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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White


    Everyone injected with antibodies, will produce antibodies?

    Immunilogically, I don't see how that makes sense.


    It's because whoever wrote the virus2 module didn't understand the difference between antigen and antibodies, which I will be correcting in my improvements to virology.



    This is what the paper cups are for in medbay lobby.


    Once you have a subject with antibodies, you can keep extracting antigen using the isolating centrifuge, for an unlimited supply.


    I will not tell you how to metagame this



    Passive Valves only let gas flow through when the pressure behind the valve is over the set pressure.


    Are you knowledgeable about any of the legacy sprites and whatnot? I noticed theres a huge number for atmos.


    No, I started playing SS13 93 days ago. It was already using this code (at least after I tried atmos in my first week anyway).



    the one thing i noticed and i know have already mentioned to you, is that the bent pipes aren't working with drilling into walls, or being slid either. but its still a great change even without that being fixed yet.


    I fixed that the same day, and it was added by ponies the next. It works fine now.


    I would love to have a pressure release valve. There are already some very nice sprites in the code!


    When I reconfig atmos, I'll add in a way to do this rather easily using a quick/drain loop.


    an airlock in atmospherics with atmos tech access would be very helpful for improving the exterior piping. additional exterior mix tanks would add a huge amount of additional flexibility to setting up atmospherics systems or creating backup air systems(i'm looking at you space carp that somehow KNOW to break into the O2/N2/airmix tank to cause maximum damage), but may be overpowered/unbalanced, and while i know i would use them, i'm unsure of whether others would


    Same answer as above.


    would it be possible to make something like a temperature gate? or gas pump that only works on gas below/above a certain temperature?


    Probably, but that may be a bit beyond my capacity, atmospherics code is a black magic.


    Could we get a heat exchanger? Something that does not mix gases, but has massive heat transfer between the two.


    Already exists.


    I would love to have a pressure release valve. There are already some very nice sprites in the code!


    Already exists as passive gate, unless you mean something else?



    Rommel, I know you showed me this ingame. The point is that whilst the air injectors are slow, the gas filter that supplies them is not. It allows up to 4500 kPa to be stored in the pipe between the filter and the air injector.


    Air injectors are, as far as I can tell, an old part of the code, legacy if you like. We use them because it's not worth our time to move it over to vents.



    To keep you updated I figured I'd put this thread out there.


    My recent changes to Atmospherics


    • Air pipes can now be drilled through walls and reinforced walls, by using the pipe on the wall.

    • Using an air pipe on a floor tile will slide the pipe fitting onto that tile, allowing you to place pipes underneath machines without having to disassemble them.

    New item: pipe freezer, which will temporarily allow you to un-wrench a high pressure pipe. Kudos to Pancake for the sprite.



    My planned changes to Atmospherics


    • Adding the wall drilling and sliding feature to waste pipes.

    • Adding a way to dig pipes under a wall without it showing, as long as there is only plating on both sides of the wall (no floor tiles).

    New items: reversed versions of all the non-rotational symmetrical pipe pieces, e.g. gas filters and mixers, for easier configuration of pipework. - This is likely to be code intensive, so I may not do this.



    Moving forward, I want to make additional changes to atmospherics, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts first.



    Updated 27/01/2015



    My recent changes to Virology


    • Viruses no longer mutate in a living person due to radiation.

    • Antibody Scanner now has a green sprite to make it more easily distinguished from a Health Analyzer

    New virus transmission type: "Injection".

    • Viruses of this contagion method can only be contracted through getting infected blood in your system.

    • Touching infected blood, being covered in infected blood, and being near/touching an infected person will not transmit the disease.

    Basically, this is drinking blood / injecting blood only transmission





    My planned proposed changes to Virology


    • Injecting someone with antibody filled blood directly will not transfer antibodies. You will have to use the antigen instead (as in real life).





    My recent old changes to Virology


    • Minor/Moderate/Major variations on many symptoms, e.g. Minor Lantern Syndrome.

    • New symptoms, mainly new damage types, e.g. burn, brain, clone.

    New "Non-existant Syndrome", which does absoloutely nothing allowing you to tailor a disease to be specific. Note that this is more common in higher stages.

    Adminlog when a virus mutates within a person, to better identify whether the virus released was the intended one.




    Moving forward, I want to make additional changes to virology, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts first.



    HAHA! YES! Repairing pipes...well...lets just say its something I never even attempt. While yer at it, could you up the range and allow for several different blink settings on the T-ray?


    I could make an advanced T-Ray scanner, which has a greater range. Maybe make it a R&D or limited stock item.



    So, recently I've come across the realisation that 90% of the work involved in most atmos alterations/repairs, is that you have to deconstruct a wall or a machine to place a pipe underneath it. So my proposal is to have an item that will squeeze pipes under walls/objects, without having to deconstruct them first. This should be easier for straight pipes (waste and atmos), though if I can get it working it should be able to be extended to electrical cable too.


    I haven't even begun to look at the code for it, but I wondered how useful you Engineers / Atmosians would find this?


    EDIT - renamed title to better reflect how it works.


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