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Everything posted by Viz

  1. I uh, I might have at least one issue with that
  2. Looks good! :D
  3. A use for combat miners? An excuse for assistants to go unga in a controlled way? Love it.
  4. This is super cool!
  5. I said I'd do it and here it is. CandyChem.
  6. T-that's the joke, AA
  7. B.O.O.P. lore! Yay! I didn't expect the plushie thing to have such an interesting backstory. This is really, really cool, as expected from one of the coolest borg players. It's rare to see borg players put any effort at all into their character, and this is really top tier stuff.
  8. This cargo meteor is the nastiest meteor I've ever seen. What the actual fuck.
  9. Oh wow you can spell words quite decently when you try to! :^) I really like it, I'm not sure why you told me it probably sucks. It's good!
  10. Since @ItsMarmite has not posted this image, I will be the one to do so. Credit to him for making it. Credit to me for getting slaughtered like the chicken I am for saying the truth about vox.
  11. Ah cargo, the roots for so many of us. I hope you continue having fun! See you around!
  12. The convenience store is just Chang's with some vendor stuff. You could do this in minutes honestly if you already had a plan. The Pizzeria seems to be clown's office!
  13. People who can use forums are not that old are we? Please... Anyway yes hello although we're friends already.
  14. Fatt. I'm happy that such an iconic character now has public records on forums. Now that I think about it, we've never interacted ICly that much, it's always cult or goddamn vampires when I'm sec/command. I need to fix that.
  15. Or make them check if a wizard is using them and fail, perhaps spectacularly, if not. Yes, I'm aware of the lavaland consequences! >:)
  16. haha YES, the wave of RP revolution!
  17. HELL YEAH IT'S MY BOY LETOV. Very cool, nice work with the Papers, Please thing.
  18. We were talking about cell sizes. Fucking cell sizes. CYTOBIOLOGY. You all need to get your gotdang minds out of the gutter...
  19. I'd include it for weapons that are actually meant to be weapons but documenting the damage of every random object is highly pointless.
  20. It cracks me up every time science does this.
  21. Everybody gangsta until dwarf instantly hops over HoP desk, prods them, and takes their ID :^)
  22. Disagree on a few ratings here. Cold res is essential for spaceproofing, and EVA capable antags are almost impossible to catch if they're smart. Similarly Dwarf is trespass galore and lets you use places like cargo or R&D for escapes that Security can cry about at most. Really cool guide otherwise, though. I'm sure it'll come in handy for a lot of tator tots! :)
  23. Hi. You're a good borg, do stick around :)
  24. Also, let's not forget the tesla that spawn camped for 10 minutes and absolutely obliterated the arrivals shuttle in the process.
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