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About Kharshai

  • Birthday 06/16/1998

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Security Officer

Security Officer (16/37)



  1. I noticed a typo, it should be "Gender: Female"
  2. I've never liked seeing people name themselves after very popular characters, it's quite immersion breaking and discourages people thinking up unique characters when they can just call themselves "Nathan Drake" or something and be fine, also agreeing with Shadey's point that it drops RP quality. It's just a personal preference of mine and I'm sure many don't share it, though.
  3. g'day mayte, welcome to the forums
  4. Who knew learning could be so cute?
  5. Updated quite a lot because I'll probably start playing again.
  6. Support, if you still use ~ with too much brain damage, your character should also gib.
  7. Hiya, person.
  8. impossible for Tristen :3
  9. Welcome, let 2D space consume your very existence
  10. This needs to happen.
  11. Great Britain, empire of queuing, rain, angry Scottish separatists, and free health care. [spoiler2]Don't forget the hot communist politicians too..[/spoiler2]
  12. Madoka and Mami's ^^
  13. If you make Madoka Magica clothing, I'll love you forever.
  14. I can't speak for Hannah but ATHENA'S NOT OBESE > YOU TOTALLY CAN. Sureee, suree.
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