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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Hello. I am new to this server, but I am already invested in it because the playerbase is dedicated to actually keeping the space station maintained and communicating, not acting like half-evolved monkeys. However, one problem I have is that going AFK for a bit too long means you get sent to a Cryo chamber, which I think is a great idea for ensuring that AFK people can't be taken advantage of. Furthermore, I think that despawning after further AFK time is also a good idea for players that are hogging a job occupation and going AFK. However, the despawn timer is WAY too quick. I was gone for like 20 minutes, and I've been told that you get put into Cryo for being AFK for like 15 minutes, which means that the Cryo chamber despawns you very quickly if you don't get out of being AFK very quickly. I think that, considering how the average round is 2 hours and 5 minutes, the cryo timer should be FAR longer before despawning, preferable between 35 minutes to an hour, if not more. The only reason I suggest this is because I have somewhat spotty internet, and sometimes I may be in the middle of the game when the internet goes out temporarily or I get disconnected, or I have to go do a quick errand after just joining into a game. Getting despawned and having to wait 2 hours just to play again is not fun. I hope you take my suggestion into consideration, and I would assume that doing this wouldn't be too difficult for the coders, since it's an already-existing feature where the timer can be tweaked very easily. Thank you for reading.
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