Coding Difficulty: Medium - Hard (?)
Coding Type: Add New Creature
Difficulty: Medium - Hard
Type: Predatory Creature / Antagonist
Objective: Feed to survive. / Feed upon X Creatures [for green text purposes (?)]
Brief Description: A gateway (or regular) antag, whose objective is just to survive by eating and maintaining a hunger meter.
Deeper Description:
A monster like creature that would need to "go hunting" for food (aka: crew) to be satiated.
It would probably need to be stronger, health or defense wise, than the "breeding" creatures/antags, such as spiders/xenos.
or 'normal' health/defense if balanced correctly (depending on if its gateway only or if it can come to the station)
Since its a hunting creature, I'd say it would move quickly, like the hunter xenos.
I originally stated, on discord when i brought up the idea, that it was blind and saw through either echolocation or through things that made sounds.
Few examples:
Crew Talking
Crew Running
Radio Chatter
Throwing Objects
Explosions / Gunfire
but, I feel like the creature would be an interesting and unique addition even without the 'blindness'
Additional or Alternative Ideas:
Devour to gain point/kills
Points/Kills = Evolve = Get Stronger/Harder to Kill
Speed Increases
Sprite Size Increase [Renault size --> Panther size]
Alternative Vision Traits:
Normal > Thermal > X-Ray [Pair with Evolution(?)]
Alternative Objectives:
Devour X People [Pair with Evolution(?)]
Devour ALL Crew [May be too hard to accomplish]
Foreseen Challenges:
How strong is too strong? / how weak is too weak?
If gateway only, it could devastate people going on solo missions.
If gateway, but can travel through, it could cause chaos in an already chaotic round (eg: blob, wizard, etc.)
If station antag, it'd need to be buffed if we're expecting a 100 person crew to valid hunt it to death.
If blind, how is this coded well enough to make it fun to play?
Final Notes:
Let me know what you think.
I've done minor coding, on a different game, so I'm not necessarily good at coding. Not sure Exactly how hard it'd be to add but it shouldn't be too hard to as I feel some of it could be copy/paste.
Thanks for reading.