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Beo208 last won the day on April 22 2022

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About Beo208

  • Birthday March 2

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Grey Tider

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  1. I'll concede the off-duty one, then, that's fair enough. Duty Officer could still work, especially for a member of Command Staff since changing the title via the HoP's console voids chat amplification as far as I'm aware. Logistics Officer would be fine for QM, sure.
  2. This is purely superficial and likely to cause confusion at first. I'd like to see alternate names for certain roles that lack them. I appreciate the names of certain jobs are exactly that and don't need to expand from it. However, there are a few I feel could be added to mainly for RP reasons. New names will be in bold. Assistant/Off-Duty Crewmember (I know all the assistant names were removed but this one could make sense in line with them still having a role on the station, just off-duty at the moment. And it's not like the flood of unofficial visitors and tourists within a secure space station.) Head of Personnel/Duty Officer Cargo Technician/Logistics Officer Research Director/Chief Nerd (kidding) Again, not a whole lot on selection here and again these are purely suggestions. Feel free to discuss, I just think they add a certain level of professionalism to the roles that still pertain to their stated duties. Additionally, it probably wouldn't be hard at all to implement but in that regard I really have no idea how it would happen.
  3. Nanotrasen Employment Records System establishing server uplink... please hold >access_personnel_file "Kahkeri" file address accepted, data retrieved from fileserver, please input authorization... >************ input accepted, access granted! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kahkeri D.O.B: 21/03/2540 (age: 26) P.O.B: Arkship Scored by Weapons of Lesser Foes, NT designation A-3. Gender: Male Race: Vox Blood Type: B+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corporate Notes As Of Employment: (20/03/2566) Despite reports of being something of an outcast, Kahkeri has settled in well to his new employment and with his new crewmembers, especially and understandably so with our existing Vox community. Evaluation shall continue in its early stages at present, although no alarms have been raised as of yet. We believe Kahkeri fully capable of integration and that any problems that may arise from his past have been firmly and completely put to rest, see [ITEM REDACTED] on [DATE REDACTED] for further details about his work with [ITEM REDACTED]. More notes to follow, ensure all proceedings are appropriately dated and ordered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known History: Kahkeri was born on Arkship A-3 (full name is above and will not be used in full for brevity), and very little, if anything, is known or has been found to piece together the time between then and his first contact with NT operatives in the [NAME REDACTED] System. Before falling under our employment he was something of a gun-for-hire, doing odd-jobs with various mercenary groups and work for the [NAME REDACTED] through their many clandestine fronts. It is likely Kahkeri had no knowledge of his true benefactors and displays no ideological motivations, which is why he is not considered a threat at this moment in time. It is duly noted that given his past, his long-term commitments are virtually non-existent, moving from place-to-place and never remaining put - this is something we hope to amend, and efforts to secure Kahkeri's continued and full employment after his probation period ends should be of the highest priority. Skills and Duty Recommendations: Kahkeri is suited for combat, see above for his previous related history. Struggle is something that comes naturally to him, and his physical strength despite his short stature is something to behold. His weapons handling is above satisfactory, with special notes pertaining to sidearms and medium-range rifles, of which his scores were graded excellent or above. His role within a team is also well-defined in his head, although not a leader (yet), he is quick-thinking and fast to act. His deployment within security teams is highly recommended, and given enough time and commended service Kahkeri would make an excellent candidate for the Blueshield program or an ERT operative. It is also worth noting that Kahkeri has demonstrated an understanding of engineering and tool systems, and given his physical build and mentality towards the field he could also be put forward for official engineering qualifications in the future. This path, while perhaps not his desired one at present, is a worthy option that we believe should be explored if given the chance. Additionally, if Kahkeri proves resistant or becomes a liability to NT's goals at any time, reconditioning is authorized following a pre-specified period of manual labour, likely as a mining conscript. Employee is to be listed as crucial and is not to be treated as some expendable grunt, given how much of an asset Kahkeri could prove to be, we want him on our side. This is non-negotiable and any kickback against this ruling will be met with a similar sentence or worse. Medical Evaluation: Physical: Taken on 05/03/2566, Dr. Wilson O'Brien supervising... Mental: Taken on 06/03/2566, Dr. Joanna Richards supervising... Miscellaneous Notes: Employee's record is rather minimal, expected to be expanded over time as more information on them becomes available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >exit record closed, server uplink terminated, you may exit this window. (This is of course, IC information, OOC info is below, or will be eventually. Expect edits and updates whenever I can or feel the need! Cheers!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General OOC Information Usual Occupations: Warden Security Officer Station Engineer Atmospheric Technician Quartermaster Cargo Technician Shaft Miner Janitor Biography: With a cortical stack over three-hundred years old by the time it was implanted in what you know as Kahkeri, there was bound to be some overcrowding, and as such he had a fairly substandard upbringing. It is theorised that this was the cause of much of his emotional instability as a youngster. Prone to foul tempers and long periods of silence, they were dismissed at first as his body adapting to the memories and experiences of previous owners, and that it wouldn't take long for everything to settle down. It did not settle down. A sadistic, resentful being grew as Kahkeri matured, and a few unfortunate, almost tragic incidents on his home Arkship, Scored by Weapons of Lesser Foes, led to his banishment shortly after this twentieth birthday. Citing they no longer had a choice, and that he was beyond the graces of salvation, Kahkeri was cast out of his birthplace and left to drift amongst the stars as a vagrant.
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  4. Hi hi! Or hello, I guess. Depends on who you get! And that's not my multiple personalities talking ;) I've been almost exclusively playing my character of Gideon Brooks up until now (bio in the works), but given the removal of some Karma jobs I've now joined the Vox bois in the form of Kahkeri, who has been really fun and different to play! But this is meant to be an intro, and it's probably one that's long overdue. I've been registered properly since 2020 but I've been playing a little longer than that, uni and other commitments tend to get in the way of a prolonged binge now, as well as doing some silly stuff when I'd just joined that definitely didn't win me any cool points , but I do be a changed person now, and my time spent on Paradise so far has been nothing short of an awesome experience. So thanks to you guys who make that happen, and I'll see you all server-side! Cheers, Beo.
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