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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White

  1. I'm working on Virology currently, but now I want to add pictures. How do I access the images to from my client, so I can upload them to the wiki? Is there a filepath to the images from Paradise, or are they stored in some other format? If so, how do I view them?


    Bone White, I'm curious to know what articles you have your eye on. I'll browse a few articles to see any that need help and tend to just do some language fixing, but I don't want to undermine anything that you're working on..


    Virology & Surgery guides, so basically let's just assume all the medical guides and pages for now.



    My favourite part is having that one security officer, who has been ignoring your messages on the security radio channel for the last 90 minutes, needs one door opened, and after it's not opened for 20 seconds, asks "Do we have an AI?"


    People who don't play the AI need to realise that the laws for an AI have a precedence, and some of these mean your ever-so-important opened airlock isn't as important as, stopping someone from nuking the station, or not locking down a plasma fire.



    Gosick, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (and sequels), Umineko no Naku Koro Ni, Witch Hunter Robin. I like a lot dark anime with psychological or murder-mystery type storylines.


    As for new anime, Attack on Titan was great, a shame they're stopping it for the novels to extend further, and I'm really liking Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, I love the drawing style and their uniforms :D


    Also, if you watch anime dubbed, then you're missing 90% of the emotions. Shame on you!



    I usually carry the tools. The issue I have is that they just dismiss me as a robotics problem. This is really troubling when I need a limb reattached. I think robotics needs a retractor.


    Educate them. Remind them that robotics makes the parts/limbs but surgery attaches/detaches them.



    My general medbay


    • Health Analyser en route to medbay/advanced med scanner

      If critical, inaprovaline.

      Straight into advanced med scanner

      If internal bleeding, straight to surgery to have the bleeders clamped, even taking priority over the current operation's (they'll be stable).

      If suffocation damage due to ruptured lung, high surgery priority due to suffocation damage being constantly applied

      If low blood %, stick the IV in them whilst they wait.

      Actual treatment (cryo/surgery/bandages/ointment/pills).



    My number 1 tip for patients:


    Using the IC verb Sleep to make yourself go to sleep, helps to stabilise you and helps you heal your wounds faster. This can save your life in a lot of critical cases.



    You know, I've never seen an accidental Toxins explosion or fire while in research, in fact I barely see anyone in Toxins when I'm in research. It's fricking deserted except for a random hardsuitted Engineer trying to break in sometimes.


    Probably because bombs were faulty for a long time and only fixed recently.



    There was this one time where a xenoarchaeologist unearthed an actual alien artefact, and all it did was produce a 'you feel a blissful sensation' message.


    Ten minutes later the Captain, HoS, Security and myself (Blueshield) were raiding research because the entire science department had turned into frothing addicts who wanted nothing more than to touch and stroke the artefact, and they were willing to raid the Bridge (nonlethally) to do it.


    Then the server crashed. It was a great bit of naturally escalating roleplay though which left security panicking that there might be a cult on the station.


    I totally remember this one, and how the mob basically shielded the artefact when the captain kept trying to pull it away. That scene in the research hallway was just bizzare, and great at the same time.



    What happened in the one round where I went to toxins, found a big destroyed area, and both you and another scientist exploded? I tried to bring both your heads to clone but medbay was taking forever-----


    Sounds like a normal day in Toxins.



    let's say me and a friend are on the server. I tell him to murder me

    I thought this went against the problem with ooc communication, or knowing ic that the character is being played by your friend?


    Either way, you may have had antag flags against you, which means other people are trying to kill you as their objective, or break your bones whilst you are alive. By letting someone kill you, you are basically ruining that part of the game for that player.



    As promised, the pumps to allow you to fully drain and fill canisters.




    Another suggestion, explaining how pressures equalise between open valves, but are kept separate when closed off would be useful for people wishing to learn beyond the basics. This could also be explained as the limitations of meters in showing total pressure on both sides of an open valve.



    Being able to see what's happening to all the gases in atmospherics, and how to fix sabotage, rather than just setting it up at the start of the shift.


    Additionally, explaining about not being able to remove pipes which have a certain internal pressure, and how to counteract this, would be another addition.


    I taught myself atmospherics, rather than reading guides or being given tuition, so my understand of it may have some holes, or go further than most people's knowledge.



    I like to extend one of the 6 canister sockets with a volume pump emptying the canister attached, and another to fill, so that I can pump out O2 from a canister into the freezer loop (grey) chill it to minimum, then pump it back into the now empty O2 canister. No leftover chilled O2 in the loop, no warm O2 left in the canister, and only requires two pieces moved, and two new pumps. This is great on long shifts, or where someone keeps sabotaging the chilled O2 supply in medical. It's not like atmos has much else to do at the start of the shift. I'll throw up a screenshot next time I play atmos.


    Also, I'd highlight the difference between an unconnected pipe above a floor tile, and a connected pipe next to a pipe under a floor tile. The difference is subtle and hard to spot if you don't know what you're looking for. Atmos is rather large to cover with a T-Ray scanner effectively, so learning to read the pipes is a great idea.


    On that note, when I teach people atmos, I like to explain how to read the pipes, rather than just setting it up.


    90% of atmos is actually air alarms, and not pipe work, so I'm surprised you haven't covered this e.g. how to douse a fire without siphoning air, how to detect sabotage, what the colours of the vents/scrubbers mean etc.



    You can isolate more antibodies from one patient, virologists should keep the corpses of the monkeys they test on, as a massive bank of antibody blood to isolate the antibodies from.


    Either that or take blood from a vaccinated player, and then extract a vial of antibodies from the blood to redistribute.



    What is it?


    A spraypaint that can be purchased for a low amount of tele crystals.


    What does it do?


    Sprayed onto windows or windowed airlocks, it makes it opaque so no-one can see through it.


    Why would you want this?


    A more subtle and tactile tool for the stealthy traitor. The effects will go unnoticed by quite a few people, especially on airlock doors. The effect should not be like a matt paint, but rather a refractive paint, the kind you get on bathroom windows and security glass. The image of the window/airlock shouldn't change much (if anything) otherwise it'd be too simple a giveaway.


    How can it be countered?


    Noticing that you cannot see through a glass airlock, it can be removed by the usual methods: deconstruction and perhaps soap. Asking space cleaner to work on it is a little too much as it'd conflict with the projectile wall collision mechanics, and I'd like to think it was a little tougher to fix than that.




    This is something I've been mulling over in my mind for the last week, and I wanted to share it with you all.



    Would be great if they could stop dropping floor tiles over the maintenance pipes. The whole point about the maintenance tunnels is that they're not tiled so it's easy to see what needs repairing or whether it's been sabotaged. This is not upgrading, it's hampering.


    Secondly, shutting doors behind them should be a requirement not an option, it's all to easy to gain access to secure areas by following a drone.


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