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Everything posted by Earthdivine

  1. Arkham Asylum? :v Me and my fiance build Gunpla, Gundam Plastic Models.
  2. Having unleashed the horrors of mining monsters and messing with them directly, the only one that is a threat is the Goliath, which even TG says to stay away from. Eliminating the monsters removes the entirety of TG mining anywas, since the monsters drops are used for mining gear. Also how can you say no to the Gold Grub, that things adorable and useful.
  3. Also sanpd, I got a folder filled with almost all the pathfinder PDFs and modules, just throw me an IM on Skype and I'll let you grab the ones you don't have off of it.
  4. Indeed, that's what loyalty implants are meant to be for. However, as admins we see a lot of stuff you guys don't, and what I'm seeing people using it as an antag checker. I've seen a captain implant two vampires then throw them into Permabrig and forget them. Today we had a guy implant a ling to find out if he was one then incinerated him. The implants aren't meant to keep antags in check, they're meant to help keep them playing but people are throwing them in the antags so they can get rid of them without worry of them escaping.
  5. Aye, I'll admit I'm starting to get annoyed by everyone's approach to Implant everyone if you think they're an antag, particularly because it's the safest and surefire way to find out. I realize that we, as the admins, are supposed to monitor and keep this in watch but when it becomes a community mentality it's hard to stop. I'd like for something to make them less reliable at least. I also just realized this could theoretically give Security and Captain a way out of being loyal. Debunking this idea but i'll leave the topic open to see if someone has a better idea.
  6. So I was discussing with an admin about Loyalty implants and how utter defeating it is to get one. How would it be if you could do something like harm intent your head to try and "yank it out", like "Pubby McGreifer is screaming and clawing at their head, tearing the flesh!" Doing so would cause massive bleed and brute damage, so you realistically couldn't survive without help, and there could be a chance to fail and have you scream something like "I AM TRYING TO REMOVE MY IMPLANT!!", while still dealing the damage. I mean, we already have the missing scalp sprite too, its perfect :v
  7. While I believe there is a game group on here for DND, I'm all for joining up. I thoroughly enjoy pen and paper games and have been playing pathfinder for 2-3 years now so I can aid any newcomers that decide to join up as well.
  8. I have now shown you what that would look like, good sir.
  9. I think making them all one whole color will make the morgue look very unmorguelike.
  10. Could work both ways honestly, I would need to check when I got some free time.
  11. Humans are fine. They're the baseline and their uniqueness lies simply in their averageness. No serious handicaps, no buffs, just plain old jack-of-all-trades. Skrell(s?) are ugly and definitely need some love. And Unathi are too similar to humans. Indeed, I would love for them to get some love, both are underutilized dispite being the first races in, though Unathi hardsuits are kick ass.
  12. Oh my god phone posting suckssss why is there no edit title button.
  13. Gamma alert is something that is sadly very underused for how much actually relies on it. By the time it hits in Blob it's too late to do anything but Nuke and it never comes up even for Aliens. How about when the nuke is activated and counting down, the station goes on Gamma Alert? This is as much as problem to the crew as it is to Ops. Do you take the time to arm up in the Armoy or go out and find the nuke? Can the Borg make it to the roboticist in time to get a module change, hoping its allies can fight the Nukies and get the Nuke? Should the ERT gear up with the special ops gear or rush to save the station? It truly makes me sad cool stuff is gated behind Gamma and it never actually shows up as is.
  14. I have no clue if this is still true or not: you can emag the PA computer to unlock power level 3. Fairly useless but eh, it's a fun thing to know.
  15. Then how about this. Why? Why take the time to add something like this in when it might break far more in the game? Why should the time be taken to code and add something as massive as this as a "test" only to watch it be rejected. Why should the coders and admins devote themselves to something that will add far more headache to the game trying to keep good for the players to play and be fun. And the bigger one, Why is this a problem? I don't see any reason to ignore massive bugs, more fun jobs and equipment for something like this when it's not a problem to begin with at all. Every race is already diverse enough as is. Skrell/unathi/humans need some more love but that's about it.
  16. Appearently my phone doesn't display the edit button. Another thing is that all these are awarded by Karma, which is currently governed more on a popularity standpoint then a good player standpoint. Such massive changes of power will throw it into the corner of who has the biggest standing with the community rather then go being a good player
  17. Except it really isn't. I'm going to borrow a phrase from Riot games about this called "the burden of knowledge". SS13 is already notorious for the massively high skill ceiling just to be MEDIOCORE at the game. Adding in active abilities, different specialities, on top of what they are weak against, and how to counter X just adds more to that ceiling. Not to mention how dumb BYOND coding is, adding anything as warping as this stuff could massively break something we didn't expect. Remember text to speech? We had to shut the server down all because of a bug with it and there was no one able to fix it. That is a SMALL addition that put the server down for a week. When Goons genetic powers were added Cyrotouch instantly killed whoever got hit by it because BYOND wasn't told how to handle cold damage.
  18. It's not like you can see the engineering stuff under the hard suits and medical is usually covered in blood to noticed much about the outfit.
  19. They used to have SecHUD when we added in MedHUDs and AntagHUDs, I don't know why it was taken out. I assume it would to help lag since the SecHUDs were poorly implimented back then and a big source of lag on the server.
  20. It's only if they walk up to Security and request it, i believe.
  21. When it comes to the comment of vampires and the Chapel, DZD believes he found what is causing that bug, so hopefully it'll get fixed soon.
  22. I'm in favor of the rule of Crab, I enjoyed the Rule of Crab.
  23. Hi! Welcome to the server! It's always so good to see new people, even better to see them keep coming back. ....I'll try to stop banning you on accident
  24. Yea I usually give Blueshield and Paramedic massive more access when I get the chance, sans certain things (you got no reason to go to AI, Paramedic, dont ask). However, While giving them basic access to things wouldnt be too much of a harm, the problem is that the basic access opens ALOT of stuff. It probably be easier to edit the access to the department doors to allow the paramedics through, honestly.
  25. Not even, it's supposed to be in Common. Poly is meant to be a nuisance on the radio BUT she's also supposed to screech over the radio when the singlo hits stage 4 an is about to burst from containment.
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