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I am probably going to get some flak for this, because I imagine space law to be a rather contentious issue, and I understand why the current sentences as they are were put in place. For those unfamiliar with our station's current revision of space law you can find the entirety of it here, (http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Space_law), I won't make this suggestion needlessly wordy by making a meal out of it, so if you want the specifics you can check there. I believe that our current revision of space law is counterproductive to achieving the right mix of roleplay and action that Paradise is aspiring to foster. As it currently stands security officers have often used the system as a framework, instead of a guideline, and as a result sentences for minor crimes can be found to carry ridiculous sentences. The end result is that security becomes choc-a-bloc with prisoners incarcerated for minor crimes like petty assault, vandalism, or minor trespass. Another by-product of this system, I have noted, is officers compounding sentences (e.g vandalism, and trespass) which under our current framework can carry a maximum penalty of ten minutes. I suggest the following improvements to be discussed, and I hope that some can be taken on board, as I do believe they'd reduce the amount of grief usually associated with security. [*] When somebody is arrested for a crime they're usually taken to the brig and searched/interrogated, this can sometimes take a long ass time and I have seen them go on for 5+ minutes in some cases. If a security officer arrests somebody they should turn on the timer for the crime they've charged them for before they search them/question them. This will mean that an individual will not have to sit through a five minute search and then serve time for a five minute crime. [*] Under our current system crimes like petty theft, or breaking and entering, carry a suggested timer of ten minutes. I believe that petty crime moves a lot of the intrigue and drama in SS13, and as a result a lot of people end up getting charged for these crimes. It's stressful for security, and I find that after being locked up for ten minutes for stealing a medkit that players are more likely to dick around than if it were just a three or four minute sentence. I'd like to hear everybody's opinion on whether or not they'd think that a change would be a good idea or not; but I do feel that the /TG/station space law framework, ( https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Space_law ) creates a faster turnaround for security, and minimises one of the main causes of grief in SS13 which is usually boredom brought on by staring at a cell door for ten minutes. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. *tl;dr this came out a lot more wordier than I would have liked, reduce guidelined sentences for minor crimes, and make officers turn on a prisoners timer while searching them.
Perhaps you could have a few real traitors alongside the dummy traitors for additional chaos.
This idea completely redefines what it means to 'yakety sax' away from security. I love it.
The stun baton is now fairly useless. Unlike before where the possibility of getting disarmed and having the snot beaten out of you was balanced with its one-hit stun it is now pointless to use. The taser on the other hand can be fired at long range, point black, and through windows. It is much safer for a security officer to use and allows them to put a lot of distance between them and their would-be robuster. As an alternative to the stun baton of old, why not bring back its instant stun but make it stun the officer if he attempts to put it on his belt/suit storage/backpack while it's turned on? It'll prevent officers simply closing in distance and whipping it out to insta-stun and give suspects a window of opportunity to pull distance while the officer is fumbling to turn it on.
Don't pick and choose when to enforce server rules
Vaargrath replied to Occultimate's topic in Suggestions
Diona nymph rights! -
Hey, if your kind of party involves genocide you're probably right.
What if the scope was reduced to only encompass the various species that are playable? Besides human, clown, and mime every other one is entirely fictional. Would that not eliminate the potential offensiveness for 99% of the population? As I said earlier my opinion on the matter is pretty strong and I wouldn't want to just shut down your idea. If it were my decision I wouldn't allow an event like this to take place. But it isn't my decision, nor should it be. It's for the community to decide whether or not a mode like this would be inclusive and enjoyable for the widest audience possible. It's just important to remember that real-world comparisons to sensitive topics was banned on most servers (including this one, but hey I could be wrong on that) after certain segments of the population used 'free speech' and 'satire' as an excuse to purposefully cause offense to others. I.E a chaplain that decides to 'satirise' a major world religion.
What about murder victims? Torture Victims? Victims of police brutality? Victims of Cults? Victims of Terrorist Attacks? All these things happen in real life and ingame, but why are they fine? That's a good question, and I agree with your sentiment that drawing the line at one specific act of brutality while condoning others can seem quite arbitrary.. To get an idea as to why this topic is daintily tip toed around in the media one only has to look at the definition for genocide as defined by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly. Genocide is a horrible thing, and unlike other forms of harm portrayed in SS13 genocide is an act of harm that encompasses murder, police brutality, and torture. If you were to count the number of direct deaths inflicted in genocides within the modern era you're looking at a number of around 1.5 million people, with millions more victims of violence and displacement. Genocide is not a historical issue, it is something real and present with minority groups in westernised countries such as Greece, and regions such as the Balkans who live in fear that it could happen again. And unfortunately we live on an internet where there are relatively large organised communities of people who froth at the mouth at the thought of forcing their most hated minority of the month into concentration camps. It is for that reason that I don't want to see genocide portrayed in a game designed for entertainment, and I base that opinion on the same reason that the portrayal of real world religion is strongly frowned upon within more popular servers, it is simply too much of a heated issue to bring to a light-hearted game, even on a position of satire. It's for the sake of not compromising the experience of space station 13 for the victims of genocides, and the minorities who fear it happening to them, by inviting the topic of genocide onto the server. If you did implement this game mode you risk people taking it too seriously or creating an enviornment that invites the wrong kind of people, heating up a debate on a topic that space station 13 isn't the correct environment to discuss with any kind of decorum. I hope that you'll find my answer satisfactory, having worked with refugees I have developed a rather strong opinion on the matter. Ultimately it is for the community to decide whether or not to include a gamemode like this, and I appreciate that all the members of the community I know of wouldn't see this gamemode as an excuse for racial hatred.
Something like this would be a real quality of life improvement to chemistry.
I agree with points mrbits has made, we live in a world where genocide is a disturbingly recent occurence. For the sake of showing respect to the victims of these horrible crimes I believe that we should be above glamorising them.
Thanks. And yes, I know about Si'Makra (that's why you'r on my friends list. ) One of my favourite officers to have backing me up on red alert Keep being awesome Daniel
Name: Reginald Berkland Age: 25 Gender: M Race: Human Blood Type: AB General Occupational Role(s): Captain, Engineering, Warden, NT Rep/Blueshield Biography: Early Life [Command only]The son and heir of Charles Berkland founder of Berkland-Stratton Kroher Shipyards which has endured a long and friendly partnership with Nanotrasen Systems. Reginald Berkland was born into a life of unimaginable luxury and to any observer his life and career would be made for him. The finest education that limitless money can afford and a future career as the successor to the hardwork and determination of his late father. Witnessing the funeral of his father at the age of fifteen Reginald realised that it wasn't going to be that easy. His terminally ill father in his last moments, fearing for the wellbeing of his son he sheltered from the brutality of the corporate world for fifteen years, turned to his long standing partner Nanotrasen, offering a generous and lucrative partnership in exchange for the promise to keep his son safe. The Takeover [Command Only] Nanotrasen now a large stakeholder in BSK Shipyards and guardian of its late founders heir worked to leverage its position in a way to best promote its own interests. Realising that by using its stake to stage an overt takeover of GSK would only chase away clients less approachable to its quest for dominance and strengthen its competition in addition to depriving Nanotrasen of an excellent source of intelligence on its competitiors. So it turned to Reginald, fulfilling its promise to his father it decided to educate his son and eventually install him as the CEO of GSK an act of intrigue that would allow it to maintain a position of power from behind the throne of a seemingly independent executive. Career in Nanotrasen [security/Command only] Ever since his assignment to the fleet Reginald Berkland has made significant personal progress towards the goal of a competent officer. Integration with those whose net worth isn't two pages long has worked towards giving him a sense of realism, however he still remains highly out of touch with the goings-on of his peers. His background and education has prompted his reassignment from the fleet to the position of a civilian captain. This attempt to accelerate his handling of responsibility has backfired horribly but is seen as the only way to capitalise on an investment. Qualifications: B.S Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Employment Records: NCS Cuban Pete - 2 years - Midshipman NCS Icarus - 5 years -Ensign/Lieutenant Security Records: - Subject of a class action lawsuit: People of the NSS Cyberaid Vs. Reginald Berkland which ended inconclusively. Medical Records: -Injected with a remotely activatable loyalty implant. -Below average fitness; failure to finish his most recent officer fitness assessment to within acceptable ranges. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: - Severe lack of experience within his role. - Selfish personality - Irrational fear of Queeg who he claims is "out to murder him"
I'm not to certain on it. Watching over and healing prisoners is one of the few things a Warden can do that isn't spinning in his office chair or watching the brig hallway, and it would be a shame to take that away from him.