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Everything posted by magicpussycat
Excuse me, but no. You said that the thing I did was "stupid as fuck", which clearly implies that you think I'm "stupid as fuck". Don't try to backtrack now and pretend you never said that. Seriously! Well I had *no idea* that was a thing here, which makes being pelted with such an extreme insult all the more ridiculous. Perhaps in the future you will politely inform people about when they're breaking some rule or convention rather than spurting insults. I didn't reply to this thread specifically to mess with you, I had *absolutely no idea* this was going to be a problem until I saw what you typed.
Necroposting? It wasn't even off of the first page. I'm confused. Why exactly am I, quote, "stupid as fuck" for replying to this?
My ultimate plan for being a syndicootie (whenever the antag picker sees fit to bless me again), goes something like this: - One guy sneaks over to the armory exterior, blows a hole in the hull, and chucks in enough bombs to evaporate half of sec. This will put all of sec's heavy gear into space, making it exceptionally difficult to retrieve. Bomber dude can then run around murdering anyone who sticks their head out. - The rest of the dudes teleport onto the bridge immediately afterwards, armed to the teeth, and proceed directly towards the pinpointer's pointer location, killing everything that gets in their way, chucking bombs into intersections in the CPH, the grav gen, medbay, etc. - Ideally there is another dude whose sole task is to kill the AI, and should be in position and ready to make this happen at more or less exactly the same moment that the bomber guy is starting his mischief. That's just my crappy idea anyway!
Anything that has the potential to cause mayhem automatically has my support.
You lock 50 people in a metal box for two hours and you DON'T expect them to want to absolutely slaughter one another by the end of it? Geeeez. I vote that end-round grief actually be LONGER than 60 seconds, sometimes that simply isn't enough for me to unpack all of my rage :3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh my gosh I love you guys! I play Sec like 90% of the time and I'm just trying to pass on what seems to work for me (and other people). I'm so happy that this advice is so well-received :'D I love this server and I love everyone on it, even the STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM who make it all worth it.
Commissar corgi. All hail Commissar corgi +9001 Admins pls
This breaks some basic fundamentals of SS13. Literally. Like Ian's back?
Shamelessly bumping because this idea is too good to die.
Remember that behind every crewmember is an actual human being who, just like you, signed on to this weird little spessmen game for one reason only: to have a good time. Be polite. Be courteous. Help people. Have a sense of humor. Admit when you're wrong. Endeavor to fix your mistakes. Go the extra mile for people in tough situations. Showing your fellow crewmembers a little respect goes a long way. If you do right by them, they will often do right by you. Remember that you are not a one-officer army, and that you can be slipped and stripped like anyone else. Shitcurity relies on their tazer and baton for protection, Security relies on the good rapport they've established with their fellow crewmembers. If you've got a good rapport, then it's not "You VS The Station", it's "The Station (and you, sometimes) VS the bad guys". Unless you're in immediate danger, your first action in any situation should be talking, not stunning/cuffing. Most situations can be resolved by simply talking to people. It's amazing how cooperative most people will be if you just open your talk box and RP at them a little. Be a professional. When you bring people in, make sure everyone knows why/what they're charged with. Conduct searches quickly and respectfully. Make sure that suspects get medical attention ASAP if required. Remember that when you arrest someone, they are under your protection, and that you are responsible for their safety and well-being. Try putting yourself in their shoes and treat them as you would like to be treated. Your character might be a grizzled spess veteran, and their character might be an incomprehensibly evil spess criminal, but you are both people who are just trying to enjoy their spess game. Act like it. If you must get your hands dirty - be swift and decisive. Apply the baton or tazer bolts, snatch up dropped weapons, clear the area, and bring 'em in. Call for backup if you think things are about to go pear-shaped. Don't let the criminal scum get the drop on you - a dead sec officer is no good at all. Don't be an overzealous dick about criminal infractions. Cut people some slack from time to time. Reduce sentences for good behavior. Let people go if you can't prove they've committed a crime. Return items that aren't contraband. Make sure prisoners are comfortable and well looked-after. Give people second chances. And above all - be nice
Oh god yes. It should be some hilarious number of people, too.
YES. We need to make this happen! I just played a round where a bunch of dudes were in a "gang", and it was pretty amusing from my perspective as the HoS Lmfao, yeah. It was pretty hilarious. Me, Kikiya and another vox (so sorry I forgot your name!) were in the bar when these four-five guys came in and said 'this is our turf, scram'. We had a bit of a standoff before some shoving came about-- but when the bananas got dropped, we slipped them hardcore. Eventually the bananas ended up in the trash and I got bucked to a chair and beat into crit, but damn it was funny as hell. As soon as security rolled up one of the guys was like 'cheeze it' and everyone split, hahaha. Bloody hilarious shenanigans. Awesome IIRC I was the one who trashed the bananas. That's part of my SOP when I play sec. You guys were cool
How does that work?
I'm strongly of the opinion that these goals should at least be possible, at minimum.
YES. We need to make this happen! I just played a round where a bunch of dudes were in a "gang", and it was pretty amusing from my perspective as the HoS
Thank you! <3 <3 <3
More or less exactly this
Presently, you can track an officer's vitals, location, and watch him on camera by sitting down at a security monitor with a handheld crew monitor in your mitts. If an officer thinks they're about to walk into danger and asks someone to watch over them remotely, this is possible already. The only place that it isn't really possible (at least not fully - you can still use a crew monitor) is in maintenance, due to lack of cameras, but perhaps for balance purposes the body cams could just not work in maint (and other areas of "high interference" or whatever)? Like I said, my main goal here is to strike a balance between giving the HoS a way to monitor his officers/curb abuse and not making sec officers super hard to kill. Could you explain what you mean by this?
I don't dislike it, but I don't feel it's really the HoP's style, either. While we're on the subject, I've long wished for all command staff to wear something vaguely similar, actually. The fact that they all look very different is a little strange.
Not entirely :3 Firstly, it's a two-part system - you have to have someone on the other end watching them, too, and who's going to sit there for the whole shift and watch every officer every moment of their beat? Secondly, it seems to me that the danger to the antag is roughly equivalent to the already-extant danger of the officer just shouting their name and location over comms. People still have to get to the officer, and by the time they do that the antag's deed will most likely be finished with. Side thought: Maybe the HUD could automatically deactivate upon being stripped? That takes what, a few seconds? Well...the AI can already do this, for the most part. It is an interesting point though, since it would mean the AI could follow them literally wherever they go, like a cyborg. That's not something I had really thought about while writing this. I'm not sure what the solution to that is. It would seem strange if the AI couldn't access those cameras, but at the same time, maybe it would make more sense for them not to. My main goal with this thought experiment was to lessen shitcurity and abuse, not make it harder for antags to do antag stuff. My fantasy is the HoS being able to remotely monitor officers so they can see what they are ACTUALLY doing, rather than what the officer or the clown says they are doing. I agree though, it makes sense to place some restraints in there so that it doesn't become an impediment for antags who are just trying to finish their objectives.
I also play Sec/Blueshield a lot, and here are my thoughts about your thoughts! I see where you're going with these, but Sec officers need those things. The tazer and baton together provide an idiot-proof and non-harmful way for Sec to control suspects both at a distance and up close. If you take them away, Sec is basically defenseless against even the most lightly-armed suspect and can really only control people by asking politely (and hoping they're not wearing sunglasses). While I fully endorse using the minimum level of force necessary, that minimum level is usually the tazer/baton. I agree 100% with this. I agree 50% with this - yes on the pepper spray, no on the baton. Like I said up there, the baton is often the minimum level of force necessary, and being a Brig Physician means you occasionally have to corral unruly prisoners/suspects. I think that the baton is the only 'weapon' that the Brig Phys should get, though. While I have often privately wished for these things during a round, I think it goes too far and beyond the role of the Brig Phys. I understand your complaint about taking people to medbay making the BP redundant, but I think turning the BP into a surgeon as well as a paramedic (which is basically what they are now) would make Medbay redundant. Frankly, I feel that crew should be able (and encouraged) to request these things at any time, for any reason. I feel kinda 50/50 about this one. Deep down in the warmer portions of my gut I feel that the almighty Fax Machine should be restricted to command staff only. It's not really the BS's job to call the shots on any level, it's just to assist the shot-callers. Having access to a fax seems to supersede the staff placed above the BS in the chain of command in a subtle way. I think the BS should have expanded access in general, but not for this reason. I'd just put some extra equipment in their office if it were up to me. Agree 100% One BS change I'd like to see myself is replacing their revolver with a semiauto that only the BS gets. It would function more or less identically to the revolver, it would just look and perhaps sound differently. I'd also like to see the BS office redesigned/repositioned in some way. The current placement seems very random and the office itself is quite boring.
I must confess that I am not being entirely serious, but at the same time this is the game where you can pretend to be a mime who works on a space station