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Everything posted by Saaesculus
welcome to hell nerds
This is it. This is the war, right here
Rip that particular literal gang mobster criminal
They'll be able to change suits at will, and any spaceworthy suit should also be able to keep them cool also hm actually hang on not sure if that'd be really codable, probably, maybe, it'll probably have to have some sort of dummy tag or idk I'll have to do a few checks before making that A Thing I'm pretty sure. They also won't spill their gas everywhere like a plasmaman would, they only need to breathe the co2 not be surrounded by it at all times so that won't be an issue if that's what you're thinking of.
Some notes: The suit isn't spaceworthy, they'll still take damage from pressure if exposed to space The tank should probably be just simular to the vox tanks, that can fit into pockets and/or belts
plasma is a much cooler name than something that rhymes with moron imo. Let's do hieng particles instead. What, you don't know hieng particles? As defined by exadv1 in the official exadv1 ss13 lore: http://wiki.ss13.co/Old_Storyline#Plasma
So would this just be for bombs or also other WMDs or? Because uh. Yeah. What monkeysfist101 said.
remove labour camp from space law and code
Saaesculus replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
The labour camp literally doesn't even work iirc, you need someone babysitting the prisoners -
second best vox the best is of course dapperbrd
Proposal to bring back the Supermatter engine.
Saaesculus replied to Citinited's topic in Suggestions
the para current SM is... pretty garbage, to be honest, so yes port the vg non-shit SM as PJB declared -
this when Also, I would like to thank what is probably the reddit influx for making this the most viewed post in the stories forum.
Bulma Briefs yells, "SIR ROLAND, WOULD YOU STAND FOR A LOWLY PEASANT INSULTING SUCH A LADY AS MYSELF?!" B.O.N.E.S. exclaims, "Have a good debate you two!" Sergey Kurilyochov says, "Even mule is here" Ajax The XX'th says, "Heres an answer! lets all get drunk" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "While you may be a lady in your dastardly Space France, you must remember that you yourself are a Peasant in the Space United Kingdom!" Ajax The XX'th says, "Ill get the booze" Bulma Briefs shouts, "Sir Roland! You might think yourself highly due to your position of a Space Duke of Britain! But in glorious Space France, you are nothing but a lowly servant to peel the potatoes for the miday meal!" Felix Vasyliev asks, "Is it the booze free?" Ajax The XX'th says, "No! 20 creds each." Felix Vasyliev says, "Hm... ok." Sir Roland Dapperbrd III exclaims, "But such is the rightful order of things! By divine right, us Dukes are the true leaders of society, the true born rulers! And such is the natural order!" [Common] Ajax The XX'th says, "20 creds for booze at the debate! Special price!" Bulma Briefs exclaims, "Divine Right?! You speak of Divine Right, you bastard of a northman and a saxon! My HONORABLE FATHER, THE KING OF FRANCE, LOUIS THE CXIVth, WOULD NEVER STAND FOR THIS!" Ajax The XX'th raises his hand. Ajax The XX'th says, "Same country, dude." Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "And your so called "honourable" father is but a puppet to the Space French National Assembly! And such is not the correct way!" Ajax The XX'th says, "Beer, sir?" Un Sagan says, "Yeah, thanks." Bulma Briefs exclaims, "LIES AND SLANDER!" Ajax The XX'th says, "That'll be twenty creds." Si'Makra Hadar chuckles. Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "In a truly righteous society, the leaders must lead, not the rabble! And you speak so highly of a nation where the common rabble can enter the rulership via your godless National Assembly?" Un Sagan says, "Well I dont have my ID with me, sorry." ÿFelix Vasyliev is trying to put 10 credit chip on Ajax The XX'th! B.O.N.E.S. says, "You both are lowly peasents in the eyes of the Council of Bones." [Medical] Si'Makra Hadar asks, "So, place your bets, who will win the debate, Space France or Space UK?" [Medical] Whispers Of The Leaves says, "Space UK." [Medical] Micah James says, "Space UK." [Medical] Marcion Solomon says, "Fuck both of them." [Medical] Marcion Solomon says, "Space USA for the win!" Bulma Briefs yells, "MY FATHER IS A PROUD MAN! The Space French National Assembly's control over the King of Space France is nothing but a petty rumor spread by prussian reactionaries and the agent of the Space Czar!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III asks, "But is it not the truth that your Constitution overly limits the powers of your rightful rulers? That your national assembly must authorize and pass any and all governing acts?" Bulma Briefs shouts, "And you speak to me in such a language, berating my country for giving a voice to the people, but you stay silent about your own Parliament, where the true rabble fight each in the House of Commons for pennies!" Ajax The XX'th says, "I have it on good authority, Bulma's royals were married in from her fathers Peasant Wench!" Bulma Briefs yells, "In Space France, he National Assembly is made up from FINE GENTLEMEN, unlike YOURSELF!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III exclaims, "The house of commons is, of course, unlike your rabble, checked by the House of Lords! And us Lords do not take such rabble lightly! Unlike your anarchy, us Lords are indeed capable rulers!" Bulma Briefs yells, "HAH! THE HOUSE OF LORDS! Where the USELESS BOURGOISE, people WHO ARE NOT EVEN ROYALS, waste precious money THAT COULD BE SPENT ON THE PEOPLE! In our country, NOBLES must prove themselves to be CAPABLE OF LEADERSHIP!" Felix Vasyliev says, "This debate is such an interesting thing" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III yells, "How dare you! Wealth is the sign of nobility!" Bulma Briefs says, "WEALTH IS JUST AN ASPECT OF NOBILITY! True nobility does not care about the PETTY shackles that is MORTAL WEALTH!We live for TRUE IDEALS, such as FREEDOM AND EQUALITY!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "Capable? Proven? Pah! Such petty things. Us lords are born to rule! We inheirit the divine right of our ancestors and we know what nobility is! Your true ideals are nothing but anarchist rabble! You would sooner destroy the nation than show any sign of leadership!" Bulma Briefs shouts, "Pffft, Sir Roland! You say this like the King of Space france does not reign ABSOLUTE! The agents of the Space Czar have poisoned your mind, SIR ROLAND, you, WHOSE MOTHER LAID WITH PRUSSIAN PIGS! The nation lies within its people, Sir Roland!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III yells, "But is not such so? Freedom? Equality? Liberty? Merely codewords for your liberal ideals! The destruction of the nation as we know it! Only true Conservatism, that which we in the Space United Kingdom know as the One True Path shall reign!" Bulma Briefs yells, "REACTIONARY! You wish to enslave the peasant to exploit them! Space French nobility does not stand for such ideals! IN OUR COUNTRY, NOBILITY MEANS SKILL, NOBLES ARE EXAMPLES! We rule by Divine Right, but our nobility does not mean we are entitles to ENSLAVE THE NATION!" Blake Campbell shouts, "Booooo!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III exclaims, "It is the natural order of things! The way of truth, as defined by the divine right which we lords inheirit from our ancestors! And you dare call your rabble-state a true Empire? You claim that it may be slavery, but serfdom is the proper order of things!" Bulma Briefs yells, "Pffft! At least we had an Emperor before! And it was the Emperor of our own country and not of SPACE INDIA! ANOTHER COUNTRY THE SPACE UNITED KINGDOM HAS EXPLOITED!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III exclaims, "We have civilized Space India and brought wealth and civilization to them! We have uplifted the Space Indians!" Blake Campbell says, "Space India would have been conquered by barbarians otherwise" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III exclaims, "If it were not for our kindness, Space India would indeed, have fallen to barbarianism and tribalism!" Un Sagan claps. Blake Campbell cheers, "Yay!" Bulma Briefs yells, "Serfdom IS the proper order of things, but serfdom is not equal with SLAVERY AND EXPLOITATION! And we have uplifted the Space Moroccans, and the Space Algerians and countless other peoples, NEVER EXPLOITING THEM!" Bulma Briefs yells, "I, MADEMOISELLE BULMA, VOW THIS ON MY EMPIRE! I, THE PRINCESS OF FRANCE! I shall never stand for the METHODS of the Space British Empire EVER AGAIN!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III says, "Miss Briefs, as long as you and your so called Nobles are puppets to the National Assembly, you will never know true loyalty. NEVER." Bulma Briefs exclaims, "Hah! It does seem YOU do not know true royalty, BECAUSE SHE IS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!" Blake Campbell says, "A debate" Squish Master Z squishes Sir Roland Dapperbrd III exclaims, "What is standing in front of me is a puppet, and she dances as the Assembly pulls the strings! You have built anarchy, with such things as a free press and universal suffrage!" Bulma Briefs shouts, "The National Assembly has no control over us! They serve us, and we both serve the NATION!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III asks, "And how do you claim your so-called servitude to the nation when your nation is but a nation of rabble, overflowing with so called freedoms and liberties?" Bulma Briefs exclaims, "What you call RABBLE is the foundation of every nation, Sir Roland, its people!" B.O.N.E.S. yells, "I claim that this debate is rigged! DIRTY FRENCHY SYMPATHISERS, FIGHT IT OUT!" Squish Master Z nods in agreement Sir Roland Dapperbrd III yells, "How DARE you, BONES! Very well!" Bulma Briefs shouts, "LET'S SETTLE THIS IN THE RING OF HONOR, SIR ROLAND!" The weapon is now active. Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "INDEED!" Bulma Briefs yells, "PREPARE FOR DEFEAT, YOU REACTIONARY PIG! ONE DAY, THE PEOPLE WILL HANG YOU!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "We shall bring ORDER and CIVILIZATION to the rabble that is your so called Empire!" FIGHT! Sir Roland Dapperbrd III has been attacked in the head with weapon by Bulma Briefs! and then there was a fight and I lost it Si'Makra Hadar yells, "VIVE LA FRANCE!" Bulma Briefs exclaims, "WITNESS THE DEFEAT OF THE SPACE BRITISH EMPRE!" Sir Roland Dapperbrd III shouts, "You may have won this day, but tomorrow shall be Waterloo all over again!" Si'Makra Hadar exclaims, "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!" Bulma Briefs exclaims, "HAH!" Si'Makra Hadar bows. Bulma Briefs says, "Sir Roland, despite that I do not agree with your ideals, you acted and fought like a true gentleman." Sir Roland Dapperbrd III nods. Sir Roland Dapperbrd III says, "As did you, Madame Briefs. Compliments on a match well played." ~and then they became best friends forever. The End.~
Add UK Constable helmets to security lockers
As much as I support this, a rule wouldn't really be the right fix because the "Enemy of the corporation" law in space law allows you to execute people for being traitors at all. That's the problem here I think.
Saturation flashbang bombing wins us a match of Dapperbrd + Warden + Beepsky/SpaceManSparkAI VS RD, Captain, and 5 other mobbers
Please don't fire people for calling you a dork. Please don't fire people for flipping at you. Please don't tell people that they aren't allowed to use a big chunk of the department, say, telling engi they aren't allowed to start the solars. Please don't telebaton people, steal their IDs, and throw them out and call that demotion. Please don't do those things.
Goon had something like this, door access logs, which person opened which door at which time, but nobody ever used it for anything so it was removed but eh
for some fucking reason there were 2 near-identical xenobiology guides, except one was outdated. redirected the old one to the current one, should be a fix
Because HOLY SHIT e: a 5x5 area around them would be even nicer
wait, fartonium exists here???
There's already a Track on the station.
Every day the same shift. Every shift the same people. Same people, same positions, same times, every day. Thet. Nymph. Cole. Medusa. Fox. Do the names even mean anything? A set time they'll be on the station, a set role, a set personality. Always the same. Same jobs, same names, same times, same things. They cycle every hour. Same with the personal AIs. Always the same pAIs. Some hours you'll get only NEKO, others only Spark, others none at all. But it's always the same pAIs. Always the same personality packages, always available for download between the same times, their various gimmicks echoing in your head and driving you even more insane. Every shift the same things. The rush for the coin. Medical doctor, scientist, cop, hell, anyone without the ability to nab yellow gloves. They all rush for the coin. Every shift, every day, like clockwork. The moment the voice announcement system announces the welcome (every shift the same welcome), they all scramble, head off to the crew quarters, and try and nab the coin. The engine, motor, gravitational singularity, singuloth, our lord, whatever you wanna call it. Every day the same modes. Off, on, and CALL THE SHUTTLE. Every shift the same engies, doing the same things, turning it on the same way. Repairing the same breaches. The same officers, arresting the same clowns and mimes, getting stabbed by the same enemies and griefers. The same shitlord supercops, power-tripping assholes with a penchant for executing (see: BASH YOUR FUCKING SKULL IN) you if you even look at them the wrong way. For brigging you for an hour, crime being yelling too much. Every person the same actions. The chefs. They call them chefs, but all they ever make are... abominations. Deep fried boxes of deep fried boxes of deep fried boxes of cereal, made out of a slice of cake. The same inedibles. Pens. Toys. The same absolutely inedible junk, turned into cereal, deep fried and fed to us. The shenanigans. Always the same shenanigans. Colorful reagent smoke, carpet smoke, clowns dropping banana peels, vines. Some times you'll get only one, or the other, but it's always shenanigans. Every day the same tide. Greytide, the civilian wave, the same. Faceless, completely devoid of personality, in the same jumpsuits. Pushing over the same engineers. Stealing the same stun batons. Getting jailed for the same crimes.And they are not the only ones. Every day the same species. They call it a multicultural outreach program. Employment opportunities my ass. Our folk love to call 'em catbeasts, slime beasts, fish beasts. 'course, all they ever do is huddle together in unspeakable ways. And that's not even to mention the vox. Those parrots, their absurd spaceships, their complete lack of understanding of the Space American Language. All you ever hear are SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. Hell, that's even if they're organic. Robots, not-robots-but-still-robot IPCs, cyborgs, AI units. Heh, AI? Bet they're just dudes in cubes, given levers and monitors. Theoretically, silicons're supposed to follow laws, and be good. But when does that ever happen? When does our Artifical Stupidity ever decide to not exploit its laws, and fuck us all over 'cuz it wants to? Every day, the same attackers. The Cult of Nar-Sie, the Syndicate, the Space Wizards Federation, what's the difference really. They're all hell-bent on nuking everything you've done to kingdom come, whether it by summoning an ancient hell-god, turning you into ashes, or just by blowing up the fucking station. The same beasts. Shadowlings they call 'em. Some crazy beast form capable of literally lurking in the shadows, striking you down with their eyes, and converting you entirely. If you're lucky, it'll just be a few alien spiders, how do they even manage to get on-board? Post-shift, it's even worse. All the insanity, the bottled rage, the absurdity, it all releases there. They say we arrive at a central command facility. It's more that we arrive at our dooms. Always the same post-shift shenanigans. Gibsmoke. Tank transfer bombs. Bags of holding. Laser fire. But we always survive, and we always manage to be there the next shift. I remember it so well. The new years celebrations. 2559, was it? They say time itself broke that day. I can't really tell anymore. What year is it really? Nobody really knows. They say it's 2559, or 2055, or 2053. I don't think anyone knows for sure anymore. It's been cycling for so long. And I don't think there's a way out. Welcome to Hell. Thanks to the CrewCrew Collective (PJ and Neko/Qinetix) for editing, additions, ideas, and inspiration. e: oh fuck this is my 100th post