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Everything posted by Dioclex

  1. More motivation to trace over outdated formats
  2. *sips triplesec* You should buy a pod, back in my day everyone had a pod.
  3. Good poses and proportions on the figures, great work!
  4. Some shitty art and memey stuff I made, idk where to share it so here ya go yeet Might upload some more stuff later, atm I'm trying to get better at pixel art uwu I made this after a round as the HoP and a mime held me up with a finger gun. More or less memorable but I gotta say all mimes are excellent This one is an attempt at visualising my char Murvai Szechkal. The face was a relative success imo but any attempt at doing a body has been horrific
  5. Hey man, that sounds really good! You've got a really good natural vibrato in your voice, great for singing. Keep it up!
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