Hihi, As a Vox main, it is painful to see other races with boons and yearn for them.
RE: Speed Boost
I think round-start speedboost, as one of the admins mentioned in a previous conversation, is a bit much. In addition, the lore argues that Vox have short bursts of speed. Previously, I am told they had the leap ability. Roundstart speedboost will edge Vox back towards a race that is mainly used for powergaming. Many of us who like to play Vox do so for the RP and the "community". As a spitball idea here, what about an action called "Speedburst", for example, that would function on Stamina and be timer-constrained?
var/mob/living/carbon/human/user = owner
if((user.restrained() && user.pulledby) || user.buckled)
to_chat(user, "<span class='warning'>You need freedom of movement to go fast!</span>")
if(user.getStaminaLoss() >= 50)
to_chat(user, "<span class='warning'>Rest before bursting again!</span>")
to_chat(user,"<span class='warning'>You feel a burst of energy in your legs!</span>")
addtimer(user, user.status_flags &= GOTTAGOFAST, 15)
user.status_flags |= GOTTAGOFAST
This could function like the Unathi "Tail Lash" action. Don't quote me on the code. I don't know if it works it doesn't work - I'm new to coding and just mocked it up based on the Unathi "Tail Lash".
A 15-second burst of speed for 20 stamina doesn't seem too bad. After all, "[Vox's] often short bursts of speed [are] little more than that".
RE: Shock Immunity
Hmm. Shock Immunity would allow Vox to go and hack doors, vendors, etc. and make them shocked with no consequences to their own health. I'm all for balancing and lore, but I don't want to make certain races more useful for antags than others without tradeoffs.
And, hey, what the heck, Plasmemes? Shouldn't they have a lower Burn damage modifier instead of a higher one?
Organs not decaying is great and all. What's even better is when it's not applied to everyone else as well. What would be best is if it even mattered. Baldbay just sticks Vox in the Cloner and declares them "dead" and "There's nothing we can do, Jim". Or they shove those Crit Vox into cryotubes and watche them die. Oh, huh, how did that happen? Oh well, you're dead now and they don't know what SR is. Sometimes, they do, but they don't use it on you for one reason or another. Maybe they don't like your scale colors? I'd happily surrender NO_DECAY.