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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White

  1. Whilst I support Streaky's idea, filtering out smileys and 'lol' and such IC is more trouble than it's worth. Anyone who's played a game with strict filters before will know that lots of regular words and punctuation gets caught out by the filter too. Through education the greytide learn to RP in IC, not through filters - they'll just try to get around them and still have to be educated.


    Space is already cold, but having near zero pressure, it therefore has near zero thermal transference value.


    Putting a mug of boiling water in space will stay hotter for longer than putting that mug on a table in your kitchen. Space is cold, but it doesn't rapidly chill objects which end up in it.


    The main danger from sudden space exposure is that you pass out / die from fast decompression sickness, aka ebullism.



    Let's keep this topic on track, it's titled "Would you be willing to give this system a try?" So let's stick to this system, without throwing in other systems to complicate things. The more complex this gets the less likely there will be any change/improvement.


    I'd be willing to try this system, in as much as I'd avoid playing security until I'd seen it in action for a while, but I am still massively against lowering punishments for crimes.


  4. The guide is missing information on fingerprints, scanning for evidence, evidence bags, comparing evidence, and basically the entire section about the analyzer. Also, you could go a little into autopsy reports, though it should be a MD performing these, and not yourself (even if the autopsy scanner and tools are in the morgue).


    As an advocate of the current space law, I would not like a change. The current space law allows for meaningful IC punishment for people being detrimental to the gamemode, and allows antagonists to serve a penalising time in security for a minor crime by "playing" space law.


    If you go this route, it's not even worth brigging for most crimes, because processing takes up so long you'd need more security officers, for less punishment, and less result, making security even less efficient than it already is, whilst encouraging non gamemode crime which will contribute towards breaking rules (not playing the role you've chosen, self-antagging).


    Please stick with the current system.



    No, it hasn't. You can only access verbs, which fits fine for something like looc which is always there for you to use.


    Click the ss13 icon in the top left, options & messages, client dropdown, macros, new macro...


    assign a key (whatever you want, in your case maybe f9)

    command is looc

    id not required


    press ok and apply onto current game



    Depends on your preference, I personally use hotkey mode and my left hand is over wasd, i can reach shift and f2 without having to move my left hand.


    Do you know you can configure the hotkeys yourself through the client?



    My belief about maintenance is that it should be specifically access only (engineering, paramedic, heads of departments) except in emergencies (radstorm, red alert, etc).


    However, I also believe firelocks should be only operable by engineers and heads of departments, through id swiping them.



    Pen&Paper= Nerds sit around a table and roll dice while rustling their sloppily written character sheets and carefully made rulebooks.


    Tabletop= Nerds sit around the table and roll dice while rustling their carefully painted miniatures and sloppily written rulebooks.


    lmao, best definition ever.


    I prefer Pen & Paper, as that's roleplay, rather than just a game.



    I, uh, know nothing about WH40K, but it looks interesting. I particularly want to try out the WH40K conversion of SS13 sometime.

    How to WH40K?


    Play a computer game, pick up a book, browse a wiki, play the tabletop, or play the (excellent) pen and paper rpg from fantasy flight games (which I've been doing for the last two years)


    40k is full of references to characters from specific events, or items, or groups. So it's basically a lore fest for neckbeards, so it helps to have someone fluent in 40k lore to explain your missed references.


  11. Mine usually goes out to security players who are remaining professional in the face of the typical "shitcurity" calls, adhering to standard operating procedure and space law. Security is a stressful and usually thankless job, so a greater focus of my karma is a small repayment for their dedication.

  12. I like trying to priorities treatment of critical patients. If they're in critical and still bleeding, you can guarantee I'm going to use an auto injector of inaprovaline, then throw them on the operating table to clamp that bleeder with the hemostat. This is why I often play nurse type characters, who's job it is to inject the patient with chemicals whilst the surgeon operates. This includes blood transfusions.


    make them more lethal in hand to hand combat.


    The idea behind the xenos though is to capture people alive for breeding. Arguably only Praetorians should be lethally minded. I'd love to see a change where being on help intent as a xeno will stop you causing fatal damage, but enough to crit/ko them, so you can drag them to a nest for breeding.


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