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Bone White

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Posts posted by Bone White


    An argument (which I disagree with) for why internals/suits don't stop vomiting is the sight.


    My disagreement with this is that it's the smell that makes you gag, not the sight. I'd support allowing (on) internals but not an unpressurised suit preventing vomiting ONLY if the internals were on at, or shortly after, the initial contact with vomit. Feeling "like you are about to throw up" is too late to put your internals on, but "you smell something foul" should be alright to recover from with internals.



    All I can see needing here is more warnings.


    Wintermote has good understanding of vacuum exposure here, but if we really were going for realism, the cause of lung collapse is the flaccid paralysis (muscles won't contract) brought on by ebullism (bubbles in bodily fluid, aka decompression sickness). Humans fall unconscious in roughly 15 seconds of space exposure from what little evidence we have of this occurring.


    Be glad we're not implementing realism here.



    Then learn to set it up properly, it's not the SM's fault if people refuse to look up a guide on it.


    How to fix the SM overheating in three easy steps.


    1) vent all the atmosphere out of the core room (and pipes, if they are closed and hot)

    2) close the shutters and pump in pre-chilled N2 (You _did_ get atmos/ce to chill a canister of N2 for emergencies... right?)

    3) watch the % instability slow down and eventually show "returning to stable levels" or something.


    Venting the supermatter core room does _not_ chill the supermatter core by much at all. Yes, space is cold, but because it's a vacuum it has a very low rate of temperature transference. Keep chilled N2 on standby, and you'll be in a much better position to stop this.






    We don't get sounds on pms.


    I'm always very courteous of anyone who makes player complaints when I can respond, but what I can't always do is respond. I have an uncommon bug where my client slows down and eventually becomes unresponsive unless I restart my client every 20 minutes or so. I often miss messages because of this or can't reply promptly.


    This thread is calling for admin responses, yet you say don't be an admin if you can't commit to it, yet another thread is calling for more admins. Half of you want quality, half of you want quantity, but you're getting neither. There is no panacea, we have to make a decision and that at the moment is remaining unlisted, and slowly growing our admin pool after a recent exodus of server staff.


    I'm not going to paint all the players with the same brush Wintermote, but your complete negativity is detrimental to the community. I'm not going to childishly tell you to "stop being a player" in retort, so I'll stick to "thanks for the feedback".



    Why have a built in admin help section if that is not the way to contact them?


    It is a way, and byond messenger is an alternative, or backup option.


    Most things in life don't have a one-fix-for-all. Why should this be any different?


    We're not machines, we volunteer our lives to admin whilst you have fun. The only thing you're going to get by complaining about the lack of admins or lack of responses is admins quitting due to under-appreciation.



    This one should be fairly easy to implement.

    I've noticed, and had issue with using adminhelp on occasion, where admins simply never respond or acknowledge my question or issue.


    I understand of course that admins are busy folk, I discussed the responsibilities of the position when I was bugging neca about working towards doing the job myself.


    That being said, there are two things I don't understand:


    1. Never getting around to acknowledging the player request.


    Gripe: It's not hard even when you're busy, and if you're busy playing your character it bears mention that your responsibility is not to your own enjoyment first but rather to other players. That's part of the responsibility you accept as admin. All I ever look for is a simple "Got it, working on it." or "Sorry, one moment." when things are hectic. But not receiving even this acknowledgement leaves me to conclude that either my message isn't received or that my message was deliberately ignored.


    Solution: Copy pasta. If you expect to be busy, just have a copy-pasted response ready to go. Don't just say: "I'll get back to you" and never do it though. Concern yourself with the enjoyment of others and return to them as soon as you're able in roughly the order they had issue so that you don't cause players to lose a little faith in the admin system as a whole.


    2. AFKing as Admin.


    Gripe: I understand things happen and you have to leave the computer. Not much can be done about those occasions. I likewise get that leaving an admin AFK might deter griefers. But it also leads your players to believe that they have backup, someone to question about issues with the round. When they attempt to use adminhelp and receive no reply, they'll end up assuming the same things as if you were simply too busy for them and didn't respond.


    Solution: Don't go AFK, or at the very least don't go AFK without telling the playerbase on at the time. Admins are hardly useful if they aren't actually around, and with the server unlisted theres little point to using your AFK presence to deter... the normal playerbase.


    I'd like to see this issue addressed, as it has occurred far too often to both myself and other players and makes it difficult to fully trust administration to perform their job.


    If I, or another player has an issue I would like to see a reply, even if that reply is "No, can't do that, sorry." as opposed to what appears to be some admin's current policy of: If I'm not going to help, I just wont respond. or I ain't got time fo' that!


    Something, something, closing statement.


    1. A reply to your adminhelp message is a luxury and not a right.


    2. You'll just get less admins coming on if they're not allowed to afk.


    Much more realistic solutions:


    1. Pm the/a admin through byond messenger instead.


    2. See 1.





    I have been looking and one of the arguments against listing is the lack of admins. I just suggested we get more admins.


    That argument is not agreed by all admins. I believe we have more than enough currently to be publicly listed, though I have no opinion over whether we should or not, so whilst the number of admins may be a contributing factor for some, it is not for others. It is certainly not the only facet being considered.



    Edited after being corrected



    That's fair. I cede that on Paradise the odds of you getting banned without recourse for an honest mistake are practically non-existant. Despite the malicious verbal OOC thrashing a player can expect for screwing up anything aboard the NCS Cyberiad, that outlash of negativity rarely (if ever) guides the banning hand of the admins. I suppose I Iost perspective there.


    I appreciate the mature reply. People who bash other's playstyles/mistakes in ooc also get warnings, which are usually of an equal value as the warning given to the person who made the mistake. I've been clamping down on this recently as it really ruins how new players feel about the server, and that's why the rule about keeping the server friendly and welcoming for all exists.



    A hard game where mistakes happen is fun, but when your first mistake can be your last on the server then how are you supposed to improve?


    The only reason why it'd be your last on the server is:


    1. You learned your lesson and don't make any more mistakes (unlikely)

    2. You get a warning and an explanation as to what your actions caused, and never return by your own decision (most common case)

    You get a jobban and an explanation as to what your actions caused, and never return by your own decision (slightly less common)

    You get a perma jobbaned because you didn't heed previous multiple warnings, and never return by your own decision (very rare)

    You get tempbanned because it was probable grief, and you sulk and never return by your own decision (less common again)

    You get permabanned because it was obvious and intentional grief, and you don't appeal or if fails (much more common during public listing)

    You get permabanned because it was yet another probable grief, and you either don't appeal or it fails (less common and gives players the opportunity to alter their actions before they get permanently banned)



    I hope this explains why the content of your quote does not apply to Paradise.



    If you want to telescience a bomb somewhere, ahelp it first. There's no harm in asking.


    If someone plans something and lets us know about their plan before they act it out, then we can intervene/control it as appropriate to ensure the game is enjoyed to it's fullest potential.


    When someone causes collateral damage, it's a lot easier to believe your intention pre-event, than post-event.


  11. If the singularity warned the station when it reached 7x7 stage, and this message could be disabled somehow by the CE / a traitor, then I'd choose the singularity. However because of the lack of warning of the singularity, I choose the supermatter every time

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