it's kinda hard to think of changes that would/could salvage the role and make it viable, but i might have a couple ideas for improving the role...
i realize that a lot of the time when i play psych/therapist, the office's so hidden away in the back of medbay that a remapping would be almost necessary for interactivity. as it is now, the office is almost inaccessible, and that makes it hard for the psych to actually get patients to come in.
it might be a good idea to start making therapy/a meeting with the psych a requirement for new intakes to prison (maybe certain types of prisoners, like ones going into perma?). this gives them more of a chance to be useful, imo, and gives them something to actually do.
some sort of benefit to actually getting therapy would be nice, too, for the patient, but i'm at a loss as to what would be appropriate to have granted by a therapist. maybe a natural boon that activates after being in close proximity to the therapist in question while in their office?