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How would you redesign your department?
Longpipe23 replied to Warriorstar's topic in General Discussion
Regarding Bridge Hoboing And Admin Actions Against It On 7/15/2021
Longpipe23 replied to Red966's topic in General Discussion
I feel like a majority of the people here are missing the root cause of bridge hoboism, it's not mapping or players just being shits, it's the jobs being boring. I mean, hell, if you can get more job engagement on fucking /tg/ where all they want to do all round is kill the bad men you know you've done something wrong. Our jobs are archaic to say the least, I don't think they've even been touched since release despite a few minor changes here and there, but I don't think any of the major systems have been touched in any substantial way (to may knowledge) other than maybe shaft miner and engineer. Obviously, Bridge Hoboism is low-roleplay and annoying, but I feel as though if we want to solve the bridge hobo problem it's not through rigid enforcement or reprimand, it's giving the bridge hobos something interesting to do. -
Requested Space Law Changes (Just Contraband)
Longpipe23 replied to Sirryan2002's topic in Wiki Development
Likely because you can also get them from the clown ruin on lavaland. -
It was really good, however adding it as a boon kind of defeats the purpose. After reading Peak's PR it seems I just misunderstood his intent, as the wall isn't really going anywhere - it's just a fix for the brainless "cheese" you can still do it as you would normally it's just slightly more difficult.
Well, not bubbles, so not every fauna. I would also argue that its not really cheese if its baked into the game mechanics as such. /tg/ has the same thing and it works fine. I would be all for the re-enabling of the hierophant for some more fun kinetic crusher gameplay. Seeing as this is the case, I would argue that the fauna that you can "cheese" is the only one that counts for "gamer" loot (yes, I can sympathize but I don't think its cheese, I'm not taking your argument in bad faith). Allow me to elaborate, essentially, there is very few pieces of "gamer loot" that you can get from the current megafauna that's actually that good for being a gamer other than drake armour, which lets be real here man drake armour is not that hard to get in the first place, spectral Blade which relies on ghosts needing to spot you one, and the specific drake transform which allows you to become a dragon; and even that one isn't too terribly good. Maybe I could see the case for this if we had tumors or Heralds that you could cheese and dropped actual bonkers loot. But for now I feel this is less the aforementioned item being too good and more the current loot pool being kinda shite.
Requested Space Law Changes (Just Contraband)
Longpipe23 replied to Sirryan2002's topic in Wiki Development
I’m well aware. Hence stripping naked faster. Dickish? Sure. Pointless? Maybe. Either way it still gets the point across that they’re being annoying. -
Requested Space Law Changes (Just Contraband)
Longpipe23 replied to Sirryan2002's topic in Wiki Development
Considering this, why not just have a SOP clause for you to be able to remove their PDA/ID? Gets the stripping done faster and keeps them from upsetting the people working like... the highest burnout job where you’re already neck deep in the shit. Matter of fact, without diverting this conversation too far from its original topic; paradise needs some kind of shitter clause like they have on terry where you can just beat their shins with a chair in and have them crawl to medbay. It’s incredibly cathartic. -
Requested Space Law Changes (Just Contraband)
Longpipe23 replied to Sirryan2002's topic in Wiki Development
I’ve seen people hit the glass / lightbulbs with PDAs and it just irks me. Like, sir, I understand you’re almost at the metaphorical shitter finish line and won’t stop at banging the glass to piss off security, but could you instead consider getting a life. -
Too powerful Blood Boil runes - these things are insane. Especially if you can get a fellow cultist to co-operate (surprisingly the most unlikely part of this scenario) and shotgun them with some kind of x-ray/thermal device. Congratulations, everyone in a 7-tile radius that isn't a cultist now is accruing sixty burn damage minimum. Blood Rites - I have annihilated entire security forces armed with shotguns by myself using the blood rites spell. The healing is simply insane and all of the weapons you can get from it are ludicrous as well. Especially if you save up for the big 500 which isn't even difficult to get. Just run past a couple bridge hobos and bap them a couple of times and you're golden. It is currently way too easy to farm this up for the incredible bonuses it grants you. Either it needs to be toned down incredibly or the rewards it grants needs to be nerfed lest we get /tg/ blood rites which are just a ginormous pain in the ass. Shielded Robes - B-b-but Toob you bbbbaka. Flagellant robes are the ones that are too powerful. It's not like you can get one burst by a shotgun or anything; all jokes aside. The shielded robes are incredibly good -- too good, there's a reason they give these to nuclear operatives and wizards. Especially when you combine it with a mirror shield and some kind of stun device. Cult Blades (Especially Sharpened) - Oh yeah, just give the already murderhobo-ass gamemode an esword. That can't possibly end poorly. Needs some tweaking Mirror Shields - These force a kind of counterplay which just kind of sucks on paradise. Every time you see someone with even the most minor of stun resistances it just kind of sucks to see security start sharpening the axes with malicious intent. It's really just not fun for either party. At most its fun for those "I joined the force to kill" security officers. Flagellant Robes - G-g-go-g-go-gotta go fast. These things are kind of stupid good for getting the snowball rolling. Maybe instead of having it give you negative armour values give it charges for every time you pull someone. Basically, after you've been shot, or punched, or you've dragged someone three times it no longer gives you speed and you have to go back to the forge. I'm pretty sure the cooldown times are pretty long so maybe this might act as a deterrent to those spamming it. Also maybe lower the speed a bit, especially since they can just outrun all the projectiles. I saw Leanfrog suggest some kind of conversion of damage into speed type of thing. That sounds bitchin', give them some kind of flagellant whip (already have the chain of command sprite) and have them whip themselves to go faster in exchange for taking more damage and getting brute damage. Unholy Water - Yeah just bake in meth anti-stun with no negative drawbacks AND give them permanent superspeed in the form of flagellant robes. This needs some tweaking. Scribing Speed - Not so much that its the speed that needs tweaking, just the fact that there should be some way to do it faster. I see in the code that there's an adminbus meme item for faster scribing. But this should totally be a thing. Perhaps sharpening sets it to 0.6 as opposed to increasing the brute damage by five. Shit that sucks Constructs - When they're not murderboning people you're trying to convert, they're sucking at murderboning. I really don't understand how anyone thought these things were good. They completely beat the point of cult. Maybe if they had some kind of conversion power as opposed to just murder power similar to how the artificer is good at building. The wraith also kind of just blows except for just boning the AI. Summoning Nar'Sie - Literally the worst part of the round in my opinion. It's so easy to completely fail the round because people just don't want to work. This should have some kind of failsafe for stupid people. It's the worst feeling to get right to the finish line to have it fumbled by people being uncooperative just to muderbone. Maybe offer up some ghost roles? I really have no solution to this part of the problem. The worst part is how easily the rune can just be erased when you have like 30+ people mobbing you. Hallucination - This is kind of fun to meme around with but it should really have some kind of more major negative on the player you use it on. Maybe moving around doors and walls or making other people look like cultists? There's something here.
General Pet Peeves of mine: People who leave the empty/dirty bowls, plates, etc on the table... the garbage can is right there. People who whine about midround antags "performing poorly". (Have you tried not dying?) Medical Doctors who drag people away to get cloned or put them into cryopods whilst you're healing them. Its especially infuriating when they drag them just to automender them. Faux paperwork HoPs, those HoPs that just get you to sign the paper as opposed to going on the signature quest. If you're gonna make me do paperwork at least make me walk around a bit. People who just walk up to a department and go, "give me x". Doubly so in the kitchen. People walking through the halls on any other intent but help and pushing you while you're talking to someone. Security Officers who walk around in circles to prevent you from uncuffing. Nothing wrong with it, just irks me for some strange reason. Mimes/Clowns who thinks their jobs entail just being assholes. Deliberate Troll Janitors that just wet under the airlocks, like come on man, at least disguise it a bit. Antags who don't do very menial antagging or none at all. Especially when they kvetch about you arresting them as an officer because they, "Didn't do anything". You should've done something.
Medbay "Main" here. Removal of cloning: I can definitely get behind that. I feel as though for a server that encourages agency and player choice it doesn't really give the bad guys-- you know, the role meant to be MORE fun and rare-- much agency about how they go about successfully leaving someone killed rather than behead this guy or hope he's a shit chicken or jelloperson and medbay is stupid and incompetent. Stasis pods: Honestly, just have it freeze the timer for doctors to get tided up. They have this on /tg/ in the form of a bag and it works just fine on there; this would be a dream for chaotic medbay rounds like nukies that everyone seems to bitch and whinge about. Anticoagulants: I think you meant coagulant... as the opposite would cause them to bleed out faster. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the idea. Like sure, give medbay more stuff to mitigate internal bleeding, but you also give people internally bleeding a thing to mitigate internal bleeding. Hell, why even visit medbay as a botanist when you can just munch on some blood tomatoes and hop in a pod for a few seconds and be fine. Increased defib timer: Yeah, sure. I think removal is a bit extreme but I can get behind a two to five minute bump up. Dehusk Surgery: No thanks, there's already a method implemented to dehusk people without cloning. However, it requires chemistry to be competent enough to make 100u of synthflesh. Decayed organ surgery """improvement""": God no, mitocholide is fine as is and doesn't need to be made any easier. Maybe having debridement for organs similar to debridement for limbs or the repair of damaged organs. I would be fine with that. Removal of Gib/Dust/Devour: No, that seems like an awful idea. I share the sentiment of wanting to play the character I spawned in as, trust me. However, I also realize that the game does not revolve around me wanting to play the character I spawned in as. There are other people playing the game and sometimes you gotta eat shit and sit in dchat or play as a monkey. All of your chemical shit wrapped up into one bullet point because me lazy: No. No. What? What?! Strange Reagent is in a perfectly fine state as is. It's essential for reviving non-cloneable races or those who have gone past their best before date. Rezadone is already piss easy to make. If you don't have the social awareness to ask people for a multitool or prodding botany for some carpotoxin should you really be playing on an MRP server? Formaldehyde is already fine. I, among others, use Formaldehyde on SR patients to make sure they don't crust up on me too much. The last one is just straight up incorrect. There are literally chemicals which serve to purge chems, I also KNOW that you know about these things because you were talking about how garbage calomel is in comparison to pentetic acid. Granted, they don't process whilst the person is dead but neither do the other reagents that you want to purge. Just load them up with the chemical and revive them, simple as. This seems disingenuous. Prescanning: Yeah, agreed that's so bullhonkey. However, if a powered vampire/any antag is cooking up in the vat you can A. delete their records beforehand and B. ask AI to cut power while they're cloning and buckle them to a chair. It's not rocket science.
Personally I think replacing the pen with like 10 spools of cable coil is perfectly reasonable. No reason that they can't just walk up to ArtVend and get more themselves roundstart. Seems more like a QoL change. The welder however... 15 burn damage melee weapon that can weld doors together roundstart is a tad goofy, especially on highpop where all the welders have magically fucked off, cargo is asleep at the wheel, and engineering is lounging over their dragon's horde of tools. Maybe I could see some kind of nerfed emergency welder seeing as they're everywhere and it is an emergency box.
As an aforementioned "gamer miner" I feel like this would go incredibly underused for the following reasons. The first being that this requires crusher trophies. The crusher is already seldom used, and when it is, the last thought of a miner would be to pump upgrades into their cruddy mining emitter that they keep having to swap the batteries on. Even if they did upgrade it, it will likely only be the legion trophies as those are really easy to farm up. Secondly, these don't really seem to serve much of a purpose despite being cool side thing. I can mine far faster than these can with a KA with mining AOE and double cooldowns or even the Ripley mech should I have found the two that can spawn on lavaland or provided the golden unicorn moment of robotics being competent. Thirdly, I feel like this would be an incredibly niche item and just add to the bald-bait pile. It's an incredibly small window of "bald shaft miners who are using pickaxes and holding their oxygen tanks whilst dragging legion corpses to medbay" to "drake-punchers" and neither would have any interest in setting up an emitter line for minimal payoff. If you're going to do this at all, just make some lavaland factorio nonsense. Auto-Miners, Conveyers, Splitters, Inserters. I want to protect my plasma bus from Bubblegum in my Mining Spider Tank.
Reach the highest number without an admin posting
Longpipe23 replied to Mrs Dobbins's topic in Civilian's Days
3... shirtless vulps?... and a partridge in a pear tree. -
Librarian-focused mini event: Photo Day
Longpipe23 replied to Sappholopod's topic in Event suggestions
This sounds like a great idea! I'd love to see the librarian get some action for once. -
Lavaland Geothermal Power - New Station Goal
Longpipe23 replied to Charliminator's topic in Suggestions
You should totally have it need filters that are necessary for it to produce power. THEN, have it be a traitor objective to sabotage the aforementioned filters; could totally get S. Hayden from the Syndicate Communique to say, "We are only temporarily disabling the towers; you need to remove each lens individually. Carefully release the hinges..." -
Contrary to Herder's opinion, I actually quite like the "disposals wild ride". However, I have been very vocal about my opinion on the CereStation map on the discord. I absolutely love this map. The general aesthetic is just glorious, the bridges, the rocks, the sand; all of it is genuinely incredibly and has obviously been handcrafted with care. In fact, I would suggest adding like trees and other shrubbery (as long as it isn't too campy). I think that the overall map design is incredibly well-suited to the atmosphere we wish to cultivate on the server as well as benefitting gameplay. Without sounding too pretentious and "wordy", the closed off maintenance could definitely allow for some incredibly tense scenes and the ability to carve through the rock would also provide an interesting gameplay element. This map would also help mitigate some of the problems we have surrounding our map being too small resulting in generally louder and more obnoxious antagonists. I really hope this map gets ported, I am fully in favour of this map.