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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. so been kinda having a train of thought about various aspects of fish, and i figure that i'd kinda put it here one, fish weight so not all fish are equal, some are more equal than others, right? the general think i'm thinking is that maybe some fish should take up MORE space in a tank than others, since you know, they'd physically take up more space. so some fish would have a heigher "weight" to them, meaning they take up multiple slots in a tank. a general idea: goldfish, feederfish, glowfish, shrimp: 1 fish baby space carp, clownfish: 2 fish salmon: 3 fish shark, catfish, eel: 4 fish note: some of the bigger fish can't completely fill a tank, to allow for feeder fish in and two, sturgeon sturgeon being a new type of fish, only available from off station(say, a cargo order). with a weight of 4. sturgeon require a diet of shrimp rather than feeder fish, but if raised give delectable flesh and tasty roe, the supreme food for any snobbish heads of staff. and that's about it. ignore the fish weight system if you really want, but the sturgeon one is essentially the core thing i've been thinking about
  2. so i kind of like playing botany, and over a couple servers i've had a couple ideas that i thought i'd just throw out here sawmill machine that work similarly to an autolathe, but will only work with wood can produce some more advanced wooden objects like rolling pins, and could even make some custom items like baseball bats (maybe even with the possibility of nailbatting) space cotton just as it sounds, space cotton. similarly to towercap, most of it's uses are for luxery (socks, capes, various other clothing). other posible uses could be fore makeshift bandages, and molotovs tin cap mushrooms mutated tower caps that produce metal instead of wood. requires a welder to process herbs basic herbs that can be grown and used to heal minor amounts of damage for burn, brute, and bleeding. used similarly to regular first aid items, and could posably be combined with bandages to make poultice
  3. well, i just encountered nations mode for the first time, and needless to say it was a bit confusing a couple ideas that i ahd that could really help easy things in: -hud icons, similar to sec hud/cultist/rev icons, so you can see who is and isn't on your team -radio changes to nation radio, so communication can be easier -flag icon change, going from something that you don't know where that is a flag a person is carrying, to something more akin to regular CTF (attached to back, or something similar) just thought i'd throw these out there
  4. xoyv

    uhh, hi

    been playing on the server for a little while occasionally you might see me either here or on the station ...idk
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