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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White


    Engineering deals with station size construction/repair/maintenance/deconstruction.


    Science deals with invention, creation, improvement and personal sized items, such as weaponry or parts


    Robotics deals with individual or limb sized construction/repair/maintenance/deconstruction.


    Essentially, Engineering is macro and Science is micro. Science is dull enough (in my opinion) without moving robotics away from it.



    1) Omnipotent machines vs human safeguards, especially in reference to the airlocks.


    2) Cyborgs do need a way to replenish their supplies (including having a storage for fuel for their welder?). I would favour limited stocks with a resupply station over materialising materials out of power.



    One thing that I've noticed is that a surprisingly large amount of people simply do not give out karma. No matter how many players there are, as long as its even, there's enough karma for every person to get karma. But instead, most people only get even a single karma point after dozens of rounds, meaning that most people don't distribute karma, period. Every round, I make a note to give Karma to someone, even if it is a random person, but a lot of people don't.


    I feel like GIVING karma should reward a player in some way, to give more incentive. Like you recieve a fraction of a karma point for every point you give out. If I give a karma point, I receive 1/3rd of a point for example, so after every 3 karma points I've rewarded I gain one myself.


    I also feel like there should be automatic channels to get Karma; like achievements. One method I'd suggest is after every some number of rounds, you automatically receive X amount of Karma. Like say after your 25th round you get 5 karma, then after your 50th you receive 15, and after your 100th you receive 30, then you gain like 2 karma after every 10 rounds following. Maybe on holidays like Christmas every player could receive 5 Karma.


    If more people gave karma more often, the prices off the karma perks would go up to compensate.



    I once had the target to assassinate the clown. I flashed him, pumped him full of sleep toxin, and explosive implanted him set to "HONK". I then dragged his sleeping body into a locker.


    Five minutes later


    "Uhh, who just gibbed?" comes over the radio.


    I guess his first words upon waking up were something honk-based.


  5. I did want to make some changes to Virology, what you suggest is similar to the code block randomisation of powers/disabilities in genetics. It's a good idea but I wouldn't call it a "fix". I also want some way of controlling/altering the rate of progression. I have big plans, but cannot implement them yet.


    So how about this for a compromise:


    Two different types of surgery depending on intent:


    Help/disarm intent surgery has a lower chance of failure but is slower and will not cause accidental damage.

    Grab/harm intent surgery has a higher chance of failure, is faster, but often causes additional bruising.


    Differentiating between routine surgery and emergency surgery. Best of both worlds. Imagine the damage caused when that embryo is ripped out now. It's not going to fail, but their organ(s) will need repair afterwards.


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