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Everything posted by Sirryan2002
Convienance store takes a different amount of time depending on the location. Construction usually takes me around a half hour, could be more depending on the availability of tools and mats. Roundstart construction usually is the easiest and quickest. It usually takes me another 15 minutes to get the supplies for the convenience store. Unfortunately, you have to manually purchase ALL of it from vending machines and there's a cooldown so it's a bit of a grind. The Pizzeria was located just next to the janitorial closet since that's the only other central building space available for the most part. The Pizzeria took about an hour and a half to get fully running. This is because I did a semi-full hydroponics setup, bought a cow from cargo, got an oven, got enough cardboard for 50+ pizza boxes, and got construction done rather quickly(with a tad bit of help). I got lucky and the pizzeria ended up being on a 3 hour long round so I got to spend a significant amount of time having fun. Since @henri215 introduced me to the EFTPOS scanner, life has been a bit easier running the shops. People are general intrigued by a "new location" and are willing to spare a bit of their attention span to check it out, I highly reccomend it!
The newest three installments of the Edgar Cook Business Chain: Cook's Corner (Convenience Store) Cook's Coffee Edgar's Eatery (Pizzeria)
Hello everyone, I wanted to get community input on this since it's been something that hasn't really been made clear. Should we use Damage/Armor Values on the wiki? What I mean by this, is how much damage say a crowbar/toolbox would do or how much brute damage a space suit would protect from. Other wikis such as the Pararussian downstream and Baystation both include it but we don't currently(for the most part). Generally, I don't include it for reason such as preventing article bloat and discouraging meta-gaming but that may not be what's right. Is including this information appropriate for the paradise wiki, is it only appropriate in some cases (guns, traitor weapons, exo/space-suits, etc?), or not at all.
Welcome to Paradise friend!
I love this
What Government Structure does Paradise Station Follow?
Sirryan2002 replied to Sirryan2002's topic in General Discussion
I think y'all got it on point with us being more of a "company." Also if we're more of a tribe structure, I motion to replace the Head of Staff title with "chieftain" -
when I first started playing, I thought that was a good saying. Then I realized that the people that said it usually were never intending to put in the time to improve it.
What Government Structure does Paradise Station Follow?
Sirryan2002 replied to Sirryan2002's topic in General Discussion
Well I certainly did not intend for it to be viewed this way. I was just bored and thought there were some interesting connections between our staff structure and government structures. Perhaps I should have clarified more that this was just me playing around with some ideas rather than defining our server in a negative way and that my view certainly isn't what you think I may have been propagating through this post(even if it accidently comes off that way). I know we aren't a country or "government" but we can certainly draw some fun similarities between the server and body such as those. It just sparked my interests and I hoped it would spark some fun discussion(which it has) :) Clearly I need to be a bit more verbose in my intentions with this post so I've clarified a few things. -
Honestly I think the concept is a great idea, Paradise just needs some more tame gamemodes so we can mix and match without causing an extraordinarily amount of chaos every round you put more than two together before we could implement this.
As most of my threads do, this discussion started in the discord. What structure of government does paradise station follow? just to be clear, this is a light-hearted analysis not me dissing our current staff/decision making structure(which is fine as it is) and is more of me having fun(so please don't take any of this in a wrong way). The more I dug into this the more it became clear that it's very complicated to compare a gaming server to a brick and mortar government. I've put a bit of thought into this, there are two(three-ish) main groups that serious authority over decisions for the server. The Host(server/database things), Heads of Staff(all things administration/partially the hiring of staff members), and Maintainers(codebase). So our server is "broken up" into three different branches. Heads of Staff: Heads of staff have the most authority over the server, they have decision making powers as well as control over the docket(a.k.a what issues get voted on). However, they are limited by a few things. Staff hiring is voted on by the staff and not solely by the Heads of staff. They share power over what changes are made to the codebase and can be vetoed regarding decisions towards DB/Hosting. Finally, there are three of them, each limiting each others power. Game Admins and CMs also play a role here but I'll get to that later. Maintainers: Maintainers have the most authority over the codebase and contributions made to the server. However they are limited by Head of Staff vetoes and minorly the opinions of PRRs and Contributors. The Server Host: has supreme decision making over Server Hosting/Database decisions but is limited to just that for the most part. Each of these three branches of our server have control over key parts of it but with tangible limitations in their powers. They are limited by eachother, it is separation of powers, which is a democratic principle. However, I don't believe our server is wholly democratic/republic due to that the decision makers of our servers are put in place by staff and not by decision of the playerbase for the most part. I believe politically we are a "Constitutional Oligarchy" where a smaller group people on top make the decision but are limited by eachother and by server policies.
this is a really unique design. I love it!
@AffectedArc07 today on what's wrong with ImageMagick, we have another funky error! Much like we couldn't resize gifs, we can't resize jpegs. Error creating thumbnail: convert: no decode delegate for this image format `JPEG' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/572. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_dffad8e505d3.jpeg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3322. Error code: 1 From my research it looks like native ImageMagick does not come with a library for supporting JPEGs because it's old and stupid. https://askubuntu.com/questions/211627/how-to-add-support-for-the-jpeg-image-format seems to be an example of the same issue we're having and it looks like it can be solved by installing a library straight into our current IM software. Not extraordinarily pressing because I'm working on converting or deleting whats left of the jpegs on the wiki into pngs but it would be nice not to have to deal with this in the future or if we ever have to use jpegs for some reason.
Now that Map Rotation is merged, I am coding all location pages to support Delta and Meta. I will need help uploading the images for the areas though. It could take a week or two to iron this all out. If anyone's wondering, Delta is priority right now, so focus on those images first. Then Meta. After that, since we're in the swing of updating everything we can go ahead and finish updating Box locations so they're all full-tile window images.
Would you prefer to port features or sprites from other servers or for Paradise to develop more of its own original/unique(albeit harder) gamemodes, features, looks, etc. Obviously it may be a combination of both but which of the two do you think we need to do more of? And on top of that, of the various features we have on Paradise what game avenues do you think needs or could use a lot more development/work?
https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Singularity_Engine#Turning_on_the_engine Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.utf8) convert: invalid colormap index `/var/www/html/wiki/images/6/64/Containment_field.gif' @ error/colormap-private.h/ConstrainColormapIndex/35. Error code: 1
Hey everyone! Development of the wiki is a bit less vigorous than last month, however, our work has been less cleaning up/fixing and more expansionary. Now that most outstanding issues have been addressed, many of our contributors have begun branching out and improving on the quality of content in our articles. First and foremost, What needs to be done on the Wiki: Apparel needs to be rewritten Starters Guide to Admin Tools needs to be updated (more admin stuff) Guide to Atmospherics needs to have disposals piping included in the guide Implants could use some stylistic edits as well as adding a few missing images Supply Crates is missing a few crates, however, @Quacks is already fixing this Telecommunications UI images are a bit out of whack and need to be fixed/verified that they're correct There are missing images on the following pages: Tesla Engine (could also do with a rewrite) Singularity Engine (could also do with a rewrite) Derelict Researcher (needs to be written also) Headset There are a few images that are outdated I would like to see A guide to cleaning written at some point May Change Log: All Medical Pages have been updated and cleaned up thanks to @Woje Medical Doctor Guide to Medical Paramedic Chemist Numerous Grammatical/Phrasing/Spelling corrections thanks to @PopeDaveThe3th Jobs table template added to Maintenance drone Higher resolution images on Station goals Confusing information removed from Swarmer Guide to hydroponics has been updated in accordance with PR #15870 All genre pages have been transcluded into a collapsible section on the bottom of Songs You can now CTRL-F search ALL songs on the wiki again. Essentially this abstracts the wikicode for song genres onto different articles so the songs page is still editable and all songs are still properly categorized while still retaining the previous functionality of a central song page *breathe* Template:Materials has been created you can now create a materials list(with images) with ease RecursiveChem/Universal_Enzyme has been added to the Guide to Chemistry someone translated the beginning of the virology page to spanish and then back to english for some reason, that's been fixed the current year on Timeline now automatically increments by one every calendar year Supermatter Engine no longer gives terrible advice Optimized setup reccomendation has been added More information on gas mixes/coolants has been added Research Items now has all items added, plus materials and research levels, all with images and it's cleanely condensed into tabs thanks to @Quacks the page now looks fantastic this took a week or two and required 100+ sprites to be uploaded :O Rule clarification in High-Risk Items All references to the Asteroid have finally been culled from the wiki(except in archived pages of course) All songs have finished being alphabetized and sorted thanks to @SurfinNinja Additionally a 100 or so miscellaneous sprites have been reuploaded(or uploaded) in higher quality thanks to @Quacks Rescaling gifs no longer throws errors thanks to @AffectedArc07 Projects in the Work: Lore Project is slowly but surely inching closer to being ready to start I need to work on a few more templates and stuff Images on the wiki are slowly but surely all being updated to be 64x64 At some point I would like to see all location page images be updated so that windows are fulltile but that's more a QOL thing and not 100% necessary to do unless someone feels up to the task The looks of templates/articles/tables on the wiki may been rebranded soon I'm playing around with new color palates and template looks colors will be standardized and proper hue shifting will be implemented Guide to Editing the Wiki needs to be updated (admin stuff, I'll likely get to this in the coming month) I will hopefully be expanding this so that there are proper tutorials to learn sprite upscaling, creating proper location images, how to use wiki syntax, and more I will try and integrate(and split up) my current syntax guide in my user page for this Echoing my sentiments from my previous update, we're really starting to get past the cleanup phase, I don't doubt that more issues will get discovered down the road, but the worst offenders have already been taken care of. Now we're starting to address more over arching problems that deal with inconsistency, bad advice, and just poor informational material in article contents. I really want to start taking our wiki to the next level. I've consistently said that we're catching up with Baystation's wiki but that is no longer true anymore, we're exceeding it. As it stands, we are the most up to date wiki across the SS13 community. Baystation's wiki is still a place where I source valuable ideas and design concepts however it also serves as a warning for what not to do in terms of wiki administration, orginization, and community involvement. I want our wiki to be truly unique in terms of looks, style, and quality of content. In doing that, my intention is still that the development of our wiki continues to stay transparent as well as completely open to any community members who wishes to share their talents or knowledge. If you want to get involved with editing the wiki and don't know how, @ me on the discord and I'll happily sit down and teach you stuff when I get the chance. I hope to continue doing this every month. Here is a syntax guide for those who are curious As always, thanks for the hard work everyone!
I'm in full support of this. I think this would be a good way to write it, it's very clear in its meaning. It also allows doctors to continue treatment if they so choose. 11. Doctors are not obliged to treat any injuries patients sustain from repeated self-harm. After treating a patient the first time the patient should be immediately reffered to the therapist. If a patients kills themselves after recieving medical treatment for self-harm, doctors are permitted to put them in body bag, label the body bag with their name and "suicide - DNR", and deliver the body bag to the morgue for storage instead of reviving them. Additionally revising coroner procedures would probably be useful. 9. The Coroner must ensure Security-based (such as executed personnel, for instance) and Suicide DNR Notices are respected
@Kyet@AffectedArc07 I know you guys are understandably busy so I'm putting this in a forum post so you can get to it when it's convenient. The image service MW uses is called Image Magick and it apparently struggles to properly resize .gif files occasionally, namely File:Containment_field.gif. This produces this error message(on the article weirdly enough) when you attempt to reference that file and has not gone away in a couple months. Error creating thumbnail: convert: invalid colormap index `/var/www/html/wiki/images/6/64/Containment_field.gif' @ error/colormap-private.h/ConstrainColormapIndex/35. Error code: 1 I cannot pinpoint the exact problem b/c I do not have access to our server files but it has something to do with the temporary image folder that MW uses. I don't know the exact solution but there were a few notable PHP setting fixes that were discussed here and seemed to work. This is not extremely pressing but I just wanted to bring it to your guy's attention.
Reach the highest number without a MENTOR posting
Sirryan2002 replied to Trololiver112's topic in Civilian's Days
I'm amazed this thread exists, maybe you'll get to three tomorrow. -
Late introduction from a definitely iconic player
Sirryan2002 replied to MisterMan's topic in Introductions
Welcome to the server! I hope to see you around! -
I would be also happy to help you at any time with this, and there is a wiki-contributor role if you're interested in further contributing. This is very well done paperwork, it's definitely one style of running Internal Affairs that's awesome and I'm happy that you shared your templates. I will say that regarding Central Command, you never ever should contact them for hiring an IAA(you should treat it like hiring a sec officer) and if you ever do need to contact them about the chain of command ignoring you, then a simple paragraph fax and maybe one page of evidence attached is appropriate. Sending text-walls/an overabundance of paperwork is an easy way to get a snarky or non-existent reply from Central Command. All in all though, dedicated IAAs are some of the best players IMO, keep up the good work.
I tried breaking up everyone I knew well into an alignment chart, feel free to recommend me people to add/move around. I feel like it's pretty accurate though.
- 27 replies
- 12
I would like to see side by side comparison of multiple areas on our maps using our current and this spriting scheme before I make any substantial comments. I will admit it looks cool but I'm concerned it make be harder on the eyes to look at based on some of the examples you posted.