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Everything posted by Pyrodes

  1. Only two people are usually assigned to fixing IPCs, two. And I've seen too many bald roboticists unable to fix IPCs or not prioritizing them, instead making mechs or borgs and/or leaving them aside for quite a long time, or simply just giving up. I feel that if medbay had a dedicated spot for IPC repair, there would be less round-ending instances like these for players, with more people being able to help them instead of just two roboticists. My reasoning may not be the best here, but I feel like this is necessary.
  2. Three officers beating the clown!
  3. With the current cost of the hardsuit (8 tc), the fact that it's S-class, and also that the black and red spacesuit has about the same armor values as the blood-red and isn't at all contraband, it's a much cheaper option which is only four tc. This makes the hardsuit just not worth it, the hardsuit being made six TC or C-class would possibly make it more appealing and useful.
  4. +1, would like to see these implemented ingame
  5. dope, i give it a +1
  6. Wouldn't species selection already do that?
  7. I believe this feature could go along with selecting your species and give you more choices on appearance while spawning in.
  8. Some implants would be restricted to security or command roles, such as CNS rebooter, and you could have some kind of a system similar to the loadout menu where are limited "slots" for you to pick from.
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