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Everything posted by EssentialManic

  1. I would just like any positive change to the job.
  2. Things that would make barber more useful and fun. Put the Barbers shop in a better place maybe switch it with the bathrooms. Add new items such as Hair tonic(Grows hair to super lengths) Comb and Scissors etc (to style hair and facial hair) Hair dye(For hair colors). Add in new hairstyles that only a Barber can make. Add in Secure Barber storage for weapons crates,mechs etc.
  3. Or they can keep some of their originally thought of ideas but you known fixed. But they spawn with a special suit that only the Captain or someone with emag can open. A major weakness could be if they are attacked by a very heated object(Ex.Welder and lasers ect) causes them to explode equal to a slighty stronger Soda bomb. If the problems is grifiers deny them it from the start.
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