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Everything posted by Earthdivine

  1. Actually all the Vox raiders need is their old ship back. The one they have now was made SOLELY for Vox Traders, the Raiders ship has all sorts of syndicate items and other nick nacks to aid Vox in getting on station.
  2. Only since your down here with me. Now that I got to care about this thread, updating the OP with some better explanation of the game and this! What is a Godfest? A Godfest is the best words in the game to see, as it means that select Rare Egg Machine monsters now have a x3 chance of being pulled. While exact chances of pulling monsters is unknown, increasing it by x3 REALLY helps pulling them, so I assume they have a 30%~ chance during a godfest. This is THE best time to make any pulls, and it is highly recommended checking Puzzles&DragonsX often during events to see if any are queued up. That said, this godfest is Egyptians and Angels with the REM Exclusives on the side. Egyptians are GREAT monsters. Each one is a fantastic leader that will carry you all the way to the end game and beyond and they are only getting better with their new Evolutions coming out. That said, Egyptians are also some of the hardest leaders to use for newcomers but teach you to have better mechanics and better awareness of the board then most monsters. I would highly recommend trying to get one of these guys. Angels I don't have an opinion on since they have only just came out 4 days ago, but they all seem to have great active abilities so having one would help with team build up. The REM Exclusives are present in ever godfest and are ONLY able to be pulled during one. All of them are great for both team subs AND leaders, and getting one generally is a great boon to your monster box.
  3. Earthdivine


    On one hand, nymphs are incredibly adorable and the picture makes me just go x3 when I see it; on the other hand, players have made me hate nymphs with a firey passion, so I'm getting a terrible mixture of "burn it with fire" and " oh my god this is so adorable". Still a great drawing, Skittles.
  4. Medical records soon to be: Bathus has a terrible addiction to Bath Salts, me thinks.
  5. ....Fox you posted this on the wrong fourms, this is meant for goon. EDIT: True story, me and Macto tried to make people pay for more access one round while I was making people pay for Cargo stuff. One of us had that EVOC scanner thing thrown at our face multiple times in a shift and I had an IED thrown at me. It was great.
  6. Please note that a big reason for the switch to Goofchem is NOT balance, but rather, our chem is MASSIVELY out of date. Leaving it as is would cause problems down the line for any additions to chem, and our options for change is either bay chem, which would make chem EXTREMELY reliant on mining to do anything, or TG chem, ala Goofchem. Updating it to any code base will allow us to work with chemistry more now that the code base for it is updated This is how I understood it from the staff chat atleast. As for its complexity, it's barely been a day since the change, give people time to get used to it and figure out the quick steps to making it. Our old chems were so well known we might as well had buttons to made the chem instantly rather then having to spend the small time making it.
  7. At the same time though, all organics need bicardane, dermaline, etc. and when they break a bone they spend an extensive time in surgery. For IPCs all you do is grab from a tool belt and click them a couple of times. This is the same thing as Engieborgs having self repair. If you need to need an have a reason why you can't, maybe make an excuse that the limbs can't bend all that ya back to reach those parts of the body. EDIT: one way that would go a long way to fixing this is to edit the wiki to actually talk about IPC repair. I spent a good while searching it to find out how to put an IPC back together and I still needed to hand te head off to someone else because I couldn't find it.
  8. Why so? Well...if a tator kills1 or 100--as long as it's not racism, ERP, etc, then a traitor is allowed to do it. If he wants to release the singulo every single round he rolls for traitor---he can. If it means mass bombing the entire station---yeah. You get the picture. To be more accurate, those style of antags have the gloves off. They can do what they want regardless of objectives. While our antags have that to an extent, it's always as long as it pertains to your objectives, like mass murdering the crew with Escape Free is a no go. Doing this would potentially allow antags to gain access to the Hijack or "Racism" (I call the keep species off of the shuttle objectives this) objectives more often, leading to more chaos more often.
  9. Dave came up with a good idea he's going to run by the others to see if he has to go ahead to code it. Holy Water will no longer damage vampires, but restrict their abilities, like eating sugar when you have a borer would do. This will also remove the obvious message of the vampire having any effects at all to the crew testing him, leaving only the Chapel as a test. However, if you get randomly arrested and brought to be tested, Ahelp it. That's Illegal Arrest and also massive shitcurity, which is a big problem not just for vampires, the Welder+Blood on everyone comes to mind as well. Remember, that's still considered a breach in SoP to force someone to comply with something randomly, unless it's searches, since Code Blue and up allow them.
  10. The Metagaming on Vampires is really getting to out of hand now. I had to delete 5 tanks of Holy water one round since security was going around shooting fire extinguishers at everyone to vampire test, sometimes the same person up to..i think it was 12 times. If it's not that, just arresting and dragging them to the chapel to check is starting to get massively old. Yes I adminboosed and deleted the water, I also made god pissed off at the station and cause hell to erupt on it too; I totally would do this again, this kind of play really makes me mad, so please please come up with suggestions on how to help prevent this kind of power play.
  11. This, very much this. Medbay is my most played position with Engineering following it closely, and the more medbay has to do the more things will get thrown under the bus. As I stated, more often then not it's not the body count that is the problem with cloning, a good geneticist knows when it's safe to card swipe the cloner and put the guy in cyrotube, but having to wait for ANY short of Alkysine, even like 3 pills, causes a cluster in the genetics bay that spills out into medbay now that there's no door seperating the two.
  12. Everyone knows the Song and Dance of Cloning, stick body in cloner, wait about a minute to be cloned, get stuck into a cryotube to heal up the clone damage and then eat some alkysine, which is then proceeded with being thrown out of medbay. Most of the time this is going very smoothly except for one part. Alkysine. Unless the chemists actually CARE about the crew, your better off dealing with your brain damage then waiting for some. I will admit there are some who make alky+clonex mix's for the cryotubes, but most of the time it's what clogs up the cloning more then the actual bodies. So this is a question mostly for Medbay Players, would you all mind the removal of brain damage given to cloned people? There are still ways to receive brain damage so the chem wouldn't be lost, but with our population medbay gets clogged as it is, and having patients waiting for chemists to make something they often forget only clogs it more.
  13. This so much. I don't really believe the Revolver is so integral to the power of the security versus the Nuke Ops since it has Rubber bullets any was, making really worthless in a lethal battle. So please stop talking about losing the revolver and more on this, as it's a much better idea and fits into the settling far more then Noir Detective.
  14. To be perfectly honest, like fox said there's a lot of people who don't get mentioned at all that defined paradise as it is today. Altair defined who the NT Reps were and gave us the idea of the job, Squish Larkens set the bar for slimes everywhere, Dave gave us the idea of Vox who weren't thieves and could be considered equals, but they don't get mentioned at all. Not to mention for a drink name it's...kinda uninspiring. Alice already lives on in another way, in showing how to be an officer of NT, and I'm more then certain when people see ALICE they will think of her rather then the movie or novel rip off ALICE originally was.
  15. If I am remembering correctly, the reason why security was given implants was to stop this specifically, since rev before then was rev 2 or 3 people, get the glasses off a officer and rev him (or rev the glasses less officer, I've seen these guys very often), and then pass out batons like candy to the revs. Security being rev-able also gave the heads of staff NO allies except themselves, leading to the heads RDMng everyone they see. I like how now, you atleast KNOW who you can vaugly trust in rev compared to looking at everyone like an enemy. And security can still be revved, just get them when they come out of cloning.
  16. RP rev can go die, that's worse then regular rev.. I am still in the opinion that if we fixed the conversion method, we can limit the TDMish feeling Rev brings, though replacing it with what is the question
  17. We got power ranger suits already, to an extent. We got one soft suit of each color in the admin room. I will have my Sentai Operatives team one day. One day... I also would like more silly names from the ERT though.
  18. What is Puzzles and Dragons? Puzzle & Dragons, or PAD for short, is a Social, FREE Iphone and Android game from JAPAN in which you kill monsters, take their eggs, hatch the eggs and fuse them to other monsters, and then evolve those monsters by jamming seeds, plants and penguins down their throats. The main part of this game takes place on a Bejeweled-style board, but you can drag an orb to any location on the board while displacing other orbs to create huge combos. This game also has some some pretty good art. How does one play this game? The game is VERY simple. Move an orb to make a match of three and you get a combo. Each orb match made is an additional combo that increases the teams damage and attaching more then three orbs together in one combo increases the damage of that color monster. A match of Green and Red, for instance will cause your Green and Red Monsters to attack, but not Blue ones, and additional combos enhance BOTH colors, but additional orbs on the match line only affect that color. This game has a very big puzzle aspect to match dozens of combos to make damage, but this game is grueling later on. Monsters start to spawn in large groups of upwards of 7 monsters, some bosses get two turns instead of one, and they begin to get shields to force you to play in different fashions. Normally this would be a gigantic paywall for most other games, but Puzzles and Dragons is built around allowing the player to get VERY deep into the end game without spend a dime. There is In App Purchases, yes and it makes the game so much easier, but it's no where near required. In addition, GungHo America puts on events nearly every day that give out gifts to the players every day they play, to the point you'll be better off counting the days that don't have an event. This is actually a good reason why I have made this thread promoting this today, there will be beginning a REALLY good event here soon that gives some very good monsters to the player. GungHo also has collaborations with many different company's and as such you can get some pretty cool monsters every now and then when they revisit and bring them back, such as Batman,Evangelion, Fist of the North Star and even Hello Kitty But now for a very public PSA about this game. REROLL YOUR STARTER MONSTER IF IT'S NOT ON THIS LIST Having a good starter monster will make this game FAR more enjoyable to go through compared to getting a subclass monster. The people who make this list update it every update so it is always the best source of the best starting gods. I cannot stress this enough how much things are easier to go through with a good starter. It's certainly possible to play without one, the decisions ultimately up to you. The game has been out for a very long time, there are a lot of resources to help players. You can even play with your friends by entering Friend Codes and enlisting them as friends, allowing you to use their leader monster as an ally to get through the game. You can find yours by going to the friend button > ID Search, like mine is 367,232,281. This game is basically my addiction, so many ways to go through it and no way truly is the "best way" to go, and the distance you can go without paying a dime is staggering. When downloading on Android however I believe you need to take extra steps to get it, like downloading .apx packs or something. I can't help with that much as I am an Iphone player and never touched an Android.
  19. Fuck I'm terrible at remembering to do these things. Can we make it so if you enter cryodorms the sleeper locks itself behind you so you can't be pulled out, or an admin log that someone's been removed from the dorm? There have been a lot more people pulling people out of cryodorms for their stuff, including some vets who know better then to do so. Also can we decrease the timers till despawn please, I've been having to do it manually more often of late due to cryodorms filling up faster.
  20. Cyborg is my most played role, playing as Helios very often. From the few rounds I've played with it so far these nerfs aren't as bad on "paper" as they are actually playing it. The armor being buffed to 100 really helped, I was able to fight a Syndicate op for a good while before my components started to fall and I actually could SEE when I needed to run rather then keep on fighting, letting me come back into the fight and help out again rather then dieing because I wasn't paying attention to the little man on the side. I'll keep playing and see how it is but actually the NOPUSH flag seems to hurt me more now, I cant go through people as a secborg to get to areas to help security without pushing people out of the way or taking a roundabout trip. Also examine can't be Shift click because that's the borg's Open Door hotkey.
  21. That won't solve much, they will just ping those spots eventually, the randomized would hurt space explorers more then Telescience. Which is why I'm so glad about the Gateway maps, as far as I know you can't telescience them since they aren't on a z level, rather then a different map, allowing us to do the cool stuff without worring about it being zapped away 5 minutes into the round. I mean, the Emitter Maze and the Abandoned Outpost atleast have a chance to kill you collecting the stuff if you messed up, telescience doesn't have that worry.
  22. Goon Chem doesn't work on other stations outside goon because their medical is VERY LAX compared to ours. This is why so much of their stuff is for fun compared to our medical Star Trek chems. We wouldn't be able to transfer goon chem over without massively changing how our healing system works. Not to mention Goonchem is meant you have you searching for your ingredients while ours would give you all you need to find them. Please note I have not looked at Iamgoofball's chem change, mostly because I knew it would end in a fiery hatestorm. Believe me, I would love a lot of the chems they got there, but it's better off in their environment compared to trying to port like Iamgoofball tried to do.
  23. I was reminded of this story while working and I felt the need to share it. It's a tale of long ago where possibly famous and infamous names still walked these halls, and how I managed to even deceive the admins. This was back when I was beginning to make a name of Ashlyn Newbern, a mute geneticist. I was hunkered down and ready to enjoy my time when I noted something. I had a flash. Oh on, it's A Rev round. I settle into my job and wonder how I'm going to be of use as a head rev in this room when I learn one of my fellows has commenced the time classis Yoloflash tatic. The revs however, we're fast and lethal, already lynching security and heads of staff when able. Knowing I was more use not bein found at this point, I disposal my flash and get to kissing securities ass. I rescue a security officer from a lynch mob I knew lost the fight and heal him. I believed at this point they trusted me so I sat and waited for one side to start being victorious. It was the revs at an ALARMING RATE. The third rev head must have manned the cryotubes or something because security began to turn on one another, and a heavily armmed ERT with Jayson Hawlke at its head arrived on station and the revolution began to lose. Then my chance happened. The captains and Cheif engineers death alarms went of in medbay lobby. I bolted out the door and dragged the captains corpse from the revs. They didn't question it, I was a head rev. Security didn't question it, I had been helping them all round. I dragged the captain to genetics and threw him into the machine, copied his UE and UI and made myself into the captain. I had everything from the corpse thankfully and I disposaled myself so I didn't accidently die to the revs. I came out at a destroyed tube at security and made my way to the bridge. Upon arrival, the Blueshield was dumbstruck about my return as I spun a tale of a geneticist who died cloning me and how I hid in a wall locker until they left. The ERT bought it but the Blueshield did not, however the ERT already were pushing me to their shuttle. I sat beside the only living head, the CMO Zoey Sycth and left for cent com where I met Jayson Hawke. I began to panic, Dave wouldn't be fooled by this, he was the best HoS back then. But if he suspecte it he never said, and welcomed me to cent com. We had a brief talk about what I wanted to do with the revs and I answerd to have them all executed. I silently apologized as Dave walked out and me and Zoey began to have drinks and talk about our experiances. She came close and started to do her usual " hold me I'm sad" and I obliged. I then opened fire on her face point blank, killing her in a second. Deadchat went ballistic over it as the round began to end and I hear a BWOINK! PM from DavetheHeadcrab: Why did you kill the CMO as the captain? PM to DavetheHeadcrab: I'm not the captain. PM from DavetheHeadcrab: ....Clever girl.
  24. I agree with ponies, this sounds like a very cool idea but it would need people to help us maintain it. My only concern is the "burden of knowledge". Its hard enough remember where stuff is right now, this might aggravate it.
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