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Everything posted by Coolrune206

  1. Viz was a mentor back in the day, count ought to have restarted with them. But I don't think admins count, just mentors, for resetting.
  2. Damn you two are just playing co-op now
  3. Trial Admins are real admins Cope and seethe
  4. Hey are we making a push today?
  5. Unfortunately from what I've heard these types of roles play very heavily into elitism.
  6. Interesting, but why?
  7. This AC is relevant and recent to your post. To summarise, all Command members should be expected to be able to communicate with their departments and with Command itself over radio.
  8. I personally feel this change has been beneficial to combat. However, if people dislike this PR's effects, I think there could be other options to consider as alternative implementations. For instance, what if dragging a large object like a locker needed your hands to be free to drag it, otherwise it would be slow? That fixes the dragging issue for people using it out of combat, and it also prevents people from comboing it with weapons like the e-bow or 357 as effectively. I'd also argue it makes sense - how the hell are you pulling a supposedly bulky locker or crate with your hands full of guns? However, I would like to note the current implementation does not entirely kill the environmental combat bonuses offered by lockers and especially crates. You can still run past a locker or crate, drag it a single tile just to be inbetween you and your target, and then release it so you keep running at full speed and there's now an obstacle inbetween yourself and your pursuer - they'll open it and run through if it's a locker, but it still blocks shots, and if it's a crate they'll have to move it or climb over to pursue.
  9. Another thing I heard from the Spriter-Man himself @McRamon was that any changes to screen size would require changes to things like cinematics, which play over the full screen - this means that if we did go for the "opt-in" wide-screen of 17x15 or 19x15, spriters would have to do thrice as much work to accommodate. It's less about lower resolution displays and more about aspect ratio. 1920x1080 and 1366x768 are both in 16:9 aspect ratio. This works well with the widescreen design. However, an aspect ratio of 16:10 has a slightly taller screen than a 16:9, and as such the window needs to stretch further to the side to accommodate this. With widescreen, this ends up with the chat box getting smooshed to the far right. For contrast with your images, this is how the widescreen TM appears on a 16:10 monitor: Not much space to work with, which is inconvenient for doing things like reading mentor tickets (I can only imagine the suffering admins will be having using a small window like this), and it also cuts off half the buttons in the top right. How am I supposed to see the beautiful Donate button like this
  10. I'll echo my thoughts from the Discord and Git here, I currently prefer the current implementation over the widescreen option, mostly due to my 16:10 monitor not playing as well with the Widescreen (either having large black bars if I resize the viewport or a severely squished chat/verbs tab otherwise). If the widescreen PR does get merged, I would sincerely appreciate it having a toggle back to 15x15 for folks with monitors like mine, but if I had the choice overall I'd rather just stick with the 15x15 option for everyone. There's a few reasons - tanking either a screwy UI or a vision malus doesn't feel great for a feature that doesn't really seem beneficial (at least to me), plus my bias towards the square viewport - it makes sense to see equal distance in each direction. The consensus I've heard from folks around is that this feels satisfying for combat, but less so for RP due to the squishing of the chat box. I personally lean more towards the RP side of things, so that may also affect my opinion.
  11. I know you said you don't want to make an admin complaint, but this still probably belongs in this section - you can use the "seeking clarification" tag if you'd like, as it seems you want some clarification about the events of the round. From my experience with the admins, it's unlikely you were deliberately singled out.
  12. 1. Sciencetist Scientist 2. JSON: 3. 26/02/2023 4. She's got no tail, cap'n!
  13. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/20375 has been made with the intent to address some of the problems with Changeling Hivemind, please leave any feedback you may have there.
  14. I'm not a fan of the Hivemind in its current implementation at all, for a few reasons. The first and most importantly is its tendency to lead Clings into a team death-ball scenario, where they just group up and plow through any opponents (because several people who can revive any time you manage to take any down and can prevent you from perma-killing any if they fall is a massive pain to deal with for anyone). Secondly, Changelings already have a generally decent way to locate each other in a more natural way that requires them to actually do something, by stinging someone to no effect - similar to how Vampires can locate each other with ineffective glares. Thirdly, it just makes no sense at all - these creatures aren't actually hivemind entities, visible from how they act on entirely different objectives and quite frequently in opposition to each other. It's more like just chemical signaling but rangeless. My suggested alternative, if simply removing it (which I'm also down for) is off the table, would be a more limited hivemind where Changelings have to physically establish it with each other and it deteriorates over time or perhaps distance. A similar form of this already exists in the weird ability to jam someone into the Cling Hivemind, I think reworking this to be how the Hivemind works properly would be a decent way to do it code-wise, so you actually have to locate a fellow cling in the field then jack them into your own communications.
  15. Good news then, the PR to remove them went through a few weeks ago :)
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