrates impressive selective logic and a roundabout memory to maintain this illusion. Albeit an apparently harmless one. After a very long hiatus, it is struggling emotionally and mentally to adapt to a new social structure and advancements in protocol and technology. Has Xenophobia in the sense that he has a very, very, very strong fear of xenomorphs. He is willing to discard all sense and/or duty to destroy or flee an alien infestation Personnel Photo: It conforms to the standard matte black colouration of most IPCs, and stands at 5ft 10 inches tall. It replaces its head semi-regularly. Most lately it is sporting a Ward-Takashi head with customisable optical sensors and a tall holo-mohawk that it likes to recolour to match its uniform. It has mismatched limbs of various brandings due to its patchwork nature, but it keeps all of its limb looking as factory condition as it can. Recently purchased a Shell Munitions Corp standard chassis with crowned head. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Best BUP award (added by Streaky Haddock) Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
  7. I don't think it's SILLY, since bomb techs do actually blow up explosives IRL if they can't be defused normally. This doesn't mean you SHOULD be able to blow up the nuke without repercussions, but there's precedent for it.
  8. time to issue all the black marks all of them citations should expire after a week, though.
  9. I think it would be easier to make suggestions if you wanted the Tajarans to fit into some kind of niche. Like the Diona are stalwart, immortal but slow; the Vox are spacefarers who dominate close combat but need internals constantly, IPCs are delicate but easily repaired and the Kidan are hard to harm, but bleed out really quickly. What niche do you think the Tajaran should fill without overlapping with the other species?
  10. that's called a controlled detonation
  11. that is extremely goddamn useful
  12. well this thread derailed quickly
  13. Idea to remove confusion and teamkilling during Nations rounds. When a nation is vassalised, its HUD Icon changes from its old nation to the nation it now serves. Makes nation status clearer to understand, and can produce some interesting 'oh shit' moments when flags are returned, and suddenly the guy you've been fighting with returns to his old nation.
  14. no man, I feel your pain. I really, really do.
  15. how did Poly save you from spiders?
  16. I still make time for anaesthetic with alien embryos. I've only had one burst on me, out of like twelve.
  17. considering Machine People are decapitated automatically when they die, it shouldn't be too hard for their murderer to then pick up the head and dispose of it. Although it might be screaming out the backpack which would give the game away. I don't know. I like the idea, definitely.
  18. Maybe you did notice subconsciously which is why you made this oddly specific suggestion.
  19. Yeah he has exactly what you've been describing. He shares it with the mime and it is literally right next to the brig.
  20. Lyn is cool. Hi!
  21. you are all miserable fun-hating people.
  22. Because when Nations rolls around and you can't ghost, you can't talk in ghost chat either. Sometimes I don't want to rejoin the round after dying.
  23. Remove the Clown job, and add in a disability (or trait depending on when Ponies does his trait thing) that makes you spawn with a clown mask, makes you start clumsy, have a rainbow pen/crayon in your PDA and have a bike horn in your pocket. Clown Captain go.
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