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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I've had a similar experience, some smoke or visible dents would be great.
  2. Sounds like a fun concept, not to derail your idea, but I can imagine it somehow turning into a raging war between species. Also like the last part, lately a lot of people seem overly concerned with 'winning'.
  3. Great suggestion. So tired of shitters in medbay stealing and bumping patients, also like the idea of it being a karma role. +1
  4. +1 love this idea, could even become a game mode down the track.
  5. +1, although Honky will probably get murdered more than Pun-pun. A pet for the mime would also be good to complement it.
  6. I like the idea of timed solitary that was suggested above. 10mins for damage to cell etc. sounds pretty fair and a good way of punishing greytide without giving them the chair. On another note: Could we please remove the windows between solitary cells? Everyone who's ever been in there has broken them and it makes it harder to utilise both cells when there's an aggressive prisoner in one of them.
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