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Everything posted by Rumiluntti

  1. Giant buff to IPCs, a race that does not need a buff. This almost seems like a IPC player wishlist.
  2. pAIs are already strong, making them into into even more of a death alarm+ seems rather stupid
  3. Biogenerator takes minimal effort, enough to not make them the greytider slip'o'matic of choise.
  4. First time I ever played, a friend of mine showed me the basic controls in the form of buying myself a pack of cigs and lighting it without killing myself. Then he said to me "Good luck". This was back when to use a vending machine you had to put your PIN in and swipe your ID on it. This was back in BestRP before the split. I have no idea what happened that round but I remember being amused by the clown costume.
  5. Spraybottles are robust as fuck, even when filled with only water. Please don't consider making them latheable so every civilian and cunt-turd can have one
  6. That would just be like a death alarm+ as you could go show yourself in security to tell you're dead. Death is already a minor annoyance instead of something to take into consideration, no need to dilute it even more
  7. Dead nerds are not supposed to interfere with the round outside of random midround spawns or someone putting the effort in to make something in xenobio/botany. You are dead, rip in piss.
  8. Only in death are cluwnes truely fixed. Once a cluwne, always a cluwne.
  9. This is a fun game that can eat up all your free time and then demand more. Welcome to the server and praise z0rg.
  10. The classic ducttape wallet, duh
  11. Chaplains are already massive validhunting machines thanks to the stupid gear they get. They really do not need a pseudo holoparasite to help them in this. I would absolutely love to see some kind of mechanic between cult, librarian and the chaplain. Like, cultman makes a rune or talisman, library nerd researches the rune/whatever with his "Spooky book of demon stuff", chaplain makes rituals with the library nerd's instructions, angels pop out. Hallelujah
  12. What's the point then?
  13. It used to be so that when people speak a language you do not know, it showed like this: I'* a g*ia*t *ar* g*ol*e* instead of I'm a giant fart golem Maybe some cunning linguist (kek) can salvage some of the code and make a horrible frankenstain out of it.
  14. Vulvakin and catbeasts should be shaveable for fur. Vox should give feathers. Opens up a whole lot of options for a morally flexible maint hobo tailor.
  15. The deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried emergency oxygen tank cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal cereal is a classic. A horrible classic I wish to never see again, just like salmiak flavored cola they used to sell in finland. But yeah, it would be great if the bats were actually items and could be used for this kind of delicasy
  16. I never want to see the rise of bullshit "friendly vampire pls gibe free blood donations :3333" garbage again
  17. Deployable clown-cockroach that spouts out spooky tater noises and self destructs with a honk when someone sees it. Have fun explaining that to the others that come to look for the noises. Make it spray blood on you too so you look extra fishy.
  18. I would love a caste system totally not stolen from world of darkness pen'n'paper nerd game. Some gather an army of thralls, some are more monster than man, some are sneaky beaky and then there's nosferatus that are just absolutely terrifying creeps. Their thralls would have some of the characteristics of their master's caste. I would also like the vampire to be something to actually fear, like wizard levels of ridiculous. Thralls would be more like the current tase-lase'n'space kinds of minor annoyances that our vampires are. Also, a system where the vampire needs better and better blood to sustain itself or get more blood points! Itty-bitty and kinda shitty starter vampire? Suck on a monkey you disgusting wimp. Reason to fear the night -vampire? Need actual humanoids! Sir Von Spookalot the IV? Need a humanoid of your own species! Blood types matter? Sinful vampire-on-vampire feeding? Don't know, I would like to see thralls get some use other than portable bloodbanks. Rest is just rambling and semi-drunk flow of ideas
  19. Pretty much what spessmanfart said. I hate instastun bullshit but I hate RNGsus even more.
  20. I'm very much against automating karma like this. It also goes against the very idea behind the whole system, this would make it so that people shit out their karma to someone random at round end just to farm up those good boy points.
  21. jojoweebs pls go
  22. Karma price is not taken into consideration when discussing balance.
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